
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

White Rose Blooming (6 Months)

Happy Birthday Gwyneth Rose! 6 months worth of pictures to show how much you've grown!

("Brighter Than Sunshine" by Aqualung)

If you'd like to say "Happy Birthday" to Gwyneth Rose with more than words (and she totally appreciates the words!), please consider donating to my Personal CF Great Strides Fundraising Goal (click "click to donate" at the bottom of the linked page) to help insure that the three of us also get to spend many more birthdays, healthy and together.

As always, you can watch all 20 of the CFHusband videos on our Youtube Page.




  1. Happy Birthday precious little girl!!!

    May you stay healthy, continue growing and live happy surrounded by love and God for many many more months!

  2. now I know that the monthly pug pictures were only for when she was in the hospital, but I would loveeee to see how big she is next to the pug now. I mean, 6 months is a big milestone, and I'm sure others want to see it too :)

  3. Happy birthday to your little princess!! It is so neat to see just how far she has come and how much she has grown!! I would also love to see her next to the pug!

  4. You forget just how little she was until you see pictures charting her growth from those early days.

    Just one thing - where is the pug these days? I bet she would dwarf it now! ;-)

  5. Happy 6 month birthday, Gwyneth! You are a true miracle. I look forward to watching your mom and dad watch you grow.

  6. Nate and Tricia,
    Thank you for sharing your story with us. What a little fighter and what an inspiration.

  7. Joy, Joy, Joy!! We are drinking the "wine of astonishment".
    Ps. 60:3.(KJV)

  8. Happy 6 months Gwyneth! The video was wonderful, it's so great to see her growth all together like that. But know what I was looking for? A pic with the PUG! LOL

  9. SOO COOL!! She is so beautiful! Happy 6 Months precious child!

  10. Wow. I had forgotten how heartbreakingly thin she was-- a long time ago. What a joy to see all that chub in the cheeks these days!

  11. What an amazing display of God's power! That was beautiful. Happy Birthday!! God is amazing!!!

  12. Cutest Baby EVER!!!!!! Congratulations to you and your stunning wife!! As a long time lurker, I am ashamed I haven't logged in until now, but please know that my five year old (and myself)have the three of you in our prayers every night. Ellie always asks to check in on Baby Gwyneth and her pretty Mommy and her "fuzzy" Daddy!

    You guys ROCK!

  13. Happy six month birthday, Gwyneth!

    You have been through a lot in your first six months, and along the way you have won the hearts of so many as we have watched your daily struggles and progress. You are very blessed with the love of God, family, and friends. Many people – like me - who do not know you or your parents personally, have become invested in praying for you and keeping up with your daily progress. What a wonderful thing it is to be part of the family of Christ! We pray that you will serve Him all of your life.

  14. Happy 6-month Birthday darling Gwyneth!! Thank you Lord! You are truly the God of miracles! Still praying in Surrey, BC CANADA.

  15. Happy 6 month birthday lil one:) Your are such a blessing from above:)

  16. Happy 6 Months Gwyneth!! Great slideshow Nate!


    The video is bautiful as always!Cannot believe it has been 6 months already, time flies. Amazing how far and big little miss Gwyneth has gotten, God Bless her!!


  18. Happy 6th month birthday, Miss Gwyneth Rose!

    Here's to many more smiles...


    Southern CA

  19. HAPPY are so precious little Gwyneth.

  20. Happy 6 month Birthday little white rose... boy, you are getting big. Keep on growing sweety.

  21. She has come so far in her six months of life. It's truly miraculous and continues to amaze me every time I read an update.

  22. Happy Birthday, Sweet Wee One! She is just precious Nath and Tricia.
    You sharing the videos and pictures are such a privilege Nath. Reminds me of the power of prayer and its importance in our daily life.
    Your Story..Your Families is so powerful and its really blessed me as a reader daily.
    Its awesome to see you guys in street cloths and with colored walls and the beach all of it. Makes all the praying so worth it.
    Continuing to pray for all of you.

  23. Tricia makes me remember to enjoy every day....I know she savors every minute.

  24. Happy Birthday Sweet Baby! It has been such a blessing to watch you grow!

  25. what a beauty. she looks like she's growing beautifully.

  26. What a beautiful miracle baby the two of you have. Thank you for documenting her life so well and sharing with all of us. May God continue to bless all three of you as you walk down life's journey together!!

  27. Awesome job Nate. Makes me want to stand up and cheer! I love that picture of Gywneth with her eyes closed and her hand raised. Looks like she's praising God.


  28. HAPPY BRITHDAY precious girl! Today is my baby Noelle's 8 month birthday. Obviously, GREAT things come on the eighth!!! :o)

    Loved the video Nathan! I wish I had something like that for Noelle. Wanna do one for me? j/k! Enjoy Gwenyth's half birthday!

  29. She has quite a Daddy and Mommy. What an awesome scrapbook you have created for her. She is really going to be WOW'D when she gets older and looks at all the work both of you have done in creating this blog with all the pics and videos! God has truly blessed your family. Psalm 37:4

  30. Just amazing, I say this as tears of joy roll down my face. I feel truley blessed to be watching God's miracles in the making.

    God Bless You All.

  31. Wow, I'd almost forgotten how much hair Gwyneth had when she was born! Thanks for sharing the pics, I always love to see/hear how things are progressing.

    Can't wait to hear news about Tricia's treatment, praising God for His hand in this!

  32. Too cute! Happy 1/2 birthday!

  33. Happy 6 months Gwyneth!

    She is gorgeous. I love reading the story of your amazing family. Also, a belated happy anniversary to you and Tricia. I just celebrated my first anniversary with my husband. We had our share of struggles but we have also been really blessed this year. Reading about your story as a CF Husband has been so inspirational to me, as a CF Wife.. just wanted to let you know. Your family is in my prayers!

  34. Huge congratulations to the whole family!! We truly serve such an awesome God!!!!

    I would also LOVE a pug pick!

  35. You have such a beautiful baby girl! Having been where you're at (having 2 micropreemies, 1 angel and 1 surviving, plus a not quite 28 weeker), I can so relate to what you've been through the past 6months! I'm so glad that Gwyneth is doing SO well!

    P.S. I wish I had your photography skills (and camera)! LOL.

  36. Happy 6 month birthday! What a beautiful blessing she is.

  37. BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jen in al

  38. Wow - it is so amazing to see the progression - mind blowing!

  39. I'm pregnant and hormonal and weeping now. Happy Birthday little girl!

  40. Happy Birthday sweet Gwyneth! You are a lucky little girl to have such amazing parents, especially everything your Daddy has done for you and your Mommy!

  41. She looks absolutely amazing!!! Wow I can't believe she is already 6 months old :o). I was sort of thinking as well that at the end you would have a picture of her and her pug, so we could see her growth.

  42. These pictures always bless me as they are reminders of the prayers heard and anwsered by our God.
    Blessings to your beautiful family as you celebrate a truly miraculous six months!
    love j

  43. Oh My. I've had to be away from the puter and been missin you guys! That little miracle girl is amazing. Just. AMAZING! Happy Birthday Gwyneth Rose! You are blessed and loved by many. (((((HUGS))))) to the Rose and her Mommy and Daddy :)
    God Bless
    Jamie in Texas

  44. Wow, that was so cool to see! Great shots, great song, and great family!

  45. The video was so cute and amazing to see how far your family has come in 6 months time! I am amazed at the awesome power of prayer and our awesome God! You gotta keep posting those cute videos of the baby (and Tricia)

  46. Gwyneth, Happy 6 months.
    Nate, the slideshow is beautiful along with the song.

  47. Happy 6 months Birthday! You have the greatest mom and dad! God bless you and your family and may you celebrate many more birthday milestones!

  48. Oh, I love it! What a great song to go along with those beautiful pictures!

    ~Sara in MD

  49. Watching this video, having followed your story since December, has made me realize how much I have fallen in love with your family. Your honesty and humor and perspective through the incredible medical odds of both of your girls has been inspirational to me. I was already a sinner saved by grace, already an organ donor and already a lover of cutie pie babies before I stumbled upon your blog but my understanding of just how big God is and just how mysteriously He works has been stretched again and again as I sign on to see the latest update and to smile at the latest pictures. Still praying in Delaware and looking forward to what the next 6 months and 6 years and 60 years hold for your family! May God bless you richly as you continue to seek Him!

  50. I'm not computer savvy, but I just had to share what a miracle Gwyneth Rose is (and your wife). I've followed your blogg since before Gwyneth was born. I know God has something awesome planned for her life and all those she will touch, not matter what.
    Prayers From Your Sister Church, Kitty Hawk Baptist

  51. ahhh thats great im so glad that she is doing good and that she had another birthday wow she ages quick lol
    love britton

  52. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear beautiful miracle wonderful blessing you...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOOOOOO YOOOOOU! We love your sweet little face - The Pattons, Michael, Melissa & Molly

  53. What a beautiful baby and family you have! Your baby is a miracle :) You are very blessed!


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