Thursday, August 28, 2008

Home Alone

What do you do when your daughter and wife have left you at home alone?

Nothing productive, obviously.



Schroyer Family said...

You are too funny!!!! Great pics!!!

Twinmommy2boys said...

You do know how scary those look right?

Jo Lynn said...

My 10 year old son is standing here over my shoulder laughing his butt off :) You are too funny!

Jo Lynn

Shari said...

You are too funny! You must be seriously bored without your pretty girls! :)

Blessings From Above said...

Wow, you have too much time on your hands!!!

Is that another trick from your Mac? It is very cool.

Rhonda said...

That last one is awesome!!! lol

Staci said...

Hilarious. Looks like something my husband might do but never have the nerve to let anyone else know :) I love your blog and I truly believe that Gwyneth has inherited her strength from you and Tricia. God Bless all three of you. You are doing great things.
-Staci in SC

FriedrichFamily said...

Well, looking at those pictures, I have a guess WHY they left you... :) Just kidding, Nate. You have so much fun with your I-Mac! I'm glad you're managing to find a way to occupy your time! Just try and enjoy the quiet until your beautiful girls are home again!

Heidi Reed said...

You are such a goofball. Thanks for the giggle.

Heidi Reed

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Frightening....but pretty dang funny! Hee...hee...your a hoot.

Christy said...

My daughter does this with our Mac... It's pretty scary actually!! :)

Megan @ Hold it Up to the Light said...

Yikes! Do you need a new hobby?
Funny, very and my husband would get along well!

Twinkletoes said...


Tina said...

Seriously laughing out loud...and very glad I wasn't drinking a soda when these popped up on the screen!

Deb said...

I always wondered what my husband did when the kids I and I leave for a while. Hahahahahaha

WannaseeJesus said...

wow, lol. I can hardly look straight at the 1st one, it's hurting my eyes, really it is! haha

Anonymous said...

You are an odd man! :)

Aspiemom said...

Very funny!

My parents have a Mac and my son loves making silly faces on it.

Don't how Gwyneth those pics or you'll freak her out!

Jan Scholl said...

What-no gangster movies, and dad's aftershave? I would tear out the kitchen cabinets if hubby would only go visit his sisters in Iowa or brother in Charlotte. He needs to golf or something. I need to bang a hammer.

Go take a walk Nate-the weather is gonna change soon. Leaves are turning here in Michigan. Wish I could walk but can't get my shoe on my swollen foot. So go outside for me , okay??

Mrs. Dan said...

No wonder they left you home! JUST KIDDING! If you're concerned about productivity, you should post some of your pics of Gwyneth for her fan club! :)

Cristi said...

Okay, thats just wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!

Melissa :) said...

ROFL!!! The first one freaked me out. LOL :o)

Patience Leino said...

Wow, Nate...there are no words.

Missing you wonderful family!

Sarah said...

OK, that was probably the most distrubing thing I have seen in a long time. Many nightmares to come, especially from the five finger freaky thingy. thanks! :)

Marsmile said...

Yikes, these pixs look creepy!

But I know your goofy and funny!

Hope you three are doing well!

Marissa :-)

~j~ said...

oh wow... you poor dear! those girls better not leave you too often, the neighbors might start to talk :)) or perhaps they already are :))

Angela R. said...

Atleast you can keep yourself occupied... lol You are too funny. I'm sure you are missing them though.

Becky said...


I needed a laugh today. Thanks!!! Glad you got a little time to play. Just don't get too mad scientist on us hehehehe.

rjs said...

Poor Trish! Just look at what she has coming to her. Gwyneth is going to be just like you! (FUN!)

Heidi said...

I want a Mac.....

Trish better watch out for sure cause you will have the girls all over you with those looks. Naw, she has no worries. Haha! Funny though.

the higgins' said...

Gotta love Photobooth!!

My new Mac has some really cool backgrounds too--you're riding a wooden coaster, or walking in an aquarium. You can take video with it too.

kcckmom said...

Oh the wonders of PhotoBooth!!! My kids and I love to sit and make funny pics. When we first got our Macs all the little ones wanted to do was take "funny face pictures" for the first few days. I can think of many worse ways to waste some time! Glad you are making the best of it.

Unknown said...

Oh my word. So funny. :)

Still praying all of the time for you ALL.


Jane said...

you are one crazy nut! can't imagine the trouble you got into when you were a teen.

Kristi said...

You MUST stop watching the Spy Kids movies alone!!

Ann said...

I LOVE my Macbook camera. I've had lots of fun with it, mostly when left alone and bored... I see a trend.

megasam said...

You are hilarious!!!!!

Kimberly said...

Geesh, my daddy just pigs out on shrimp and M and M's.... and all the other stuff he's not "allowed" to have when SHE is home! I let him have whatever he wants, what the heck, you only live once, but my momma is fierce - he won't mess with her and her dietary rules LOL

fuzzandfuzzlet said...

OHHH Tricia.... your boy needs closer supervision.


Millicent said...


Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

You're so silly... I love it. :)

Anonymous said...

Hehe! I love the first one with the mad ideas

made me smile! Thank you =D

John and Michelle said...

Yeah, you better just stick with the Pic of Week. Much easier on the eyes!!!! ;-)

Shanan said...


Scott said...

These pics are too funny. You are one crazy man! Praying for the family, enjoy the break!

Dawn said...

Thnaks for the laugh!

Julie D said...

Have Mac, Will Entertain.

Julie said...

YIKES. That first pic was especially creepy (to me, at least).

Thanks for sharing the "real" you...ha ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Haha! NICE! Those are creepy!

Aimee said...

HILARIOUS!!! In the third one, you look a bit like a beaver! :)

Brenda said...

Oh Tricia and Gwyneth HURRY BACK! :-)

Melissa Dovel said...

If your doing THAT just think what Gwenyth and Tricia are doing! They are pretty darn crazy & funny too! Just for the record being a fellow mom and all... I am sure Tricia would much prefer for you to use your free time cleaning out closets or something:)

Blessings & keep having fun:)
The Dovel House

Melissa Dovel said...

one more thing...I will say your probably pretty unique! As I am sure most husbands DO not do these sorts of things when left alone:)

Carrie said...

OMG...that is toooo funny. It is nice to know you still have some...YOU SO...which one is your new favorite picture? LOL Have fun!

Mary said...

You are a nutter butter!


Emelie said...

My boys do this all the time. They will sit and just laugh.


Carol said...

Making me want a Mac! How these photos enhance your appearance!

Lisa said...

Ok a few of those are kinda SCAREY..

Larissa said...

but it sure is good for a laugh!

RoseGirl said...



Southern CA

Unknown said...

nathan you're too much! you have to caption those!!

Teacher in the middle said...

I think I just peed my pants a little laughing at those pics...not really the best thing to happen while I'm in a room with 33 seventh graders!

Karen said...

You are so very good at five year old! She is appreciative.

Maria said...

You crack me up.. so glad that you have been able to maintain a sense of humor though everything you and the girls have been through... make the best out of every situation!


Heidi said...

This is just great!!!! My favorite is the fourth one! Just great!

Laurie Johansen said...

Oh My Goodness, those pictures are hilarious. Nate, you are quite a character. As long you are around, I am sure Tricia and Gwyneth will never be bored or without laughter in their lives.

Productive, sometimes it's good to be counterproductive.

Candi said...

Too funny! Speaking of Home Alone, my son watched Home Alone for the first time yesterday and this morning he watched Home Alone 2. He brought the movie up to me and said, "This movie is the best movie I've ever seen with my eyes!". LOL, what can I say....he's 5!

Sara said...

Super cool!!!!!!!!!

Rita Andrews said...

Dont you just love the MAC??

Have fun!

Amanda Martin said...

I must say that in picture 3 you look rather like a chipmunk... :D

jamarson1 said...

Love it!

Robin said...

Nate, You are such a goof! No wonder Tricia loves you so much. Nothing better than a good snorkle laughing session. Thanks for the chuckle.

Marla Taviano said...

Have you done any of those with Gwyneth? My hubby does them with our girls on his iMac, and it makes me cringe. I can barely even look at my little beauties all deformed and alien-looking. It's just not right. Funny, sure, but not at all right.

Anonymous said...

Okay I almost wet my pants laughing at those pics. Thanks! I really needed the laugh.

Anonymous said...

oh wow. those are truly At least you kept yourself busy right!?

sami2009 said...


K Storm said...

OK...some of those were very freaky. You are a scream!