
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Kirschner Family Vacation (Day 3)

We spent some time yesterday evening out on the beach with a few of the kids. But first, here's a pic of Uncle Joe and Aunt Carolyn just because I haven't shown you a pic of them yet.


PS. The pics tonight went great! I'll share a few of my favorites with you tomorrow!


  1. WOW love the wind in Tricia's har!!!!

  2. Great pictures--and Tricia looks beautiful! Her sweetness and sparkle shines right through that lens.

  3. Looks like fun - I'll be at Oak Island, NC on Saturday! I hope the weather is as beautiful as it looks like you had!

  4. Those are awesome pics. I want a vacation. That looks like an awesome place to have fun.

  5. So awesome Nate! Great pics and absolutely love seeing Tricia on the beach...have a great time. and thanks sooo much for sharing your family vacation with us...

  6. you always take grat pictures! I can't wait to go to the beach. Looks so much fun and refreshing.

  7. Hey, you keep writing, we'll keeping reading! You have a wonderful gift in how you write and such a powerful journey you are writing about.

    Love seeing Trish on the beach enjoying special times with family, it really is a blessing to have family who are so caring and giving and loving!

    Warmest regards
    Karen and family
    Vancouver, BC

  8. We've been praying the Lord will allow you all to enjoy every moment of the time together. We are praying for strength for Trisha! Have a blast!

  9. What a fun time. I'm so glad you all are getting to enjoy the beach again! Have a fantastic day.


  10. You have a beautiful family, and your vacation looks like so much fun! We're driving to the OBX from Massachusetts this year for vacation in August and if we have half as much fun as you guys look like you're having, I'm going to be very happy!!!

  11. Beautiful pictures of your family. It is such a blessing to see Tricia out of the hospital and free! She looks so healthy and pretty. God bless your vacation.

    Laurie in Ca.

  12. It is so great to see you with your extended family just having great 'family time'. We just spent 5 days with my family, celebrating my parents 50th anniversary. After almost losing my Mom this year, it REALLY made our family time so much more special... I'm sure you guys are feeling that even more.

  13. Great photos...Tricia looks so content.

    Can't wait to see tomorrow's batch!

  14. Tricia looks awesome!!! THe beach looks so relaxing, I'm jealous!!!
    Continue enjoying the fun of summer.


  15. Great pictures. I especially love the one of Tricia. I just returned from a business trip to Norfolk. I thought of your family each time I saw a sign for Nags Head on the interstate. I could really smell the smoke from the fires on Monday and again - it made me think of Tricia.

    Enjoy your precious family time.

    Upstate New York

  16. Great pictures as usual! Looks like you all had some more fun and Tricia looks WONDERFUL!!! So happy you guys were able to be there to spend time with the family. Will be waiting too see more pictures!


  17. Thanks for sharing the pictures.
    Love seeing those of you and Tricia on the beach!!

  18. Hey Nate-- I am in Duke hospital this week (again) and was talking to my primary doctor this morning about getting married and starting a family down the road, and she mentioned you guys (talking about complications in CF pregnancy). It made me laugh!

  19. I just have to say how beautiful it is to see Tricia on the beach and the wind in her hair. God is good.

    Now I miss seeing Gwyneth!

  20. These pictures are fantastic! Love em!


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