
Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Thanks to Eleanor from Dublin, Ireland for being the one to get us to exactly $3000!!! Looks like I'll be hairless beauty on Friday night!

And, thanks to everyone who contributed, especially those who chipped in a few bucks and change from time to time to keep the numbers even! The fund-raiser is still going, and, in fact, my original thought was that I could raise at least $4000, and I won't be surprised if we can get there by Friday, noon. Click Here to donate!

More info to come about the live video feed, so check back in.



  1. Nate, If you raise $4000, will you shave your LEGS too? hee hee hee hee

  2. Congrats! Now what other humiliations are you willing to subject yourself to if we donate even more? :)

  3. I was going to ask you if you were going to post a video blog of the actual shaving of the I was happy to see you will post info about a live video feed.....

  4. Looking forward to Friday night!!!

    BTW, I like Sallie's comment above...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Why don't you shave your head on the radio tomorrow morning and have someone video it for youtube. That should raise awareness.

  7. Yay! Please let us know about Friday night so we can see the whole partay with you going bald! BTW--I spent a long time bald from chemo. It's not too bad. However, it's very cold with no hair!

  8. Congrats! Raising another $1000 should be easy-peasy for you!

  9. You're welcome! I was delighted to be the one to help you reach the target!

    I just got news today that my cousin in California had a difficult delivery on Sunday. Her uterus tore and the baby's heart rate was compromised. He did not breathe on his own at birth and required intubation. He was transferred to NICU and mom underwent extensive surgery.

    I was hoping to ask you and your readers to say a prayer for baby N, his mom, dad, sister and extended family.

    Also, can I ask a favour? As you're shaving your head in the evening US time, that's going to be the middle of the night for me... Any chance you could post a video of it after the fact as well?

  10. I am a blog lurker, and first time commenter, love the blog. But today, am curious enough to ask - what font does your title block use?!!! I love it!
    Your fundraising quest is inspirational - well done.

  11. You are going to be an ERUPTION OF AWESOME with your bald head!
    Can't wait to see it!

  12. Yeah, I like that idea. You should shave your legs if you raise 4000!

  13. Nate,

    I was just wondering I have to work Fri. night so will you be able to post the video for those of us who would love to watch but are unable to at 8?

  14. As the saying goes, "BALD IS BEAUTIFUL"! I love the first comment... I am sure it is in consideration, right?! Haaaa!

  15. Can't wait to see the "finished" product of baldness! congrats on meeting your goal!

  16. Congrats!! That is just great!! What are you doing if you hit $4000, come on now, I know you are creative! lol Looking forward to Friday night baldy!! :)


  17. Looks like you already his the $4K mark, what happens if you raise another thousand?

  18. just saw you're at $4001 and it's only Wednesday, great job!!

  19. You are going to be awesome bald! WHOOO HOOOO!

  20. Well done!!! I like Apple's suggestion of posting your video on YouTube with a little awareness ad. Bet you can raise $4000 easy with that kind of publicity.


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