Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Pic of the Week



Melissa said...

So beautiful! I can't believe I'm the first one to post. I think Tricia and Gwen look so much alike. I can definitely see it in their mouths. God bless!

Hope said...


Erica said...

Picture of the year!!!! Adorable!

Jennifer said...


♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

Truly Adorable!

Anonymous said...

That has got to be the sweetest picture ever Nate. What a sweet moment between your girls. Thanks for sharing.

Stacemoe said...

So sweet!!! Made my night! Your girls are precious...but you already know that! :)

Christy said...

that is so cute!!!!!

Amy said...

This is my favorite picture yet! PRECIOUS GIRLS!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love this pic! beautiful!!

Liz Ferguson said...

Beautiful girls!! This is just too precious! I agree I think this is my favorite picture you have posted!

Erika said...

So precious!

Annette said...

that is very sweet- I love the photos of the horses. I didnt realize they roam free right there. I have seen them on an island that is sort of far away but never that close! wow-

Melissa said...

That is precious!!

Amy E. said...

oh my gosh!! that is just too precious for words!!!

Shelley said...

just best picture of the week? That's a great picture!!! I give it an A+!!!

Kelly said...


Lee said...

BEAUTIFUL.... that is all I can really say! you have 2 wonderful girls...

Cheri said...


Life As A Newlywed said...

oh my gosh! best one yet!

Blessings From Above said...

Wow, they look so much alike. Both gorgeous! :)

Marsmile said...

Oh so heart-warming and sweet! This is probably one of the best photos ever. Can definitely see the love between mommy and daughter. :-)

Thanks for sharing,

Christina said...


Queen Mommy said...

I love it! That's so sweet!

fuzzandfuzzlet said...


Emily said...

Very sweet.

Lexi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

simply delicious and OH so YUMMY nate!


Devin said...

I'd say that it is definitely worthy of that title! How sweet!

Kristen said...

I think the picture says it all...

Twinkletoes said...

Could be the cutest.picture.ever!

asplashofsunshine said...

That's what I call ABSOLUTE MOMMY LOVE!

Angela R. said...

Agreed!!! ADORABLE!!!! :)

CM2 said...

I just found your blog and am incrdibly inspired. You and Tricia sound like an amazing pair who the world is lucky to have. It's rare and yet heartwarming to see such strength and faith can be found in regular young people like me and you.

My baby daughter is 4 days younger than Gwenyth and I love following the updates on both her and Tricia.

From an Orthodox Jewish woman, I can surely say God is proud of the work you are doing and the hope you are giving so many.

Esther (

(That picture, like the rest of them, is precious)

Classy Fab Sarah said...

I love this photo - adorable!! I am completely jealous of your photo skills!

jamarson1 said...

So adorable!

texasknights said...

That is definitely the picture of the week! Love it! :)

Jen said...

That is just to cute!

Bridget said...

They couldn't look happier!

Jen in Al said...

LOVE IT!!!! What a great picture!!! Praying,jen in al

Manda Brooke said...

Gorgeous...simply gorgeous. Gwenyth is looking more and mor beautiful. She sure is growing up!

Camille said...

I love the squishy face! Beautiful picture. :-)

Unknown said...


Your heart must be bursting at the seams daily with love for those two. You are one sweet, lucky little family.

Jill in WA

~j~ said...

oh wow... just got home from Los Angeles, checking in and finding this incredible goodness of Tricia and Gwyneth... totally made my day!

Rachael and Travis said...

I loved it when my babies did that! Makes me want to cry. My youngest went off to kindergarten. Today was my day off and it was the first time since my son started kinder. I'm so used to having him with me. My heart was happy and breaking at the same time.

Joyful Mom ~ Karla said...

I love doing noses and kissies with my babies! This is a priceless picture. You just have to love baby slobber, at least until they're about 3 years or so. LOL :)

Blessings to you three!

Hugs from El Paso,
Karla and family

Candi said...

Such a sweet picture!

Andrea said...

Awwwww...I love it!!!

Angela said...

That is just perfect!! So beautiful!

Michelle Jamie said...

I have to agree. This is one of those that you should enlarge and put up on your wall!

Scott said...

Beautiful Pic, we are praying for you guys!

WannaseeJesus said...

Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!! You can see Gwyneth smilling!!!!!!!!!! Sooo cute!

Jenny, John, Jennah, Abby said...

Absolutely priceless!

Your girls ROCK!!

Much Love,
The VandeCastles

Julie said...

So cute!

Di said...


Dawn said...

All I can think when I look at this picture is how good God is.

Wherever HE Leads We'll Go said...

Your girls are BEAUTIFUL!

Kim said...

This must be blown up and hung on a wall!

Julie D said...

Oh my. It doesn't get any more special than that!

Patyrish said...


Love it!

Oma & Opa said...

Beautiful picture!

Haley & Dustin said...

i just can hear gwyneth saying "mommy why didn't you have any hair" in a cute little voice.

they are too cute. i've always wanted to know what i would look like without hair. tricia wears it well!!!

thinking and praying for yall always :)

Coach Prentice said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwww that is such a great pic!!!!!!!!!!



careysue said...

Baby kisses are the best! I remember those wide open mouth kisses!

Just priceless.

christi said...

that is the cutest picture i have ever seen!

blessings ~

terri c said...

That's an enormous AAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW shot!! How adorable! Prayers continuing.

Lisa C Photography said...

SO SWEET!!! Beautiful girls!

Steph said...

I love how it looks like Gwyneth is closing her eyes in contentment because her mama is so close to her! Both of your girls are beautiful & this picture is the best!

Wendy Glosser said...

Thank you for making my day! I needed that!

John and Michelle said...

What a sweet picture!!!

Nichole said...

Pictures speak volumes. There are no words needed!!
Beautiful family.

Emily said...

Beautiful ladies. :)

Tarasview said...

beautiful. I love those soft new baby kisses!

Emelie said...

OHHHHH...... look how beautiful they are.


Valerie said...

That is more than a picture of the week - it's a picture for a lifetime. What a beautiful answer to so many prayers!!! A friend just lost his wife and newborn (not to be a downer) and I found myself praising God for being able to rejoice over pictures like this. It's a reminder of the HOPE God gives!

Froggymama said...

One of the best pics yet!

JuJu said...

That's just about the cutest picture ever! Aww!