
Friday, July 18, 2008

House Hunting

This afternoon, Tricia and I FINALLY take our first house hunting adventure with a real estate agent. Fortunately, having worked as an office assistant for a real estate agent a few years ago, Tricia knows where to look on the internet to find all of the listings in our area (I wouldn't have a clue). We're not expecting to find something on our first day, but we're still hopeful.

And, this evening, my family will be out on the beach for some family pics. My sister, Sarah and her husband, Terry are in town for the first time since moving to FL just a few days after Gwyneth was born (this is the first time they've seen both Tricia awake and Gwyneth out of her incubator), so we're taking advantage to get some pics of all nine of us (to think it was just six a little over a year ago...).

BTW, several people commented about the decorations and food for the shower. All courtesy of my mom's business, The Embellishers. If you're ever looking for a party/event planner/decorator on the OBX, these ladies have it going on!



  1. Wishing you a good day of house hunting. Even if you don't find The House for you, it's still fun just to look! Enjoy the day!

  2. OK, so spill it- where DO you look on the internet for all the listings in our area? I'm in central NC, but still?

    Happy House Hunting! :)

  3. Just wanted to say I found your blog on a friends page, and have truly been touched by your story. I have spent several hours reading about you and yours. You guys have been very blessed! Just wanted to say I wish you all the best! Your little Gwenny is adorable!

    Abby Stuart

  4. Good luck---we've been in our house just over a year and the house hunting process was exciting and stressful all rolled into one!! Of course, we were renting at the time and had to find something quick or re-new our lease.

  5. Have fun with your sister this weekend!!! Looking forward to seeing the pictures. That is, assuming you'll share them with "your public"!

    Good luck with the house hunting!

  6. This is such exciting news Nate and Tricia! There is a perfect home out there waiting for you to fill with your love, laughter and beautiful hearts. I couldn't be happier for you and look forward to seeing what God has for you!
    Thanks sooo much for sharing this part of your story. Praying for a wonderful day.

  7. Nate, That sounds great that you have MORE family coming for pictures. I loved your family portraits before. It is awesome how you find things each day to be thankful for and celebrate. If we all could do that, this world would be "Heaven on Earth".
    Thanks for sharing.

    Trisha hope you guys enjoy looking at houses.

  8. Whoa. If the church wants to buy Nate and his family a home, what business is it of yours? Jeeesh. It's not like you have to pay for their house.
    Enjoy your house hunting Nate and Tricia! Hope you find the perfect home soon!

  9. Haven't been commenting as much lately, but still checking in and praying for you.

    I hope you have a good time checking out houses this afternoon and don't get discouraged if it takes a while.

  10. Happy House hunting! Wishing you all the best as you find a place for your family!!!

  11. Ooooohhhh. I hope it is a GREAT day! I will be praying that you quickly find a house that meets all of your needs.

  12. I hope your having simply the best time tonight with Sarah & Terry. Good luck on the real estate search!!!!


  13. have fun house hunting!! my husband and I just bought our first house, it's stressfull and wonderful.

  14. I hope your day of house hunting went well. We pray you find the one the Lord has for you very soon!

    ~Sara in MD

  15. Praying you find the home that God has for you! Enjoy the search as much as you can.

  16. Good luck! House hunting can be so much fun, but so much work all at the same time.

    Have fun with the entire family this weekend!

  17. I wish you the best of luck on finding a house. It's stressful and exciting all at the same time!

  18. Good luck with the house hunting!! We just bought our first home. We get the keys net Thursday. It is so exciting. Well except from the moving and packing...

  19. I hope that your search goes well. I know that there is a perfect house out there somewhere for you. Hearing about you guys buying a house, seeing Gwyneth grow and watching Tricia live are so wonderful! Thousands of us pray for you each day and send love your way. I hope you are having another great family weekend.

  20. What an adventure house hunting can be in a very positive way. The Lord has always led us very clearly through our home buying and selling and it is a great time to see His hand. Enjoy!


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