
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Kirschner Family Vacation (Day 2)

The highlight of day 2? ICE CREAM!!!



  1. ice cream and the beach...that's it, I'm not reading your blog any more!

    still praying for you guys...enjoy your family time.

  2. Now that looks like a lot of fun!!!

  3. Lots for ice cream for the 37 kids under 5 years of age! :)

    Nothing like the memories of summers at the beach with family!

    What a gift!



  4. Did Gwyneth get a bite? JK...Our family loves beach vacations but we always go to Destin, FL. Maybe we should try the OBX next time....Have a great time...still praying for you in Memphis even though my family makes fun of me for talking about you guys like I really do know you :)

  5. That's a lot of ice cream cones! Hope you are having a good time and finding time to relax!

  6. Almost 5 million hits!

  7. ooh, almost 5 million! I'll have to leave and come back about 75 times :)

  8. Wow, that was fast. It was at 4999914 and literally 2 minutes later 5000016! You really do have lots of readers!

  9. I tried so hard to be # 5,000,000.
    I opened up about 10 new pages within 20 seconds and I still didn't make it. I did get 5,000,002 on one of them though. Close.

    I know, thats ridiculous to waste my time doing that, but it was kind of fun.

    I am so happy that Tricia is able to be with her family this week.

  10. Those are some cute photos!!! :)
    They sure look like they were enjoying their Ice cream! :)

    Congrats on over 5 million hits. :)

    Amy in Oregon

  11. Glad to see everyone having so much fun!

    Here is something from my blog for you:

    I found some old Readers Digests at a antique store in my home town. I was reading one tonight, the January 1948 issue, and it reminded me of the couple from the cfhusband website, I thought I'd share it here, and plan to post it on their site, even though I'm sure the history of Duke is on a wall somewhere at Duke. :)

    Readers Digest, January 1948, page 146.

    The Question
    Condensed from This Week Magazine
    Jonathan Daniels

    Every day Duke University Hospital in North Carolina is filled with all kinds of people, come from a whole state to it's wards and it's clinics. It is a part not only of the monument to a man but of the hope of a people.
    And there are those who say that the whole thing grew from the pathetic question of a child put to a man of wealth and power.
    James Buchanan Duke, who had made a tobacco fortune, was moving into water power. His private car rolled onto sidings near drab litle towns by potential power sites. Duke looked in dress and girth like the conventional portrait of a millionaire. The deferential attentions paid him by his secretaries and engineers made the portrait complete.
    The little people in the little towns looked at him with awe. And one who looked was a small boy. He followed him around, listened to Duke's questions, his orders, his decisions. And finally the boy put himself squarely in front of the great man and asked his own great question.
    "Mister," he asked, "can you cure fits?"
    The secretaries and engineers laughed. But Duke was irritated with them and ws interested in the child. The boy had asked the man who had the oney to harness rivers something like the same questions which long ago tested the powers of King Canute.
    Duke questioned the boy. It turned out that the child's father was subject to fits. That meant tragedy and poverty in his large family. They say that there and then Duke gave orders that attention be given to the boy's father. They also say that he went off in his car, not satisfied.
    The child's question is a part of the hospital. There are always limits to power. But a child or a millionaire can both seek to the limit of their powers. The Duke Hospital is a monument to their seeking together.

  12. what? No ice cream for Gwyneth?

  13. Such good looking children =) =)
    one day the memories of this family vacation will be a treasure!!!!
    Oh hey, I love the pics
    Patricia N.

  14. Wow, i don't know whose kids belong to whom, but they are all so beatiful and of course ice cream faces make them all the more so! I was so surprised not to see a Nate ice-cream face :))
    Enjoy your wonderful family vacation!

  15. You sure have an adorable family! Looks like a great vacation is being had by all.

  16. I'm so excited for Trisha, Gwyneth and you to be able to have this time at home with so many of your family together. How exciting.

  17. So happy for you guys...hope you get to keep enjoying the family and don't have to head back to Duke this week!

    And wow, Gwyneth is such a cutie!!!

    Blessings & strength,

    Southern Ca

  18. I wish I had a brother like you taking pictures of my kids! You are so talented and it always looks like you have an optmistic viewpoint with your camera. Enjoy this precious time with your family, it looks like fun! We keep praying!

  19. Nothing better to photograph than kids with ice cream cones!!!

    I can't believe you've hit 5 million. That is crazy! You are loved.

  20. Next year Miss Gwynneth will be eating ice cream with her cousins!!

    I have only written about 2 comments since I began following your blog some months ago, but I check in daily so count me in the 5 million member mark. I am privileged to pray for you and your precious family.

    Susan in Pensacola

  21. Gah how I miss the beach. My husband and I really need to plan another vacation at the cape.

    The little boy in the first picture - you can see his grownup face. It doesn't happen often, but sometimes you can look at a toddler and see their grownup face shining through. My oldest nephew was that way and this one is, too.

  22. Fun stuff - so nice to see these happy faces. Gwyneth sure has herself a lot of fun cousins to love and be loved by (not to mention aunts and uncles).

  23. Your family and extended family are all adorable! I love the beach! Must be so much fun to have the whole family together:)
    Still keeping you guys in our prayers!

  24. Oh Yeah,

    Summer, ice cream and cute kids. Isn't life grand. This is more than I hoped for when I was praying you guys home. Enjoy every single moment and know I continue to pray for your girls big time.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  25. MmMmMm.... Looks like they were really enjoying that ice cream! They are all so cute!


  26. I can't wait to see a picture of Gwyneth with her ice cream cone in about two years!

  27. Nate, we don't watch 'cause you're good is all those cute kids in the family, especially the ones with ice cream faces!! I love it when our whole family goes to the beach for a week!!

    Shari, NC

  28. your beach posts make me long for mid- August when me, husband, daughter, my 4 sisters & brothers in law & countless neices and nephews (22 in all) will also be enjoying a week at OBX (Corolla)! We can't wait!


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