
Monday, July 14, 2008


It's too bad she has to outgrow these clothes so fast...

Hopefully she won't outgrow her silly faces...



  1. What a cute Onesie with her name on it. Yeah, I'm lovin' those silly faces. You and Tricia must be so proud. (I mean that with all sincerity) I love that you are all so fun and carefree.


  2. Oooooh, someone's been taking camera posing/hamming lessons from her parents! (The tongue one especially reminds me of Tricia goofing off!)

  3. She is a little Cutie! Could always take some of the smaller things she has. Find a person who knows how to quilt and put them in to a quilt.Also can make some of tiny Onesie's in to decorative things for her room. That one is so cute can be cut for a patch on a pillow front. So many one can do to save the memories. Love the pictures she is keeping you both busy.

  4. Just wait til she's a teenager.....there will be lots of funny faces, but most of them will be made behind your back!! She's precious in her embroidered onesie. How wonderful it must feel to have her home and to get to take care of her. God bless your beautiful family.

  5. love the shirt. love the pics. love the posts. love it all. thanks so much for sharing your story.

  6. The onesie is so cute! I've never seen one with a baby's name! I thought of this~

    Fraggle Hat on Debit Mastercard $15
    Cute Flowery Dress $25
    Onesie with Baby's Name $30
    Cute baby wearing all these fabulous fashions ~ Priceless!!!

    I love the clothes Gwyneth Rose has, but I love seeing the cute baby that goes with the cute clothes even better. Kinda corny, I know, but I thought it was kinda cute, too!! :o)

  7. She is too cute. I bet she will love the silly pics when she grows up. LOLOL

  8. Oh my goodness, she is too cute for words!!!!

  9. I always have thought she looked just like her daddy, but with these pics, I see her mama shining through...

  10. How adorable!!! Look at that funny face, like father like daughter!!

  11. How cute :) Still praying for your family!

  12. That second shot is PRICELESS! Thank you for sharing your precious Gwyneth with us!

  13. You are so blessed, what a beautiful child. God Bless

  14. She's so big!! And beautiful of course!

  15. I'm reasonably sure she is genetically predisposed to those funny faces!

  16. her little onesie is so cute.... I just love things with kids names on them and monograms...I don't think she will ever loose her silly faces.... she is part of you and Tricia and we know how much you 2 love silly faces!

  17. Oh my goodness! She is sooooooo cute! Love the personalized clothing!

  18. Look at her grow just as the flowers on that shirt would......She is beautiful. Been praying for your friends and their recovery. Randy will be heading back to Duke the 23rd of July for another infusion from his brother. Hope all remains well for your family.
    As Always SMILE
    Kate, Randy, and Alek

  19. What a cute outfit. By the way if you don't mind, how often does she need the oxygen. I have noticed that she doesn't have it all of the time. I am guessing either when she sleeps, or you are able to check her levels regularly so you know when she needs it.

  20. I love the onesie, where did you get it? I am pretty sure that my two girls would look just as cute in them. Although I do admit, Gwyneth does have a leg up on the silly face factor.

  21. Already sticking her tongue out at her daddy. Cute pics. Its a shame how fast they grow up.

  22. AW! How cute!! Thanks for sharing them with us!! :) I agree with you- I hope she won't outgrow her silly faces! :D

  23. I was feeling cranky and these totally made me giggle. She's so cute:)

  24. oh so sweet. and no they never outgrow those faces!

  25. A precious little doll baby! Get her a dollie her size and the doll can wear it so she can play with her when she gets older!

  26. Oh my she is adorable. :) I know they grow so fast. I kept my "favorites" (it was hard to choose) and made quilts out of them. It was pretty cool.

    As for the silly smiles.... I doubt they will ever stop she has lots to smile about. :)

    Hope your doing well Trish. Mommy hood is fun isn't it?

  27. She has to grow out of these so fast. Gwenyth is wearing what 0-3 months size right now. I have to laugh, I know it has taken her six months to achieve this size and how long did it take for her to grow into those premie clothes. I just find that statement hillarious because in a blog that I did for a college class - I made a comment about my baby being in kindergarten and how they grow so fast, mind you I was like two to three months pregnant at the time. It is such a precious thing to watch them grow. My prayers are with your family.

  28. Gwyneth looks like she is looking at and imitating daddy! What a gift after all you guys been through to see her like this! Still praying like the energizer bunny.

  29. She really is a sweetie. What an awesome God we have.

  30. I'm thinking the face of her daddy probably prompts the fun faces, so I'm sure they will continue. You seem to have no problem in the fun department.

  31. Oohhhh, I LOVE seeing her smile!!!

    And that onesie is simply adorable as well, it is unfortunate that she is outgrowing it. On the bright side, it is wonderful that she is growing bigger and stronger. Hopefully this will help her to lose the nasal cannula soon!

  32. She's absolutely adorable!
    Your story really touched me, thanks for sharing it with all of us!

  33. How cute! She is getting her little personality. That is my favorite time!

  34. She is precious. As she is growing and changing I am seeing her Momma's features develop. Thank you for sharing your story.

  35. Those are some great facial expressions!! Silly girl. :o)

  36. Love the many faces of Gwyneth!

  37. I think you've got some serious competition going on here, Nate. Gwyneth 1, Nate 0. Rock on Gwyneth!

  38. Actually, it's GREAT that she will outgrow those clothes so fast! You go Gwytneth. Keep on growing and getting stronger and stronger every day. Your fans are rooting for you and your mom and dad.

  39. She is 100% GORGEOUS!!!! xxxxx

  40. I have been stalking your blog since I found it in a stamper's blog right after Gyneth was born. My prayers and thoughts are with you everyday! But being a fellow stamper I love the stamped onesie! Too cute, but especially how pink and plumb Gyneth is now looking. There is nothing sweeter than holding a precious gift from God and feeling their sweet weight on your shoulder. I hope ya'll have a great weekend and get an awesome haul at the shower. :)

  41. She is so cute! And I am so glad to see has a double chin. : )

  42. Continue to love seeing pixs of Gwyn, especially to see her growing! Love her silly faces. She's gorgeous!

    Marissa :-)

  43. Very cute pictures! I saw a website where they stuffed the onsies so they could keep them as pillows! You could also keep a collection of cute clothes and then make a quilt with the different fabrics. Just a couple of ideas to keep the cute clothes around a little longer!

  44. She sure is growing! What a cutie!

  45. So adorable. I'm sure that onesie must be something from the creative hands of Ms. Becky with the help of papertreyink stamps. I recognize her work. Her blog is where I first "met" you.


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