
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A Piece Of Us: 4th Of July '07

This was a great Independence Day...lots of family and friends over at my sister's house for a cookout, and then walked down to the beach to watch the fireworks. This is my sisters' husbands and my uncle in the first clip, and then Tricia on the ground with Meka and a much larger, older pug (I think this was Meka's first experience with another pug since leaving her litter). Enjoy!

Check out the other "Piece of Us" videos Here!



  1. Great video clip!! Meka looked like she was enjoying her visit with another pug.
    Take care.

  2. Love it - but didn't you mean 4th of July '08? Not '07!! :)

  3. Hi Nate!

    When you get a minute, would you mind checking out my blog? I have something there for you! It's just one of those fun blogging awards but your blog has truly touched my heart! Your family is so beautiful and inspiring! Thank you for sharing a piece of your lives with us...

    Be Blessed,
    South Louisiana

  4. Andy and fire, that scares the daylights out of me. Andy was my youth pastor back here in the big town of Atoka. We sure miss he and Misha. I am praying for you, Tricia and Gwen.

  5. I will admit that I haven't had time to watch any videos in the previous posts, but I did watch the ones posted today. Nate, I see why you fell in love with Tricia. She is absolutely a beautiful person with a charming personality. She is really adorable. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family.

  6. I still don't get what I was asked to stare into the light of that sparkler. I felt (and rather looked) like an well, all in good fun.

    Sarah and I really missed not being on the OBX for this Independence Day.

    Btw, Lilly is one of my two dogs.

    ~ nate's brother-in-law

  7. Very cute :) When are you going to finish telling your Love Story?

  8. At first I was looking around for Gwyneth...then I realized she was not even in the picture last July. Wow! It is hard to comprehend all that has happened just since last years 4th of July!!!

  9. Cute video.I thought at first you put ther wrong year down but on July 4,2008 you wrote no fireworks for the family.

  10. that is just too cool!
    Neat to see those fireworks go off like that!

  11. The 4th has always been a favorite holiday for our family. Looks like you had a good time. We are praying for you all.

  12. I had the lighter! Probably not a good idea.
    And yes terry, you did look kind of freaky


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