
Sunday, July 6, 2008

Weekend Relaxation

Actually, the first Sunday of each month aren't too relaxing for me, and I usually work at least a few hours on Saturday, but the weekends are still nice.

Tricia and Gwyneth got lots of quality time.

And, Gwyneth and I grabbed a quick nap this afternoon.

BTW, Tricia goes in for her 3rd round of chemo tomorrow morning, and we should know Gwyneth's current weight by the afternoon, so check back in and I'll let you know how the day went.



  1. sweet pictures of you guys. I have one of my hubby sleeping with my son at around 2 months old. It's my favorite picture by far of the 2of them!

  2. What beautiful pictures. I have tears in my eyes. "Great is thy faithfulness Lord unto me." I am so happy for you guys. My five year old loves to look at the pictures with me. She says, "I want to see the pictures of the lady with the brand new lungs and her baby." She always gets so excited when you put up new pictures.

  3. Hey guys,
    Those pictures are beautiful. Thanks for sharing them with us. The second is gorgeous...beyond words.

    Tricia, I will be praying for strength and comfort as you go for your next round of chemo. You are beautiful.

    God Bless

  4. Looks like the nap was awesome!! What a great picture. I will be praying as Tricia goes in for more chemo. Glad you guys had a great weekend.

  5. Life is good. I bet it's great to be home and have a "normal" life. I hope the house hunt is going well.
    As always, the pics are terrific.

  6. Good luck to both girls tomorrow!!!

  7. How's Tricia feeling? It makes me so happy to see pictures of Tricia and Gwyneth together. I think it is the first "miracle" I have ever seen.

    When I started reading the blog, it was early January, before the baby was born. I was not sure pictures like these would ever be.

    Nate, you Tricia and the baby are among the strongest people I have ever seen and an inspiration to many.

  8. Precious pictures Nate! Gosh I honestly feel like I know you. That is weird to some I know - but after reading your blog for so long and praying for you daily - God has inter-twined our hearts. I love that about being a Sister and Brother in Christ!

    We will be praying for you all tomorrow and can't wait to hear how Gwyneth's weight has progressed. She looks great! Reminds me of our oldest daughter who was a premie. They all have that same look and face shape for the first six months. Or at least they seem that way to me.

    Blessings and it is wonderful to see you all enjoying "LIFE" doing NOTHING!


  9. You two sleeping together is the sweetest picture EVER!

  10. I think the snuggle pictures are so cute! Hugs to Tricia tomorrow as she does her chemo treatment. You all are so amazing!

    Hugs from El Paso,
    Karla and family

  11. You can just see the joy in Tricia's face. It is truely awesome to see God's work in your lives.

  12. love the pictures. your girls are just beautiful! i'll be praying!

    blessings ~

  13. Tricia looks absolutely stunning in the second picture! Motherhood definitely becomes her.

    Praying that Tricia's treatment goes well tomorrow.

    Blessings from Ohio

  14. What a wonderful way to spend a weekend. I'm sure you are so happy to be just chillin' as a fam these days. Continuing to pray for you all!

  15. everyone is looking wonderful.

  16. Naps with babies, always a wonderful thing!

  17. I always love to see the pics on your site! Glad you got some time to relax at home today. Is Gwyneth on o2? I guess I didn't realize she was still on that? Maybe I missed a few days. Anyway good luck with chemo tomorrow Tricia, you are the cutest and strongest family. I hope chemo is a cakewalk after everything you've been thru! We've been thru chemo. But thankfully none of the rest. Prayin for your family!

  18. Tricia you look radiant in these pictures...
    Praying for the third round and looking forward to hearing Gwyneths new scale reading!
    peace and prayers,

  19. Oh my...I love the daddy daughter sleeping picture. That is just too precious!!

  20. You are both an inspiration!
    I hope you don't mind, but I linked to you on my new blog:

    Keep cool! :)

  21. Sounds good! It is good to see your lives get into somewhat of a normal routine if there is such a thing. We are praying for you.

  22. My thoughts and prayers are with you all today! I hope you all are holding up ok. Love the pictures!

  23. It would be really cool to see Gwyneth next to her pug toy again if you get the chance. :)

  24. Hey there - I was driving through Orlando yesterday and saw a billboard promoting organ donation. A local hospital put it up; it said something like "Transplant Patients Need Us...And You. Be an organ donor." I thought that was cool - never seen it on a billboard before. Anyway, just FYI.

  25. WOW.....Everyone looks wonderful. Tricia looks awesome, Gwyneth is soooo adorable, and Nate, you look great too.
    I'm glad that Tricia is doing well with the treatments. Will continue the prayers .


  26. Truly, there is nothing more relaxing than napping with your baby snuggled in on your chest. Oh, how I miss those days. Oh, how I hope that our agency has some good news that I might be seeing those days again soon. And I'm so so happy for you guys, that you get all these precious "normal" parenting moments together. It makes me cry almost every time I read your posts. And your story makes me so completely grateful for the blessings that we have every day!

  27. Wow, what a beautiful family Nate! Your girls are stunning. I am glad to see Tricia just relaxing with her baby - like it's meant to be. We are praying for both of them today. Please know that you are all still in our prayers and hearts as you continue your journey. Have a wonderful week.
    With love, Tricia and Clan xoxoxo

  28. When I look at your pictures now it is hard to beleive that your girls were so sick.They looks so healthy and happy.

    Will be praying for Tricia.

  29. Beautiful pictures!! Will be praying for Tricia and Gwyneth tomorrow! Hope all goes well!


  30. praying for you today. Hope all goes well. How are Gwyneth's eyes?

  31. Nate, all your pictures are lovely, but there's something extra special about these most recent ones. Thank you for sharing.

    Love to all

  32. Awesome pics...good to see you all just enjoying your family and sweet little one!

    Praying for Tricia today...that the treatment would do what it is supposed to and that there would continue to be no ill effects from it...

    Blessings & strength,

    Southern CA

  33. Your girls are just beautiful!!

  34. Great pictures! Looking forward to another update soon.

    ~Sara in MD

    PS My girls send their love & want you to know they pray every day for you guys!

  35. What beautiful pictures! Your wife looks amazing! I keep wishing your family all the best! You are wonderful people and I hope someday we will cross paths!

  36. I have read your post for sometime and not left a comment. Actually it took me this long to figure out how to do it. Anyway I am always happy to see new pictures and see how your little one is growing and also get updates on your sweet wife. I had to chuckle today when I read the last paragraph in your post from yesterday. You can tell you have had way to much hospital and sick time when you can say "BTW Trisha is having chemo" and "Gwyneth is getting weighed" all in the same sentence! It is amazing how normal things can become.
    Take care and enjoy your smiling girls.
    Pam and Madison

  37. Gorgeous pics of your girls.


  38. Awww, Tricia's looking all gorgeous!


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