
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

So True...

...every night...




  1. Oh yes....we can attest to that! Around here there is a party as like clockwork as soon as I just start to drift off to sleep...then another at 12 am, another at 1 am, usually one at 2:30 am ect...
    Not everyone gets to have this much fun :)
    love and prayers,

  2. That is the cutest onesie! I've never seen that before. True, true.

  3. I remember those days, too! She is just too adorable for words! :)

  4. Well, I'd tell you she'll sleep through the night soon, but I'd get your hopes up AND be a liar ;)

    She's adorable! If she got any cuter, the WWW couldn't take it :)

  5. What great pictures...thank you for sharing!

  6. Oh my gosh... definitely one of the cutest onesies I've ever seen!

  7. Oh my goodness she's so wonderful! Thank goodness for those 2:00am parties at the crib. They'll be over all too soon. Of course they come back in the teen years but their usually at someone elses crib:) Still praying in Michigan.

  8. I forgot to mention, WE need one of those shirts for our little guy............ lol :D

  9. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... I remember those days well!! A little Visine (for y'all) does wonders!!!! Keeping all of y'all in my prayers.
    (How cute is that little outfit on the little partier!)
    Hugs and love to you all
    God Bless
    Jamie in Texas

  10. look how much she's changing! wow!!! such a little angel!

  11. love the latest pics. she's getting soooo big! love that you're still sharing these daily moments of life. take care. god bless.

  12. Oh yeah, I remember those nights so well... and (this may be crazy) I miss 'em sometimes.

  13. Welcome to the sleepless nights club!!!!

  14. She is the most adorable little girl ever! Keep up the great work!
    Both of your girls look amazing Nate... You and Trica are really doing a great job! You are all in my prayers always!
    Katie L

  15. cute!! Kinda miss them early morning parties with the little ones. She is adorable.
    Hope Tricia is doing okay.
    Thoughts and Prayers

  16. she looks so "grown up" in that picture.... I can't believe it!!!

  17. It gets better, hang in there. I have a 10 month old daughter...
    Keeping you guys in my prayers daily!

  18. We're having the same party. Yay! At least they're cute or it might not be so fun.

  19. that is the cutest onesie ever...our Joy needs one that says 1:30am! :o) Gwenyth is so cute!

  20. I can't believe how adorable she is getting! Beautiful kid! Thanks so much for sharing the wonderful photos.

  21. Enjoy those parties...they won't last forever!!

  22. So, as hard as it is to believe....soon you will be sad she's not up in the middle of the night. That is one of the most precious times to me! OK, I know I'm crazy (and maybe just a little sleep deprived), but it's true.

    Enjoy every moment (but I don't have to tell YOU that....YOU remind me to do that everyday!)

    You're Awesome Guys!

  23. My daughter (3 months) has a onesie that says the same thing. Thankfully, she's sleeping through the night, and the shirt is not true anymore. You'll get there!!!!

  24. Oh how I remember those days, and theN getting up at 6:30 every morning like clockwork to start their day.....but then when they started school I couldn't get them out of bed for anything....HOW DOES THAT WORK????????

  25. Nate, are you wearing a pink fuzzy robe?....

    Or is that just the baby blanket :) he he

  26. She is SO cute! Keep those pics coming!

  27. Nate, are you wearing Tricia's pink fuzzy robe in that picture? Gwyneth is adorable!!

  28. Hehe, that's a cute bodysuit. And the sad thing is, my 11 month old (girl) still gets me up at 2 a.m. (oh yeah, and midnight, and 4 a.m....sigh.) :-) Have a great day!

  29. So precious! She is really growing... don;t blink... it passes by so quickly! :)

  30. You are so busted with the pink robe :) lol!!!


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