
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Missing You

They made it safely to Duke...Tricia should be about an hour into her chemo treatment right now.



  1. The amount of beauty and love in your family is just stunning sometimes.

  2. Praying and thinking of your family!!

  3. Will be praying for your family today as I do every day.
    Elaine from MT

  4. Sending lots of positive thoughts & prayers your way!

    That Gwenyth is such a cutie! She has the look of experience in her eyes, it must be a micro-preemie thing, Da'Gorgeouses have it too.

    Hugs & Blessings!

  5. That is such a cute picture! I hope Tricia's treatment goes well and that she is able to overcome the side effects quickly this time.

  6. have fun at the festival tomorrow!! sending positive thoughts & prayers your way as always!!

  7. A couple of months ago, I posted on here, asking for prayer for my friend Bridget who was pregnant and diagnosed with stage IV cancer. Chloe was born at the end of June at 26 wks. weighing 1pd 2oz.

    Heartbreakingly, Bridget died last night Aug. 12th at 10:30pm (pst) surrounded by family.

    She leave her husband Steve, daughter Grace (2yrs) and Chloe. Please keep them in your prayers. They are comforted knowing Bridget is without pain in the presence of the Lord, but it is still painful and overwhelming.

  8. Hope all goes well with the treatment today!! My prayers and thoughts are with your family!!

  9. What a great picture. Hope all goes well with the chemo treatment! You are in my prayers!

  10. Happy to hear your girls made it there safe and sound. You must be missing them like crazy! I will be continuing to pray all day that everything goes well for both Tricia and baby Gwyneth. Keep us posted!


  11. Look at those beautiful blue eyes.

    Sending positive thoughts their way.

  12. God bless Tricia!, & i pray the treatments are doing their job! in Jesus name i pray..Amen

  13. Prayers that the chemo is doing it's thing so that there is a GREAT check up coming your way!

  14. praying that it works like it should

  15. I have just gotten caught up on you all :)

    OH my how little miss has grown:) I'm keepingyou all in my prayers. You're such a cute little family:)

    Oh..Love the new look:)

    Hugs and best wishes


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