
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Long Day

Today was very, very long.

But, if all goes as planned, it will be our last day in Durham.

We should be home tomorrow.



  1. That is awesome! I'm so glad that you all got the okay to go home! I hope the trip goes well and that you are all rested up for it. (I'm excited I'm your first comment for this post too!)
    ~Kim in Ohio

  2. How very exciting!! I will be praying for safe travel for all of you. I am sure it will feel wonderful to be home. Good luck with the house hunting!!


  3. Oh glory! Nate we rejoice with you and Tricia and the baby!
    May God continue to go with you all the way back home to the OBX. Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in prayer since the beginning of your journey!!



  4. That is very exciting. Praying for your beautiful family! Good luck getting settled.

  5. HURRAY!
    have a safe trip home. update us when you can...(we realize you are a busy man right now!)

  6. I am so happy that you are actually heading home tomorrow! I will be praying that everything goes according to plan... God is faithful!

    There really is no place like home.

  7. Woot! That is so wonderful! Travel safely!

  8. You sound exhausted. I can only imagine all you've had to do and all that is on your mind.

    It's so amazing and exciting and awesome that you are going home to the OBX...the three of you as a family unit! I'll be praying for safety and the transition and good health for all.

  9. Nate---that is so awesome! I hope everything goes according to plans!!

  10. Absolutely wonderful news! I am praying for all the very best for you and your family. You've come a long way and I know God will keep you going! Many prayers from South Dakota.

  11. I don't post often, but I read everyday. I just want to say that I am thrilled that you are all going to be heading home.


  12. Fantastic News! We will be praying for a smooth transition for you and your girls as you finally head HOME. Praise God as He continues to show His faithfulness through your story!

    The Edwards family

  13. Tomorrow? Does your mother know about this?

  14. Rejoicing with you- praying that home will be all you need it to be.... that you continue to know God's presence as He continues to uphold, preserve and strengthen you... continuing in prayer...

  15. YEAH!!!!N God is so good!!! I know ya'll are SOOOO excited!!! Can't wait to see going home pics!!!!!

  16. June 4, 2008...What a day it will be! Can't wait to see pics of the first family walk on the beach! Have a wonderful drive HOME!!!

  17. This is awesome news!! Will be praying for you and the transition as well as the perfect home!!

  18. "Does your mother know about this?" That made me laugh....does she?! :) I hope so, granmas need time to prepare!

  19. Awesome news!
    I will be praying for a safe trip home.
    I hope all of you get a great night sleep after such a long day.

  20. How exciting! Have a safe trip home. Take care!

  21. Praise the Lord!! That's fantastic news!! Continuing to pray for you as you make this HUGE transition!!

  22. Thats great...and I bet Grandma and Grandpa are so excited to!!:)
    You sound tired Nate. I am sure it will just do a world of good to be home. For all of you!!
    Safe Journey and many prayers coming your way.

    By the way thanks for the comment.Your very welcome!!

    Always Hope.

  23. GOOD LUCK with the move and only health and happiness as you begin the next chapter!

  24. Prayers for a safe and happy trip home. It has been an awesome journey to see God in your lives.
    Christy in KY

  25. Wonderful news!!! I am so happy for your family. Will be praying for safe travels.
    Love & Hugs,

  26. You are an amazing family! Thank you for sharing with us, it was nice having an update and knowing your absence has been from good business and packing!

    Make sure you get the carseat in tight, at the correct angle, make sure the straps aren't too loose, and the chest clip is at arm pit level. I hope someone is around to help you out with the carseat for the ride home!!! (I'm a carseat fanatic!)

    Also hope you got the book I sent :)

    Apryl in NC

  27. Congratulations! I pray you will be able to get settled quickly & stay healthy.

  28. FANTASTIC! And to think less than five months ago, Gwenyth was a wee micro preemie and Tricia had different lungs. Amazing how far you guys have come in a short time; many continued blessings to you all.

  29. I have never left you a comment before, but I have visited you site daily since I heard about your story. I have kept your family in our family prayers. Your story has touched me so very much, and has changed my opinion on organ donation. I think your story is so very amazing, and how you have kept your faith in our Heavenly Father through the whole process, is amazing to me! I hope nothing but the best for you and your wonderful family! As a first time parent myself, it goes by so fast, and the first year (which we are experancing now), is the best, they grow and learn so much, it the best to watch!!
    Congratulations to you and your family! And thank you for sharing your story with so many!!

    Take care!

    The Rasor's

  30. I have never left you a comment before, but I have visited you site daily since I heard about your story. I have kept your family in our family prayers. Your story has touched me so very much, and has changed my opinion on organ donation. I think your story is so very amazing, and how you have kept your faith in our Heavenly Father through the whole process, is amazing to me! I hope nothing but the best for you and your wonderful family! As a first time parent myself, it goes by so fast, and the first year (which we are experancing now), is the best, they grow and learn so much, it the best to watch!!
    Congratulations to you and your family! And thank you for sharing your story with so many!!

    Take care!

    The Rasor's

  31. I'm so excited you are (almost) on your way home. Have a safe trip!! I can't wait to hear how good home feels after all this time.

  32. That is terrific news!! So happy for all of you. I cannot even imagine what you and Tricia must be feeling. I will be praying that God provides just the right home for your beautiful family.

    Praying and trusting God,

  33. I am so happy for you guys! Praying tomorrow goes well and that you have a safe trip HOME!! I'll continue praying for you as Tricia and Gwyneth need to continue to stay healthy. Many blessings to all of you! God is so good! Thanks for sharing so much of your life with the world!

  34. Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

  35. Wow!!!! keep us posted! Praying and rejoicing, jen in al

  36. I am praying for a safe trip HOME!!! Tears of joy for the three of you.

  37. How exciting. Have a safe journey.

  38. So glad you're going home!! It really is the best feeling ever to see all the friends etc again! p.s. your world-visitor-map looks like it has cancer...

  39. So so so so happy for y'all! May God bless your trip home with angels on all four corners of your vehicle to get you there safely and without incident!

    @ Alice ~ Your p.s. made me giggle! Praying you're still doing well....

  40. Wooooooooohoooooooo!!! :)
    What exciting news!!! :)
    We will be praying for a safe trip home for you all. :)
    Amy in Oregon

  41. We'll be praying for a safe trip home, for continued health for all of you and adjustment to your new life.

  42. We would so much like to be there! :-)

    Lots of love from France,

  43. You and your family will be in my prayers. I can't believe you are finally going home. What an answer to prayer and what a mighty God we serve. You and your beautiful wife and daughter are a living testimony to just how great and loving our heavenly Father is. To God be the glory!! Have a safe trip home.

  44. Praise God!! What a blessing! Praying for you as you travel HOME today!!!

  45. YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ty helped carrying in some of your things yesterday. Sorry about the broken . . . .

    Just joking!

  46. Hey! I get to hold my great niece today. Lucky!

  47. How Wonderful! Congratulations Lawrenson Family!

  48. So happy for you! Never believed in miracles until I found your blog! Safe travels for you all!


  49. Wow! It's really happening! Excellent news.... so very happy for you and your family!

  50. Awesome!!! What a wonderful end to this chapter of your lives! I'm sad to know that your life will go on without us all in it (as often) but SO thrilled that you can all start living this miraculous life normally!

    Can't wait to hear about the family reunion and see some homecoming video (wink, wink)! Please update as often as possible, please! You've changed my life in so many ways - making me more patient, smarter about cf and micropreemies, more spiritual, more appreciative of my healthy children and spouse, and appreciative to sleep in my own bed and not a cot! Blessings in your travels home. What a beautiful place to call "home"!

    Your family seems so great. I have to admit I'm a bit jealous that you have so much support! Keep us updated on the Great Strides '08 walk when you can, too!

    Thanks for allowing me to spend the last 5 months with you, Tric and Gwyn!

    refreshing in ohio, now less often :(

  51. What wonderful news!!!!! Enjoy your first family trip back home.

    God Bless,


  52. HOME! what a sweet little word.
    Thank you for letting us all be part of your lives during these past many months! Being part of your life has enriched my life.

    As this chapter comes to a close, I can only imagine what wonderful things are ahead for you and the girls and the rest of your families. Love to all!!!!

    The beach is calling you.

  53. Praying for safe travels and happy reunions!!

  54. How exciting! Praying for you as you get packed up to move and re-adjust to being back home. Also praying for you on Sunday!

  55. that is so exciting! I will continue to pray.

    Drive safe.

  56. Congratulations! I still pray for you daily and am thrilled that you don't have much time to blog anymore with everyone out of the hospital... what a blessing!

  57. Oh wow! I hope that you are on your way home!!!

  58. Ahh.. That is so exciting! Another amazing step for you guys. Praying that all goes well and you have a safe trip home as a family.

    God Bless!!

  59. And Nate, I know you are going to be busy when you get home, but try not to forget about all of us here! Please keep us updated as much as you can! Looking forward to some great stories and pictures of the beach with your girls. :)


  60. Lord, be with Nathan, Tricia and Gwyneth in their travels back home. Keep them safe, allow things to go smoothly and with as little stress/anxiety as possible. Thank you for the blessing that this family is. Allow them all to have a great night's rest back at home.
    In your son's precious name.

  61. Awesome news!!! So happy for you guys. Praying for a quick, safe move back home. I know you will be so blessed to be in the presence of family and friends again.

  62. How exciting! I hope by the time you read this - you are safe at home!

  63. What a joy that today has come!!!!!!! We'll be praying for you three as you make the trip home today. I can't imagine the emotions as you'll pull into the Outer Banks & Tricia, as you see the ocean once again. I'll be thinking of you all & praying for you all day long!

  64. What wonderful news! Have a safe trip home. God Bless You all.

  65. Wonderful news!

    I have been praying for this day for some time now. So happy for you all.

    GOD IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!

  66. That's exciting news! We're on the OBX this week. The weather's nice and the water's warm....a perfect week for a homecoming!

  67. Good for you! Have a safe journey!

  68. Wooooooooo Hooooooo! Praying for travelling mercies and an uneventful drive home to OBX... its been a long time coming.

    I'm sure the donor's family would be VERY proud to see you as you are welcomed home to OBX! We're still praying for them, too.

    I'm sure that Tricia has a very special guardian angel watching over her and all of you on this journey... his name is Zach, and his battle with CF unfortunately ended last Friday morning. I'm convinced that he is keeping close watch over your family now.

  69. I love the new picture at the top of your blog! Have a safe trip home. What a journey this has been for the 3 of you!



  70. How awesome! Have a safe trip home.
    God Bless!
    Washington, Missouri

  71. WOOHOO!! Praise our Lord almighty. What a HUGE answer to prayer-to be going home with your two healthy girls. Prays go with you on a safe journey.

  72. praying for safe travels for all of excited that you can finally take your girls home!

  73. Praise God!! Your story is an awesome testimony and I thank you all for sharing it so openly and honestly.

  74. oh wow!!!! it's finally here! i just cant imagine you and Tricia's joy and excitement level right now.
    Enjoy every moment of this day, will be praying for peace..


  75. Thrilled for you all!

    Praying that the move will go smoothly and that once settled an even greater sense of peace will fill your lives!

    Praying also for the host grandparents! Life is going to change wonderfully AND drastically for them =)

  76. That is very exciting! I am wishing your family well on this long journey. Also thank you for taking the time to share your story.

  77. Praying for a safe trip home! Soli Deo Gloria!

  78. I hope you all had a restful night and a safe trip home. I'm so happy for your extended family too as they get to have you closer now. :) God bless you all and I'll be praying for you all to stay in good health. :)
    ~Kim in Ohio

  79. Around every corner and at each turning point, Our Lord has kept you safe and protected you and your family. We are certain He will continue to provide for your every need and continue to take care of you. You have a tremendous ability to share your faith and to bring the Word of God into the lives and hearts of so many. May His blessings be abundant for you always!

  80. Congratulations!

    Nate, I can't seem to e-mail you as I don't remember my .mac account password and the link to e-mail you won't just tell me your e-mail address. I wanted to e-mail you a video I made recently. Due to the amazing year my family and I have experienced this past year, my dad has decided to participate in Gear Up 4 CF. GearUp4CF is a crazy fundraiser where my dad will cycle from Vancouver to Calgary (aprox. 1200Km, 746 miles) over 3 mountain ranges. It will take 9 days and all along the way he will raise awareness for Cystic Fibrosis.
    I know you have many Canadian readers and believers. I was wondering if you could post the video to gain awareness for the ride in British Columbia and Alberta.
    The video link is....
    Thank you very much Nate!
    God Bless,
    (7.5 months post double lung transplant)

  81. Just got out my atlas and stared at that road going east from Durham to the ocean, trying to imagine where you might be at this time of the day, on your journey home! My imagination went a bit wild, and I could see people all along the way, waving signs that said things like "Yeah, God! The Lawrensons are going HOME!" Smiling all day while praying for safe travels! What a Mighty God we serve!

  82. Nate:

    I thought I read earlier where your family was on the road and headed home. I must have dreamed it as I was checking back to see if you had arrived.

    I'll begin praying just in case.

    Best wishes, dp


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