
Saturday, June 7, 2008

(Bump) This Sunday

I've been asked to share our story (with the help of photos, video and music) this Sunday at Nags Head Church at 9 and 11am.

If you're near the OBX, you are more than welcome to come, especially if you don't have a church home. Just, make sure you get there early to get a seat (we tend to be packed during the summer months with or without me). :)




  1. This is so great to hear!! I know you will be glad to be back in your home church. Will the service be available online?

    Can't wait to see more pics of the girls :)

    Jessica NC

  2. Please try to get the service online. We would love to see it.

    Prayers continue.


  3. Congratulations as you move onto the next stage in your journey. Thank you, again, for the glimpse into your lives and sharing so much of your souls. What an amazing ministry you have had to the world! I applaud your use of technology to spread the Good News and Live Out Loud!

    des moines, ia

  4. Greg and I will be there, with bells on! We can't wait to see you, and know that you are back HOME!!! We love you!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Well, here I felt a little guilty for asking, no begging, for the service to be available on line only to see the other requests for the same thing!! Please add my request to the list! I have so enjoyed reading your blog, following the incredible way God is working in you, and praying for you and your family, but I have LOVED actually hearing your voice on some of your videos!! Thanks from all of us in Chile (missionaries) who love you, Tricia and Gweyneth

  7. Well, here I felt a little guilty for asking, no begging, for the service to be available on line only to see the other requests for the same thing!! Please add my request to the list! I have so enjoyed reading your blog, following the incredible way God is working in you, and praying for you and your family, but I have LOVED actually hearing your voice on some of your videos!! Thanks from all of us in Chile (missionaries) who love you, Tricia and Gwyneth

  8. We are just so happy for you~ We pray that the Lord's wonderful name will be glorified as you share His work in your lives this Sunday.
    We are just so blessed to have had the privilege to bring you before Him each day. You are such a special part of our lives, even though we've never met...maybe someday we will.
    love and prayers,
    The Lockwoods

  9. Nate - is it possible for your church to video tape that and make it available on their website? I would love to be able to see it!

  10. What an awesome opportunity! Wish I could be there. Sort of a long drive from MI though...I imagine once word gets out that you're planning on being there, it'll be standing room only for certain!

    Praying your testimony will help lead others to a relationship with God.

    That would be awesome if your church could get the service online...

  11. I am praying for the A O K to go back to the OBX!!!

  12. Katie,
    I don't want to see Greg with bells on. No. That just doesn't register well in my imagination.

  13. I wish we lived closer. I would love to be there just to cheer you on and welcome ya'll home. (From a distance that is)


  14. I can only imagine that there won't be a dry eye in the place on Sunday, as you share your amazing story. Your beautiful family is such a testament to the awesome power of God, His grace, and the abundance of His blessings and miracles. I know God will truly be glorified in your sharing of your experience. Anyone who doubts that miracles still occur will certainly be challenged by your story.

    I pray God's strongest protection and greatest blessings on you, Tricia, and Gwyneth as you get to go home and begin life anew.

  15. Another vote to please try and get the service online. I too would love to see it.

    I am so happy that the 3 of you are heading home.

    Your family is in my thoughts and prayers here in Minnesota.

  16. hallalujah!!!! oh how i wish i could be there to feel the love and the presence of God among all those people who love you so.

    congratulations. i just can't even begin to comprehend how this VICTORY will feel to you and tricia. bless your hearts!! (said in my most dripping southern drawl!)

    honestly my heart is swelling with the love that God has shone through you. nothing like a testimony to see God at work

  17. Wow!! This is truly a wonderful time! And...I agree...It would be great to see and hear your service online! Happy Trails to You!

  18. Could you post a bit of your presentation here on the blog? If not, I understand. I hope and pray it goes well. You are a wonderful husband and daddy Nate!

  19. will you post something online for us?? Boy, I would love to come down, but we will be visiting my sis in TN....

    So glad you are so close to going home!

  20. I am so happy for you three. May our heavenly Father continue to put his protecting shield on you three & may you have safe travels. Wished i could be in your church Sunday. That would be great if those that can't be there could see your story online. What a inspiring story.
    Washington, Missouri

  21. I just wanted to let you know that I had to renew my license today and I became and organ donor, all b/c of your story.

  22. We're leaving this weekend for OBX from Indianapolis...we hope to be there!

  23. Please, please, please try to get the video online! Or, give a way for us to get our hands on a hard copy. I am soooo glad for you!

  24. Add my vote to the list to try and get the service online.

    What an amazing testimony to God this will be...

  25. What a wonderful testament to God. How I wished I lived closer, but it is a little to far from CT to road trip down for the service. You and your family will continue to encourage me and my family. Our prayers continue for health, strength and joy. May God's peace continue to surround you.

  26. That is so awesome! I plan to make it that morning. We live in Elizabeth City!

  27. I hope and pray that is goes well and that people will be receptive to what you will say as you are a witness of God's love and mercy. I love you all!

  28. So happy for you guys. I too would enjoy hearing/seeing you speak, but am too far away.... Something online would be fantastic, but I understand if that isn't an option. May the Lord speak to the hearts of others through you. Thank you for being willing!

  29. Should be an emotional Sunday. Lord bless you man! Get your dad and mom some tissues!

  30. I am also kindly asking if you will make it available online?

    If not, I'm making the 1.5 hour trip to Nags Head on Sunday morning!

    I've been wanting to visit Nags Head Church for a while now. Hey, maybe it will be this Sunday?

    Although, I have to be back home in Va Beach by the afternoon, as my daughter will be participating in a fundraising event with the youth group from our church in Va Beach.

    Bye for now.

  31. Oh man.. what a tearjerker that will be. There won't be a dry eye in the house!!
    Praying that God will continue to use your family's story to reach others.

  32. Dear Heavenly Father, please use this opportunity to draw people closer to You. May they hear how faithful You have been not only in the victories but in the hard fought battles. Please give Nate the words, pictures, and moments to present that will clearly demonstrate the God that You are. May the church and Nate be blessed through the sharing.

  33. Haven't left any comments lately, but still following your story. So glad to see you guys are home. :)

  34. i just realized that nags head is part of the outer banks. do you realize how freaking lucky you are to live there? this said from someone living in the pits of texas. (my son and his wife's family are vacationing out there as we speak!)

  35. Should be an awesome service, I'm sure alot of emotion for everyone following the story. We'll be praying. I'll be busy myself during that time so hopefully can catch the podcast.

  36. I just want to let you know that today was my second time to the Nags Head Church. I have lived on the OBX for 13 years and searched for a great church that I could grow in! Your message today touched my heart so much and I have already been praying for your family and your doctors visit on Tues. I asked God in service today why your family, you have so much trust and faith, and I believe he answered me and said that is exactly why!
    PS-the music rocked!


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