
Friday, June 27, 2008


Four years ago today, I married the most incredible woman on the face of the planet. These past four have been an adventure far beyond description or comprehension. I can't even begin to put into words, but I think these next few pics say it all....

If you'd like to say "Happy Anniversary" with more than words (and we totally appreciate the words!), please consider donating to my Personal CF Great Strides Fundraising Goal (click "click to donate" at the bottom of the linked page) to help insure that the three of us also get to spend our 5th anniversary healthy and together.




  1. wow, i think i may be the first to wish you a Happy Anniversary Blog style!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL:) loving all the pictures! Praying, jen in al

  2. nope, looks like i am # 2!:) so close and yet so far! praying for many more years of health and joy for all of you! praying, jen in al

  3. Happy Anniversary guys!!! Love all the beach pics.

  4. Happy Anniversary you two! I hope you have the most spectacular day ever. God bless!


  5. Happy Anniversary!!! Throughout this journey that you have let us come along for the ride on, the song that ALWAYS runs through my head about how you are facing your lives together is "Go There With You", by SCC... so when it hits my iTunes playlist today, I'll sing at the top of my lungs in honor of both of you. (I might have to shut my office door...)

    What beautiful pictures... in this post and in all of this week's posts... it is so great to see you enjoying your family!

  6. Happy 4th!!!! I know you realize just how very blessed you (all) are!

    Thanks again for opening the door into your private lives. You've given us so much!

    Love to All!

  7. Happy Anniversary! Today is our 10th, trust me, it only gets better!!!

    Love the beach pictures. I know others have asked but did you take them yourself???

  8. Happy Anniversary!!! What an awesome day. It is such a blessing to see married couples that like each other and like being married.
    BIG HUGS to you both.

  9. Happy Anniversary!May God continue to watch over you and Bless you for MANY MANY years to come!

  10. happy anniversary, nate and tricia:). love the photos - especially the look of unbridled joy on nate's face in the last pic. glad you guys are getting a chance to relax with family. what a blessing after such a long, difficult road this winter!

  11. Happy Anniversary!!!!!! What gorgeous pictures of the THREE of you at the beach! This is what we all dreamed of back in January! May God grant you many more family pictures and anniversary celebrations in such a beautiful locale!

  12. Happy anniversary, Nate and Trisha! I'm praying you guys will have many, many more!

  13. Happy Anniversary Nate & Tricia!!!
    And here's to many more years of God blessings on the two of you and through you!

    Blessings & strength,

    Southern CA

  14. Happy Anniversary!!! I know you take pictures for a hobby but you really are Awesome with a camera!!! You could really make alot more out of it than just a hobby. If I lived near you which I don't we are in Charlotte NC. I would want you to do our family pic!! Enjoy your weekend

  15. What a special anniversary this one is. Tricia has new lungs, you have Gwyneth, you are with family, you are a family, you are together out of hospital, you're on the beach. I'm sure there are plenty more reasons.

    Happy Anniversary!!!!

  16. Happy 4th Anniversary!!
    I donated today, and left a message and I typed 5th instead of 4th anniversary, woops.
    But either way I hope it is great
    and you far exceed your goal! You have raised so much already.
    The beach pictures are great!

    ~Halie in GA

  17. happy anniversary!
    yesterday's pictures are AWESOME too - thanks for sharing! :)

  18. Happy Anniversary!! Ain't bein' married the best?!!

    Have a most awesome day!

  19. Happy Anniversary! Here's to many, many more...

  20. Happy Anniversary!!!!
    I hope you have an awesome day!

  21. oh the happiest of anniversaries to you guys :):):) enjoy your day!!!!!!! xo

  22. I love the composition of the 2nd picture. So sweet! and, Happy Anniversary!

  23. Happy Anniversary! May God continue to richly bless your marriage. Praying for many many more wonderful years.

  24. Happy Anniversary! And just think, she almost wouldn't even date you...

  25. Happy Anniversary! Beach pictures with all of you together. Something I was so deeply praying for.
    Enjoy the day...

  26. Happy Anniversary!!!! What a great one it is :)

  27. Happy Anniversary to an amazing, inspiring couple! Enjoy your special day!

    PS _ the beach pics are awesome!

  28. Happy Anniversary! May God continue to bless your marriage through many more years.
    I know you receive lots of 'stories' and may or may not read all of them, but this story was in our local paper yesterday about a Firefighter running a 5K to support CFF. It brought tears to my eyes, because it reminded me so much of your story and how we can all join together to help fight this disease.

  29. Happy Anniversary! The pictures are beautiful!

  30. Have a wonderful day!!

    Sarah in Gastonia, NC

  31. Happy Anniversary!!!!!!

    You mentioned that the last four years have been "an adventure far beyond description or comprehension". The last 10 MONTHS have been that! I can only begin to imagine all you have been through together during the last few years.

    Praying for many more happy anniversaries spent together!

  32. Have a wonderful anniversary! We're so happy you get to spend it together, out of the hospital. Praying for many more anniversaries to come.

  33. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY NATE AND TRICIA! What beautiful pictures of the three of you. Miss Gwenyth sure looks like she is growing. May God continue to use you to touch so MANY more lives.

    From a loyal reader in OK.

  34. Happy Anniversary!
    You are such a beautiful family!

  35. Happy Anniversary!! It's so wonderful that you can spend your special day with Tricia's extended family. We are praising God for the wonderful time you are having as a BIG, happy family. Families are such a blessing (and a hoot at times, too! :)

    We love all the beach and cousin photos! Next year Gwyneth can get in on some of that ice cream cone action!

    We're praying that this will be just the beginning of many, happy vacations and moments as a family of 3! To God be the Glory!!

    The Edwards family

  36. Happy Anniversary, Nathan and Tricia!

    Love the gorgeous photos of you three. Also, thanks for sharing photos of the past several days with your families--they're all sweet. :-)

    Wishing you many more years of health and happiness!

    Marissa :-)

  37. Happy Anniversary!! The pictures are great!

  38. Happy Anniversary to a beautiful couple!! May you enjoy a lifetime of memories and happiness! We love the pictures!!!

    ~ Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell

  39. Happy Anniversary! May God bless you with many, many more!

  40. Oh how funny--I just left my own anniversary post and landed on yours! Except that ours is ten years. And it keeps getting better!

    Enjoy every minute.

    BTW, your family beach photos are SOOOO fun! I love the way you grouped the families. You could totally make a living at that. But stick with God's call on your life anyway!

  41. Happy Anniversary! You have much to celebrate this year!

  42. Those pictures are absolutely gorgeous! Happy anniversary! Each day gets better doesn't it? Amazing how the struggles of marriage can bring 2 people closer... we have been there and done that! Praying for many more years for you and your bride together.

  43. Happy Anniversary! You guys are popular. I was talking to a cousin the other day and telling her I was following the blog of a person w/ CF and she said, "You mean the girl from the OBX?" Wow! I'm so glad you all are able to get together at the beach to make some very special memories! I love the pictures you've taken of your beach vacation. I'm sure it will be hard when everybody goes home after having such a blast this week, but thank God for such a big, close family with parents who obviously love each other. What a blessing! Thanks for sharing a part of your life with us.

  44. HAPPY 4th ANNIVERSARY! Have a wonderful day... It was my husband and I's 4th anniversary yesterday!

  45. Eph 5:25 has never meant more to me than since I have witnessed the Love between you and Tricia over the past 8 months, and proverbs 31;10-11 exemplifies your wifes inner and outer beauty in every way.
    Happy Anniversary you two.
    with love,

  46. Happy Anniversary! I hope you're enjoying your time with family!!

  47. Hope this special day is filled with joy, love and laughter. Wishing you a special anniversary and many more years of happiness.
    Happy Anniversary!!!

    PS Totally AWESOME pictures!!!

  48. Happy Anniversary to you both! I hope ya'll have many more to come :)

  49. Happy Anniversary!
    Your family is beautiful and your happiness shines!
    In prayer,

  50. Happy Anniversary to two amazing and inspiring people!! Wishing you a wonderful one and MANY more to come! So happy to see the three of you on the beach together. Those pictures are absolutly beautiful and say it all!! Enjoy your day together!


  51. "Happy Anniversary"

    Those pictures are awesome!

    Have a GREAT DAY :)

  52. First i want to start with saying "Happy Anniversay" and secondly your family is Beautiful ,I sure would love to reach thru the screan here and hug little and blessings from BC, Canada Love Tawny

  53. Beautiful pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW! Happy Anniversary Nate and Tricia! I'm sure today will be the best anniversary ever! What a blessing this year has been. Enjoy yourselves today!

  54. Happy Anniversary Nate and Tricia.
    What a lovely family and I wish you only the best in life.
    Elaine from MT

  55. Happy Anniversary Nate & Tricia - may you have MANY MORE HAPPY YEARS!! Love, Dana

  56. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! Wish Casey and I could've made it to the wedding - we enjoyed hearing all about it afterward! The pictures of you guys on the beach together are beautiful. I'm praising God as I read and see how joyful and blessed you three are. Praying for more miracles! God's boundless love and peace, Amy

  57. Those pictures are soooooo special. Enjoy your anniversary together! Blessings to you.


  59. Happy Anniversary! What a lovely way to spend your anniversary surrounded by loving family. I hope you had a perfect day.

  60. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! Beautiful pictures that brought tears of happiness to my eyes! You guys are just too cool.

  61. These are great pictures. Happy Anniversary!

  62. Happy Anniversary!! My husband and I will be celebrating our FIRST anniversary on Monday. Your family is such an amazing inspiration to live your marriage to the fullest!
    -Melissa and Bobby Barrick

  63. Congratulations, and I hope you will have many more anniversaries to celebrate together.

  64. Happy Anniversary!! We just celebrated 8 years on the 24th and are going out tonight to celebrate. I hope that you and Tricia get a chance to go out and celebrate as well. Marriage to the right person truly is a wonderful blessing from God. Praise God for bringing the two of you together.

  65. Nate and Trisia,

    I am so happy for you. Wedding Anniversaries are so special. I believe in my heart of heart that this anniversary will probably be one of the most memorable for both of you. May God continue to bless you both with the Love He has given you to share with eachother.

    Nate, the photographs are unbelievable. You catch the beauty in everything. Especially the last one there.... The smile you have with little Gwyneth in your hands... I can only imagine the "surprise" you must be enjoying.hahah.

    Trishia, you look "MARVELOUS DARLING". LOLOL Sorry its the southern woman coming out in me.. Keep loving, laughing and most of all living a dream come true.


  66. Happy Anniversary!!!! What an awesome way to say it!

    Nate you guys contuine to blow us all away!

    Ok 2 things..

    For the donations for CF whats the timing?

    And do you guys get any of that for personal usage or do we still go to Tricia's site to download the form??

    Thanks... Many Blessing and I can't wait to read a 25 anniversary blog!

    Love Shaylin and Christine

  67. Happy Anniversary!

    Our 23rd annivesary is the 29th.

  68. Happy Anniversary! My husband and I are celebrating the same anniversary day. We wish you many more joyful years together. Love the photos!

  69. These photo are amazing. Your family's story with Tricia make them that much more special. Not only have I learned through your sotry but my children have as well. Last night we were at a Durham Bulls Game and the Life FLight flew over and that prompted adicussion between me and my 8 year old about how someone might be getting an organ that they have been waiting for. I thank God for you and your family and all the awareness you have brought to millions through your faith.

  70. THE most precious picts ever!!! Y'all are beautiful...thanks so much for sharing!!! :D

  71. A very happy anniversary to both of you! May you be blessed with many more years together!

  72. Happy anniversary! It is our tenth today, and there's no couple I'd rather share this blessed anniversary date with than you two.

  73. Nate....without saying, Happy Happy aniv. I have held out as long as I can on saying this though....What's up with the long pants on the beach. Man you know better than that.

    Prayers for you guys to have many more.

  74. Happy Anniversary! I love the second picture of the three of you...I think that's my favorite. I pray God will bless your family in the coming year.

  75. So happy to watch ya'll with your beautiful daughter. Great to watch how God has blessed your lives.

    Happy Anniversary. Heres to many many MANY more wonderful years!


  76. WOW! What a ride is right!!! Those pictures are amazing! God is good!:)


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