
Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Trip Home

The trip home went very well. Gwyneth slept most of the time, so we only had to make to pit stops on her account to change a few diapers. Tricia drove the whole way, so I got to sit in the back seat and keep Gwyneth happy when she was awake. Our car was loaded from top to bottom everywhere but our three occupied seats...we had already sent two car-fulls home with our parents last week...I have no idea how in the world we accumulated that much stuff. Below is our car with just Gwyneth's stuff (99% of which has been given to us by you crazy blog readers).

I was told that the OBX community was buzzing about us coming home (which still amazes me), and that several local businesses and churches had "welcome home" signs up for us, so we took the "scenic" rout home through Manteo, and sure enough, in Manteo, Nags Head, Kill Devil Hill and Kitty Hawk (where my parents live), there were several signs and banners. Here are a few...

My Grandma's house (our old house...thanks, Mark and Sue!)...we stopped to see Grandma and Ralphie! Grandma was excited to finally hold her great-granddaughter, and Ralphie was licking Tricia like she hadn't been gone a day.

Mama Kwan's...basically my favorite restaurant'll probably see me there sometime later this week!

Make sure you check out my Dad's Blog and Andy's Blog to see what else was waiting for us!

While we're not in our own home yet, it is incredible to be far away from the hospital and back on the OBX. I'm looking forward to going to work later today for the first time in months (outside of working from my computer in Durham). Tricia is ready to take on her first day by herself as a mommy.

Looks like we'll be seeing a lot of blog readers on Sunday, many of whom just happen to be in town on vacation.




  1. Hooray for your family and you!
    God is faithful!

  2. hey this is totally awesome God is good On the housing situation i was wondering (go aheard laugh at me) i was sitting thinking about you guys last night and was wondering why dont you ring ABC and have Ty Pennington and the EXtreme Makeover home edition crew come along they would build you a perfect house to meet all your needs and more Would you consider???

  3. looks like you were lucky there was room for all of you guys in the car.

    I am so excited for all of you!

  4. WHAT A TRIP!!!! Seriously, this is giving me goose bumps looking at the love in the pictures and witnessing the answer to my prayers and thousands of others prayers. God is so Wonderful and Loving and Good. I agree with weeme up there!! Extreme Makeover could build you an awesome home to fit your needs. Have the most wonderful time in this new home stretch of this incredible journey. Just think, when you left there last year, the future was so uncertain and cloudy in the unknown will of God. Now look, it has come full circle. Leaving with one sick girl, and bring home two healthy ones. How blessed are you?????
    "Celebration Sunday" in Nags Head is going to be one Spirit Filled Rockin' Affair!!! Post Pictures:)

    Love you guys, Laurie in Ca.

  5. sob, sob. simply beautiful! sob, sob some more. now I have to go to work! can't wait to listen to the pod cast of sunday's message at my home in Beautiful BC. coast to coast you are having huge impact! Glory to God!

  6. Congrats!! I am so happy for ya'll to be home...and all together! God is good!!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Oh Nate I am SO HAPPY for your little family!!! I'll be smiling all day picturing Trisha at home with Gwyneth living the dream, just hanging out, serving up the odd bottle and keeping Her Highness's tush dry--such simple things, but I know she must have wondered if she'd ever get to do them. Here's hoping you come home like a normal Daddy to a tired wife who hands you a warm and squirmy bundle as soon as you walk in the door and decontaminate yourself :)

  9. (oops, wanted to Edit, but can't, so deleted and started again!)

    I have tears of joy running down my face!! I have been following your journey, sharing it with others, and walking each mile as if you are part of my family (and you are, in the Family of God!!) I'm so thrilled to see that you have been welcomed home so heartily, and cannot wait to see what God has in store for your family as you travel the next roads in this journey!

    I also noticed a Stampin' Up! box on the front seat of your van! Is Tricia a paper crafter???? :D

    I also agree that you should peition ABC to ensure a wonderfully healthy environment for your two beautiful blessings!! :)

  10. You just made my heart smile. Yeah for Tricia today. What a fabulous town!!!

  11. You just made my heart smile. Yeah for Tricia today. What a fabulous town!!!

  12. So happy you are all home at last as one family. Can't believe Trisha was able to drive home - sounds like she is doing great. Have fun at work today. Will we be able to see Sunday's service on the internet. Hope so!!
    Hugs from California!!

  13. I can not express how happy I am for you all!!! I literally have tears of joy right now thinking about how far you have all come over the last couple of months.


  14. i am tearing up at all this. how amazing it must be for you all to be so loved. albeit i am sure a little weird when the love comes from people you dont even know :) but still pretty amazing.

  15. I love the pic of Great-Grandma and Gwyneth.

    Blog readers "just happen to be in the area." I don't believe the just happen to be, but darn I'm JEALOUS. Too bad California is too far away to just happen to be around. :)

    I'm glad you guys are home! God is good!

  16. I am SO EXCITED for you guys! Good luck on the first days, weeks, months of this new phase of your lives together. Can't wait to read/see more!

  17. I got chills just reading about you and your family coming "home"! Our God is an awesome God! He doesn't always take us on the easy road but He is faithful. I can only imagine how wonderful it must have felt for Tricia to be driving again - seems like it was only yesterday that she wasn't even breathing on her own and now she's carting ya'll around! Thank you again for continuing to share your story - the good, the bad and the extraordinary!

  18. So glad you are able to be home! I bet Tricia can't wait to do the "normal, mundane" things that us stay-at-home Moms get the privilege of doing! Today my special task is wiping the snotty noses of 2 beautiful little girls! :)

    Anyways...I was you have a picture of what Gwyneth looks like in her carseat? I know everyone always said my girls looked so small in their carseats when they were first born, but each of them were just under 6 lbs. so I was wondering how small Gwyneth might look when she's so much smaller!

  19. Have been an avid reader of your blog since the beginning...I must look at your site 20 times a day! I've never posted before but had to say I love happy endings!

  20. Yipee!! Congrats on getting ALL the way home!!!

  21. SO SO GLAD TO HAVE YOU BACK IN EASTERN NC! I am on the mainland (around the wildfire) and was hearing the smoke was headed your way. My first thought was "No, Nate and the Girls are on there was home with a new set of lungs and nothing could be better than the salty beach air for the first time in months! Why Oh why does the smoke have to be blowing your way! Hope its not!

  22. How wonderful...this made me cry. I am So glad to see you guys go home. God is SO good!

    With Love and Hope,

    William's Mom

  23. Welcome home you guys! I am so happy to see this new chapter of your lives starting- how exciting!

  24. We're so thrilled for you guys, enjoy every minute of it! I wish we could be there for church this Sunday, but hopefully we'll be able to join you for worship sometime later this summer.

    Ben, Stephanie and Abby

  25. inexpressable joy right now... get to do normal things with Tricia and Gywneth!! how very cool is that?! The LORD!!!

    shouting for joy over here on the california coast!

  26. Yay for finally being home!! :)

    I'm so excited for you and the girls to get used to a somewhat "normal" life.

    Love the pics!

  27. I am so excited and happy for your family!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!! I thought about putting a sign up for you guys on the side of 64 but I couldn't get away from school. My family will be staying in Kitty Hawk the week of the fourth and we will probably visit your church for the first time. We have never been to church while visiting the OBX but I have always thought about going. Take care and enjoy your family!!!!!!!!!
    Wendy :)

  28. grinning from ear to ear for you guys!

  29. yay! How very exciting! I'm so glad you guys are back safe and sound!

  30. It's amazing that now you get to just live as a family! Praise God! I'm so happy for you! Thanks for sharing the journey so far! Can't wait to hear about your "normal" family stories now. God is amazing!! And Gwyneth is adorable!!!

  31. I think I may have to "happen" to find myself in the Outer Banks on Sunday for Church my next visit out to SC to see my inlaws.

  32. Great pics, I'm rejoycing for you all!!

  33. Wow...that made me cry! Its so awesome that you guys are home against all odds. But our God is not a God of odds, is he? He's a God of miracles and joy!
    May God continue to bless your family!

  34. How wonderful God is!! I am so excited to hear that you are all doing well and starting life again as a family. Do you think that you will have a pod cast or a video of your church service? I would love to hear/see it but I am thinking I am not going to get there from Nebraska. Please let us know.

  35. Man, God has been so faithful to you and your family! And you all have been the most awesome witnesses to His mercy. I'm so thankful to "know" you through your blog. If my family EVER takes a trip to visit the OBX, we'd love to see you.

    God bless you three!

    Hugs from El Paso,
    Karla and family

  36. So happy that you're home!!

    I'm looking forward to checking out the podcast next week.

    I was listening to some of the other podcasts on the Nag's Head website, and realized that you sound just like your dad...

  37. How amazing! Congrats on your return home!

  38. I am sitting here at work in tears after reading this! I'm so glad you are home.

  39. I really need to get a life of my own. ha! I have goosebumps, that is just so exciting. It's as if I was driving in myself and seeing those signs. God sure is pouring out His blessings on you.

    Continuing to pray,

  40. Hooray for being HOME!!! I can imagine the emotions overflowing--starting this new chapter. May you all flourish!

  41. Welcome home!
    **blinking away the tears**

  42. We are so happy for you all being home. I have family that live very far (overseas) and I know that every time I get to go "home" it's an incredibly emotional feeling. Can't imagine doing that with all you've all been through. It's a miracle, a total miracle. We love the OBX and go there on holiday every summer. It's a beautiful place. You never know we might run into you sometime - my kids would know Gwyneth and Tricia a mile off - they've checked in on any pics you post. I think Gwyneth looks alot like Tricia now. Anyway, enjoy your homecoming and getting back to what you know and love. We will continue to keep you in our prayers every day. Sending love and prayers,
    Tricia, Patrick, Micaela and Brian

  43. Yay! Glad you made it home safely :) :) :) Continuing to pray for you and your beautiful family!

  44. So surprised that Tricia drove the whole way!! Wow!
    Stacy :-)

  45. Just wait until you go on vacation someday with all the needed baby gear. :) Then your call will be FULL!

    Seriously, what an amazing day for all of you! You had left a 'thank you' comment on my blog a week or so ago, and I have been following your story for some time now. I just wanted to say thanks for all of your honesty, your faithfulness, your love for each other and for baby Gwenyth. We serve an awesome God.

    Nate- have fun being a dad; you've been amazing so far! Tricia- you will love being a stay-at-home mom. I've been doing it now for about 21 months- it's hard, but amazing!!

    Much love from Iowa.

  46. So glad you're home on the OBX! Looks like my family's trip to Nags Head was just a couple weeks too early (sniff, sniff). Next time we're there, Mama Kwan's will be on our short list, along with Fishbones and Lone Cedar! Hope you soak in all the sights, sounds and unlimited joy of a healthy, happy homecoming!


  47. lots of love surrounds you. let Him make you humble by it all and enjoy in the love the basks from above.

  48. Is that a Volvo wagon? Those are my favorite cars. I'm glad your trip home was peaceful. Yay Tricia for doing all the driving and Gwyneth for being so cooperative. Grandma is so sweet, too.

  49. God is so good. I have tears thinking about the joy you must feel taking your family back home. Always in my thoughts a prayers......

  50. What a glorious homecoming!
    Congratulations! That is amazing. It doesn't look like life will ever return to "normal."

  51. YEAH!!! I am so happy for you guys. God is faithful! Of course the OBX are celebrating your arrival...afterall you are worldwide celebrities ;) I KNOW that is not how you see yourselves.
    Tricia I am praying for you as you venture full force into being a stay at home mommy. It is the most rewarding HARD work you will ever do. With the strength that you obviously have I am sure that you will be AMAZING!!

  52. I've vacationed in Duck before, and its beautiful there in the Outer Banks. If you live there, where do YOU go vacation to? :)

    So glad its home, and everything coming up for you sounds so NORMAL! That itself is exciting though.

    So glad for you all, and best wishes to Tricia especially, in her new role as a mommy. Thats a tough job - at least its the hardest one I've ever done!

  53. What a GRAND Homecoming! WOW-I got teary eyed, reading/seeing that! That had to be an INCREDIBLE feeling, for you all? Did you get goose bumps? LOL!

    Again, thanking God, for all that He's done!

  54. I got really choked up reading this and I see that I'm not the only one! So happy for you guys!

  55. Wow!! What an awesome homecoming.. you guys so deserve it!!! My favorite restaurant on the OBX is Tortuga's Lie. I would drive those 7 hours just for their food. Yum.
    I can't wait to read your blog over the coming weeks as you three settle into "real" life. What a joyous journey it's going to be.

  56. We just might have to make a trip to your church when we go to the OBX this year in July!

    So cool that people had signs up for you all!

  57. That is GREAT!! I am beyond happy for your family!! Praying all stays well!! Enjoy being home!

    God Bless!

  58. what a blessing you are ALL THREE home safe and sound... glad to hear/read that this journey has finally led you back home.

  59. Praise the Lord. I am so glad you are home safely.

  60. Wow!! That's a lot of stuff there. Glad you all made it safe.

  61. Hey, I have been a reader since christmas but a first time commenter. Thank you for sharing this journey with strangers. It was awesome to read along... learned a lot. Can't wait to watch in the future as you guys settle into a home and raise this beautiful baby!

  62. ok, I am totally jealous of those of you who get to be at Nates church on Sunday! What a service that is bound to be! HOpefully somone will post some video or pics online for us!

  63. we will be there on sunday! we happen to be going to out visit family that are out there on vacation! i was excited to hear that you will be speaking. we've been keeping up with your blog and praying since about nov. when we got the link from jordan and patience's blog.

  64. I am so happy for the three of you! I can't imagine how wonderful it must be to be home again! I absolutely love OBX. We usually go there for a week for vacay but this year it isn't meant to be. I was hoping to introduce my boys to the ocean. We usually stay up towards Corolla.

    Have a wonderful time at home and thanks again for sharing your inspirational story!

  65. wow! that is sooo cool! & Tricia drove you all home! total awesomeness! God is sooooo GOOD! amen!

  66. I am so excited for you guys!! I can't even imagine what it is like to get to go home!!! I know you guys will enjoy more than any of us will ever understand!

  67. What an answer to prayer! I am sooo happy that you guys are finally home. Your daughter is beautiful! Keep us bloggers updated whenever you can.
    How can we listen to the podcast of your service on Sunday? Where do we go to listen?

  68. Welcome home, Lawrenson Family indeed!!

    So excited for you. So incredibly happy. I feel so priveledged to have been able to read and 'witness' your miracles happen. You never once let your faith falter, the 3 of you are an inspiration to the rest of the world.

  69. Welcome home, Nate, Tricia, and Gwyneth! We've been waiting and praying so long to read this. Another answered prayer to chalk up to the (Nate) Lawrenson family! May you remember to take it easy, even though your minds might be rarin' to go now that you are home. :)
    God bless you!

    ~ becky b

  70. Ok, I LOVE the picture on Tricia's blog, she is smiling like the giantest biggest smile that every was, and Gwyneth is just crying away! Lol! I love a good screaming baby picture, they really give it their all!

    The picture of the welcome on the restraunt was awesome, tears of joy here! Congratulations on going home! Wow.

  71. Just too cool. We are so thrilled for all of you!

  72. Glad you're home--hope you find a home of your own soon--Best of luck

  73. Welcome Home...God is faithful!!

  74. Congratulations, it is so Awesome to see what God has done in your lives, I thank you for allowing me to witness this miracle. I feel like we are at the end of the movie "the truman show" so many of us have been at the edge of our seats watching and praying for your family, I'm sure I speak for everyone in saying that we would all love to continue to see updates, but that if you have come to the end of this part of your journey, we thank you fro taking us along for the ride!

  75. So glad to hear you are all home safe and sound!! Just goes to show you--Miracles DO happen!! Our GOD is an awesome GOD!! God Bless!!

  76. Hooray! Praise God. Will be praying for your next step.

  77. I'm so glad that you had a safe trip back home! I'm sure it feels wonderful to be back in familiar surroundings near friends and family. I hope that your first day back at work went well. It is wonderful to see all the support your hometown and nearby towns are giving your family. God is so good. :) I'll continue to pray for your family's health. I love all of the pictures of Gwenyth - she looks so cute with all the pink! I hope you're having a great weekend & God bless.
    ~Kim in Ohio

  78. Oh MY!!! I'm gone from a computer for mere days, and y'all up and get yourselves home!!! Wonderful. I can't imagine how exciting and happy it must be for y'all. I'm surely happy for you.

    God Bless you all

    Jamie in Texas


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