Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Fat Baby

I just got a text message from Tricia telling me Gwyneth's current weight.

Any guesses? Keep in mind that she was just under 7 1/2lbs exactly three weeks ago.



Barb said...


ampug09 said...

8 lbs 4 oz.

Kacy Jean said...

I am going to go with 9.2 lbs!

May God continue to watch over and bless your family. I love checking your site and seeing all the great pictures of your family and the love that you all share!

Nicole said...

9 even?

Kathy said...

8 lbs 15 ounces

Oksana said...

I have no idea what a pound is, since I only ever use kilos and grams, so I'll take a wild, uneducated guess...


ShEiLa said...

9lb 3oz

my blog is now private, but I wanted to guess.... I love guessing games.

Sheila, NV

Elizabeth said...

8lbs. 5.7oz....don't know where that came from....was going to say 8.7lbs but someone else already said 8.75.....can't wait to see!

Kate said...


Glad to hear she's gaining well (assuming this from the title of this entry)! I hope Tricia's report is equally as good!

Zaankali said...

9lbs 8oz.

Emily said...

9lbs 4oz?

Classy Fab Sarah said...

8 lbs, 6 oz.
Grow Gwyneth Grow!!

Sallie said...

9 lb. 2 oz.

marcia said...

8 lb 9.5 oz :)

Missy said...

10.2. Our new daughter had a huge growth spurt and put on 3 lbs in a few weeks about a month ago.

Gwyneth's so cute, and I am continuing to pray for all of you.

asplashofsunshine said...

8 lbs 8 oz... why not... being that "8" is the newest cool thing these days in celebration of 8/8/08.

Anonymous said...

8 pounds 13 ounces

beanhead said...


ditarae said...

I go with just over 10 pounds... I'll say 10-4 (good buddy).

Rebecca said...

I'm going with 11 lbs!!!!!!!!!

shelby1232 said...

I am going to guess 9 lbs 6 oz.

Pauline said...

I am gg to guess 8lbs 4.5 ounces ...
I am glad they arrive safely!

The Gieses said...

8 lbs. 10 oz.

CINDYLAB said...


Angela R. said...

Im guessing about 9lbs 3oz. So happy to hear she is gaining weight. Will be waiting to hear how much she really weighed in at.


Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

8 lb, 6 oz?

Phil and Pam said...

8 lbs 14 oz

Amy Lynn said...

8 lbs, 13 oz?

TerryKM said...


Kerry said...

9lbs 10oz.
Special Prayers Today.

Arwen said...

10 and a half?!?

Anonymous said...

9.27..... it would be a big jump in weight, but it's my anniversary :)

Jenna said...

10 pounds 2 oz

Marty said...

8 lbs and 8.8 oz

Anxious AF said...

8 lbs 2oz

Jen said...

10 pounds even! hehe :)

Kat said...

8 lbs 8 oz.

Mamma_of _five said...

i say 10 pounds even!! what a cutie!Love from BC, Canada

Juli said...

I would say 9lbs and 6oz.

Valerie said...

I'm guessing
9lb 10oz!

Julie D said...

8 lbs 8 oz.

Since Daddy shaved his head 08/08 it seems appropriate.

Michelle said...

I'm going to say 9 pounds. She is so loved and happy, weight gain always follows. least that's how it works when you get married.

Brianna said...

8 pounds 6 ounces.

Unknown said...

8lb 7oz?


I noticed she has chubby fingers now the other day in one of your photos! so sweet!

~April Horton

Christina said...

8lbs 7oz

Tricia said...

Our vote is 8 lbs and 12oz.
She is beautiful. Praying for you all,
Tricia and Clan (N.VA)

Annette said...

9 lbs???

DavitaJo said...

8 pounds 2 ounces

Jamie said...

I'm going to guess 9.6?

Polka Dot said...

I was gonna say the exact same thing as ampug - 8lbs 4oz.

So now I must say ... 8lbs 7oz.

Ella said...

4 kilograms (9lbs).

Momof2bz said...

I think she is around 9lbs 4 oz now. She seems alot bigger.

christi said...

10 lbs is my guess!

she's going for gold!

blessings ~

Erin said...

11 lbs 2 oz.

Catz said...


Rebecca said...

9lbs 7oz!

Shari said...

I am guessing 8 lbs, 8 oz.

Ashley Gray said...

not gonna guess but i bet it's a good number! i remember thinking our little girl would weigh 5lbs and we took her a check up and she weighed 8lb 12 oz.... they grow so fast!

Mom of 3 said...

9lbs 11 oz

Anonymous said...

8.15 lbs.???

Ed and Jamie said...

I am guessing 8lbs9oz

Anonymous said...

8 lbs 12 oz. thats how much my oldest weighed at birth and she looks pretty close so Im going with that.

Christy Lockstein said...

8# 2 oz

Stacemoe said...

my guess is 9.7 lbs!!!

MamatoOne said...

9 lbs, 1 oz.

terri c said...

Can't guess. No good at guesses for babies. For sure she is BEAUTIFUL. Hope Tricia's treatment goes well. Prayers continuing.

Julie Nickerson said...


Julia Rosalinda said...

9 lbs 9 oz?

*Lissa* said...

8 lb 14 oz.

Peggy B. said...


Bev J. said...


suzie said...

Wild guess at 8lb 3oz.

Still sending up prayers for you Tricia, big (((HUGS))) to you three.

Randee said...

8 pounds 4.6 ounces (picked cuz that is what my daughter weighed at birth so it is a great number :) ).

solson said...

Wow! She has lips just like her mommy!

8lbs 10oz

Rebekah said...

10 lbs 3 oz

sandra said...

I'm going to go with 9.2 - 9.4

Meredith K Beaupre said...

8lbs, 9oz

Kory said...

8 pounds 13 oz... just like the date! You all are in our prayers!

Amy E. said... guess is
8 lb. 3.5 oz

either way..she is just beautiful!!

Juel said...

HHhhhhmmmm, I'm going to say 9.5lbs

The Pelhams said...

10 lbs 11 oz

Jan Scholl said...

8 pounds 6.6 ounces

I love that photo-same eyes, same nose, same smushed lip line. perfect.

Sarah said...

8 lbs. 7.5 oz.

ERIN lee said...

i'm going to go with 9.8

Sheri said...

9 lb butterball?

Carolyn said...

9 pounds?

Emily said...

9 lbs 7oz:)

Jenny said...

8lbs 2 oz??

I love the pic of your girls!

Praying Tricia's treatment goes well and is successful..and that your girls make it home to you safely.

Love to you three!

Tracy Anne said...

9 pounds, 3 ounces...

Millicent said...


kjames106 said...

8lbs 10.2oz

That's my guess

Nan said...

8lbs 13oz

Becky in VA said...

8 1/2 pounds?

Unknown said...

9 lbs 5 ozs

Pamela said...

8 pounds 14 oz

Them's some purty gals there!

gmomof7 said...

9 lbs 10 oz

carriex3 said...

9 lbs, she looks sooooooo cute.

Stephanie said...

9lbs 1oz

Kellee Flatt said...


So glad she's doing great!

Anonymous said...

8 pounds, 13 1/2 ounces! Praying for you all...everyday!

jdphelan said...


Wilson Ramblings said...

8 pounds 12.5 ounces

Unknown said...

9 pounds even

La Familia Garcia said...

9lbs ???

Em said...

8 pounds 8 ounces. I like the number 8. :)

jessicagv said...

10lbs 2oz

Dana said...

i'm trying to remember what a normal weight gain is, in the event that she has started in with a normal weight gain. my kids never gained the normal amount per week, they were always well under.... so, i guess i'd go with somewhere in the middle?

i'd say 8 lbs 8.4 oz LOL

whatever the number, i'm glad she is growing! and doing so well :)


LJR said...

I am going to guess 10 lbs and 1 oz because I really think 10 but a lot of people have said that!

(Emma's Mom)

Rhonda said...

8lbs 3oz

Beebe said...

9 even

Unknown said...

9 lbs, 4 oz

Sherri Thacker said...

9, 3 :)

fuzzandfuzzlet said...

I am going to guess 8lbs 8oz

Anonymous said...

10lbs 4.5oz

Sue from Oregon said...

she seems to be a planner, so my guess is 8lbs 13 oz because of the date.

Lola said...

8 lbs. 1 oz.

Shari said...

9lbs 3 oz

Shari NC

♥Lisa♥ @ FinalScore:Boys3Girls2 said...


Shari said...

ok....a bunch of folks said 9-3--Looked after I guessed....sooo I will take 9 lb 14 oz

Shari NC

Kate said...


Renee said...

8lbs 3oz.

Anonymous said...

9 lbs 11 1/2oz is my guess.

FriedrichFamily said...

9 lbs 1.5 oz

lislynn said...

8lbs even. It just seems like a nice tidy number....

Marsmile said...

Glad to hear she's chubby! ;-) I'm guessing 8 to 8.5 or 8.8 lbs. :-)


Mom2Da'Gorgeouses said...

10.12 lbs! Once they're home, they take off quickly.

The Ham Family said...

Granny Gay says
9 pounds 6 oz.

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna say that the White Rose is a perfect 10 lbs.

Da Hippie

The Lockwood Family ♥ said...

Praying for you off and on during the day today!
Hmmm....I'd say 9 lbs 1 1/2 oz. :)

ditarae said...


Melissa said...

8 lbs. 10 oz!

Donna said...

My guess is 9 lbs. 3 oz. She sure is cute!

Jane said...

9 lbs 10 oz.

kimm said...

9lbs 8oz

The Burgess Family said...


Missy said...

i love this picture of the girls... what a great report of gwyneth's weight gain. you go girl - eat your heart out! (not literally ;)

Oma & Opa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzi said...

This is absolutely the most beautiful photo of your gorgeous girls Nathan. You have captured wee Gwyneth's eyes really so cutely in this snap. She is so funny the way she pulls all the faces- like she's been here before.
Best wishes for Tricia's treatment.
From Sue in New Zealand

Tamara M. said...

I think this one is my favorite picture!!