
Friday, August 8, 2008

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  1. That was so funny! You all had such a blast. I think you look good with the bald head. What a great thing to do in support of your wife and brother-in-law. BTW Gwyneth sounded so cute!!!!!

  2. This is hilarious! The interpreter is so funny too! Great comedy entertainment.

  3. I'm watching in Alaska!

    That was a nice (though short-lived) mohawk.

    God bless,

  4. AWESOME. :)

    at most I saw 367 viewers. (well computers).

    Thank you EDGE and CONNAIR and Burt Bees. :) haa haa you make me laugh

  5. I gasped with shock when I joined the telecast and you were bald!! Oh my gosh!!! I laughed and laughed- and my daughter joined in too!

  6. Had fun watching. Also think it's funny that there's an interpreter and that others joined in support.

  7. That was fun!! Who is next? LOL Nice to see baby Gweneth and Tricia too!!

  8. When your hair grows out, I think the next contest should be if people help you raise $10,000, you will wear your hair in a mohawk for a month!!

    Waddya think?!?!?!

    Great job!!
    tulip in Idaho

  9. My 3-year old son was watching and gave a thumbs up: "That is so COOL!"

  10. I'd give more money to see the mohawk but how about a colored mohawk? Something in Tricia's favorite color.

  11. You guys are having too much fun! Still watching you and your crazy friends!

  12. I couldn't even hear the electric razor. It was so quiet. It must have been a Conair from Walmart!!!

  13. I have no idea what the heck the interpreter is saying but i am laughing my head off when he talks! :)

  14. Did you know that you have had over 950+ viewers watch this this 8 pm!

  15. Congrats on hitting/surpassing your goal!

    You look great with a bald head, but Gwyneth is still cuter :)

  16. That rocked!! Way to go...two for the price of one! :)

    Ahem...the interpreter...would've been a REAL treat to see THAT hair come off!!

    Great job...what a fun group of friends!

  17. Hilarious!! BTW, jojoba oil is good for the razor burn!

  18. Ah, drat... I missed all but the last couple of minutes (where Gwyneth said hello).

    I'll probably watch the "replay." :)

  19. My 3 year old son was watching too and said "that guy is shaving his head. that is soooo silly because we only shave our faces." Ahh kids!

    Watching in Washington State.

  20. Darn!! I didn't get any sound but I did get to see Gwyneth!! :D Were you the only one going bald or did someone else too? I came in late and if that was you it didn't look like you. Now you have to post some pictures :D

  21. You are a winner, Nate. Check out my blog for details!

  22. This was awesome! I thought the Spanish-language interpretation added a lot to the comedy. Nathan looks great bald, but with the beard, kinda like one of those big tough-looking biker dudes called "Tiny" or something oxymoronic. My favorite was the celebrity cameos of Tricia and Gwyneth.

    Enjoyed it from my kitchen table in Texas!

  23. Loved it! YOu all sounded like you were having a blast. I loved the commentary, the translating in Spanish, and the MOHAWK! hahahaa Way to go Nate (and friends).


  24. I watched live from Dallas...thanks for the friday night entertainment! I agree, Gywneth sounded so was great to hear her...Hope you have a nice weekend!

  25. Checking in from Delaware! Watched you online while checking out the opening ceremony of the Olympic - great entertainment on both accounts!

  26. Oklahoma here--I missed it live darn it, my kids were making me watch the opening of the Olympics. But love the video. That was very funny. I don't think you have that ugly of a head. Gosh you had me worried it was going to be all scared up and bumpy or something.

    Congrats on meeting your goal
    Lori (Emmas Mom)

  27. Loved the mohawk! Nice job...
    Congrats on meeting your goal and more!

  28. You look awesome with a shaved head!

    That was too funny.....LOVE IT

  29. That was too funny. I enjoyed watching it. I laughed so hard and almost woke up the house.

    Great job on surpassing the goal.

    p.s. The interpreter needs to let go of the locks man!!!

  30. I felt like I was watching television on one my many trips to Guatemala!!! What a great noggin, Nate! We missed it last night too but me and the boys watched it this morning. Praying for your family.....



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