Monday, August 4, 2008

More Miracles

Anthony is a 12 year old CFer who is also just a few days out of a double lung transplant. He is doing as well as possible.

From experience, both Anthony and his family could use the same encouraging words that you gave to us a few months ago, so please, take even just a minute to swing by his blog and lift him up.

And, of course, there is another donor families who could use your thoughts and prayers right now...




BloggyMom said...

I get chills when I read these stories. I can't help but think of the two families that are mourning the loss of loved ones. So thankful they gave the gift of life- Yeah!

My family and I are praying...

Florida_Mom said...

Thoughts and prayers coming to these families too.

How is Tricia doing? Praying that the chemo is easy on her.

In Christ


Heidi said...

AWESOME!!! Posted on both of their blogs praying for them, as we continue to pray for you! I hope Tricia's chemo isn't too bad.

Irma said...

re; donor families... My father died instantly two years ago at the age of sixty from an out-of-NOWHERE heart attack. Blah blah blah, major autopsy, etc. SO, in the end, the only organs we were able to donate were his corneas.

My father first started wearing glasses when he was three years old, and always good-naturedly cursed his poor eyesight. I can't even imagine how stunned and happy he would be to know that even his "poor" eyes helped two strangers to SEE.

My father never made his feelings about organ donation very clear, but we made that choice for him. Fo us, it was the only choice, the most respectful choice, our way to honour him, and take some small joy out of a terrible night.

You have already asked people to state their intentions re: organ donation. Please also try to gently remind grieving families that it is okay -- and very healing-- to make that decision themselves.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you mentioned Gina/Pepe. She's a strong woman, who went through a lot to get to this day. Thank God for second chances at life.

Alice Vogt said...

Thanks for the link to Gina's blog!!! Trish, you look stunning, really... love you shirt!!!

Jane said...

praying for all in SC!

Christy said...

Thanks for these updates and the link to Anthony's site. You always think of others!!

roxana said...

I discovered your blog today, and your story, as well as the stories of the others you met during this journey, are truly amazing. I am so sorry for what your family had and still has to endure, but I am so happy to see the wonderful miracles that came your away along with these trials. I will keep Tricia, Gwen, you and your friends in my prayers and we all know that God will be with you. Thank you for your stories and photos,they are overwhelming in a good way.

Norwood Mama said...

Could you tell me what (Bump) means? When I read your blog and it has that, I nver know what it means! I'm just a baby blogger...low skills!

Anonymous said...

Praying for all these families. God's love and peace...

J&J said...

ava's mama:

bump means that the post has already been posten at a previous time but he's posting it again.

don't feel bad I used not to know what all these terms meant either

Blessings From Above said...

I will definitely be praying for Gina. Since you posted the message on July 4th, I have become a regular visitor to the "Friends of Pepe" site. I can not believe all that she has endured over the past year.

Praying for a miracle!

Twinkletoes said...

I have been following her blog since you originally linked it and was wondering what your perspective was about it. Not being familiar with the numbers and levels - I don't know what "FOP" is referring to, until he/she outright says good news or bad news. I am continuing to pray for her as well as her medical team. Thanks for being so vigilant with your updates about her!

Rachel said...

I read Gina's blog yesterday and prayed for her. It looks like today she's feeling some better!

Kristi Bowers said...

My name is Kristi and I have son who is 7 and has CF. We are trying to set up an account for him for when he needs a lung transplant. He is on state care and so we cannot have the account or trust fund etc count against us as income. I noticed your wife has a trust fund set up for her and I was wondering if you or your family had any info that would benefit us in trying to set that up.
Thank you and God Bless
Kristi Bowers

Kristi Bowers said...

it might help if I give you my email

Paul said...

Anthony, Way to go. We will continue to pray for your continued strengthening.

Gina, You are in our prayers. We hope you get to feeling better and your recovery goes better.

Kira said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jane said...

thank you Nate. I'm amazed as each update comes...Gina is truly a fighter. And Anthony is a truly blessed little boy. Still praying for all.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing. Sending up prayers and checked out Pepe's blog. Love and prayers!