
Monday, August 4, 2008

Toys! (Video Version)

Here's some video of Gwyneth interacting with her toys. Notice how she finds her giraffe at the end and has a conversation with him. I've watched her talk to him for 20 minutes at a time... (the rumbling noise is my breathing getting too close to the mic...sorry)



  1. Absolutely precious. She just gets more beautiful every day.

  2. I LOVE baby talking! And baby sneezing! She is so adorable, and growing cuter by the day!

  3. HA! she got a look on her face like - "WELL HELLO MY OLD FRIEND!" when she spied Mr. Giraffe - like she didn't realize he had been there all the time - don't you wonder what she's trying to say to him?

    Wait until she finds her toes - not long now I wouldn't imagine - you will be convinced that she's an einstein in the making!! too cool - treasure these discovery days - seeing life, love and the world through her innocent eyes is an unbelievable gift.

  4. She is beautiful!! There is nothing cuter than babies babbling! My (almost) 4 mo boy has the exact toy - and LOVES it!!!

  5. I love hearing her voice! Baby talk is the best!

  6. Cherish these moments! They grow so fast! I know, I know. You've heard that a hundred times at least. I miss that age! So Cute! And I am reminded of how much she is a true miracle! She's adorable!

  7. I loved hearing her voice! Thanks so much for sharing with us.

  8. cute stuff! It's fun to see her growing and changing so much! Chatting away to her giraffe and swinging her arms at all those fun, bright toys!

  9. How adorable!I loved her sneeze.

  10. Thanks for letting us glimpse into your world. :)

  11. That is the most precious voice you will ever hear...IT makes me forget about everything around me!!

    She is absolutly perfect in everyway....I love the voice

  12. awesome!

    Nate, check out the second entry on this blog. At least it's the second one as I write. It's called Church Shootings. You may hve seen it, but in case you hadn't, you can pass it on.
    God Bless!

  13. Her little voice is just darling!
    What a sweetheart!

  14. She's absolutely precious - in every way.

    Hope Tricia is feeling okay this evening.

    Love to All

  15. Too cute! I miss those little baby noises. Thanks for posting Nate, she is truly amazing.


  16. Aww! Bless her little heart. She is so cute! I forgot how adorable they can be at this age. Enjoy it, it doesn't last long enough.

  17. She is such a sweetie. I remember those days...and I miss them! I am so happy she is learning how to play. I am praying for your family still and I won't stop! God bless!

    Tricia :)

  18. That is the sweetest thing I've seen in a while! I just love thesneezes, too!

  19. Lol. So precious!!!! SOOOO adorable. Bless you, Gwyneth!

  20. I love her sweet little voice. It's so funny how they carry that same voice with them as they grow up! Take tons of video, the days pass so quickly! :)

  21. Your white rose is amazing and beautiful.

    She looks so much like you, Nate.

  22. I love baby sneezes!! What a sweet little voice!! Bet you can't wait to here Momma and Dada.

  23. I ahve to say that she is one of the most beautiful babies I have seen!!! How sweet is all theat cooing?!

  24. Love her little sneeze...that was too cute! And her 'talking' is just precious! You guys must have a lot of fun with her. :)

  25. OMG what a doll.. such a great thing to see her like this knowing what a hurdle she had to overcome. God is great!
    Steph/Stl Mo

  26. That was adorable! :) As someone who has never been fortunate enough to be around a baby for more than about 30 seconds, I find it so interesting to see how much personality she already has. She is beautiful as always. :)

  27. what a beautiful glorious sound (Gwyneth :)) of a very precious little girl. I love that sweet little babbling sound..

  28. Just adorable and such a little miracle!! Thanks for making me smile. God is Good! All the time!!

    God Bless~

  29. I like....the sneezes! how cute is that? I love this stage...where they are "finding" their voice. Love it! (she sounds so "girly"):^)

  30. oh my! It is wonderful to see and hear her! Thank you for sharing with all of us!

  31. What a doll baby...she is so beautiful and the baby talk...priceless.

  32. Again, your daughter is absolutely adorable! If I could get to her, I could just squeeze her...Nathan and Tricia--I bet you kiss and hug on her ALL the time!!

  33. So very adorable! She does have lots to say, doesn't she? And the smiles.... Prayers continuing.

  34. that precious little miracle!
    Totally awesome to see her in action!
    The sneeze made me say "bless you" and then i realized i was talking to the computer screen...

  35. BLESS YOU Gwyneth! That sneeze was quite amazing.
    I could watch her antics all day!
    She makes the joy bubble up inside and leaves you feeling that all is right in the world.

  36. Such a sweetie!!! I don't need to tell you how blessed you are....God is good! Take as much video as you can, it goes by so quickly...I know you know that!!! I pray for the 3 of you each day from Dallas...Thanks for the updates and your blog is wonderful and making such a difference all around the world.

  37. Adorable. Thanks for your wise words with blogging. I appreciate it, because as you know there are some people that at times do not leave the nicest comments about desicions that we all make. Especially when dealing with a medical situations. I continue to read every day and watch your little girl grow, she is beautiful. Randy just got back from his 2nd trip to Duke and it is so nice to be back home......
    As always SMILE

  38. Gosh, so cute! Funny baby talk and sneezing! Must be really enjoyable to watch her interact with her environment. :-) Thanks for sharing!


  39. Okay that is just down right adorable and I would swear I heard her say "Oh Hi" when she looked at her giraffe. Like he had just come there to meet her. Very cute.

  40. those sounds just bless my heart!

    blessings ~

  41. Thanks for posting the video of Gwyneth playing! What a sweetheart! I love her tiny little precious. I'd also like to ask where you got the playmat she's on (who makes it?) Thanks!

  42. Oh, I loved watching that--thanks for filming it and sharing with us. I loved to listen to the cooing and even her cute little sneeze!

  43. So precious! She's got some big girl sneezes going on there too. That cute little stick-out-my-tongue thing is precious. I love when they start interacting with their toys and surroundings (especially Mom & Dad!) She's such a miracle and I'm so glad you've shared your life with us. You all are one extremely precious family!

    We're praying for Tricia as she continues to feel better from her last round of chemo. She's a fighter! You all are my heroes. :)

    Hugs from El Paso,
    Karla and family

  44. When I look at your daughter I feel that pressing feeling in my chest because I think of how much her mommy dreamed of having her. What a cute video. :)

    Apryl in NC

  45. Really nice to see Gwyneth so happy and enjoying her toys. She will really be used to having a camera in front of her, maybe she will have a future in TV!

  46. Gorgeous!!!

    I am told by a neo natal nurse friend that young babies like black against light colours - they can define the difference more easily. Don't know how they know!!!

    And Nathan, you don't make heavy breather phone calls in your spare time do you?!?

  47. Baby sneezes are the BEST!

    Amazing, simply amazing - God sure does allow for some outstanding moments in our lives, doesn't he?

  48. I love it! That is so adorable! Gwyneth is too cute for words! I love when the babies talk like that! Precious! She is truly a miracle!

  49. How cool is Gywneth? And feels like such a short time since she was that tiny shape in the incubator. I love her toy chat!

  50. Awwww, I miss those days. Soak them up. Babies grow up way too fast!

  51. WOW, I thought I was having a bad day yesterday until I listened to tis last night. What pure joy!!! She is truly a miracle, and a beautiful one at that.

  52. simply too cute for words...seems that she's finding her voice - there's nothing sweeter than all of the *talking* they do in the early months! i know you are both thankful for every coo & cry! we continue to pray for tricia, gwyneth & you! blessings!

  53. Way too cute! We are already missing that baby cooing. Our three are now starting to talk real words. Keep those videos because your going to miss this one day.

  54. Aww, that's so sweet!! My youngest are now four and that stage seems so very far away. The videos certainly help us remember the times so it's good you take so many. Enjoy these days, as I know you already do!

  55. See, I knew that my mind didn't remember much these 9 year old just reminded my that the younger twins are 3, not 4.....oops!!

  56. She's precious. It's so sweet to hear her cute little voice! Thanks for sharing.

    BTW.... Instead of going completely bald, why not do "CF Husband Rocks a Hawk"? Mohawks seem to be all the rage today of the hip people... you're pretty hip, and you'd still have at least a little bit of hair on your head. Just a thought!

  57. Giraffes ARE very good listeners.

  58. I love this video. It's great to see her getting so big and talking away and interacting like that. This is a wonderful stage. Thank you for sharing little glimpses of the joy she must bring you all.

    You are all (especially Tricia) in our hearts and prayers every day. You guys totally rock!
    Prayers and hope,
    Tricia and Clan

  59. Aww-she's so amazing! and cute! It's great she's doing and has done so well!

  60. She is just so precious!! Thank you Nate for posting such wonderful pictures and videos!!

  61. It sounded like she said "Oh Wow!" at the beginning. How sweet that is!!

  62. What a beautiful and inspiring family you have...and a terrific husband and father...may God continue to bless you
    joan & hannah grace

  63. so adorable, those little baby talking sounds... what a dollbaby.... makes me want another one :)

  64. her voice is so adorable! what a little beauty! man God blows me away! HE IS SO GOOD!!

  65. Those are precious keepsakes!!!! I wonder what they were "talking" about. :) It must have been a very good topic because she was really interested.
    God Bless little Gwenyth and her growing in all ways.

  66. Adorable...she's a chatty girl, for sure!!

  67. What a Blessing!!! I truly enjoyed that, and thank you so much for sharing with us! I continue to lift you and Tricia and Gwyneth in prayer.
    Hugs from Maryland

  68. She is beautiful and her voice is adorable! Watch out...this could be the start of a lifetime of talking!! :-)

  69. okay, okay, I have to come out of lurking to say hello after that one.
    I think Gwenyth resembles you a fair bit (you know, the parts that can be shared from daddy to daughter without making daughter look scary weird! Lol!). She's the sweetest baby ever.
    I, too, loved hearing her voice.
    God bless!
    melissa in vancouver, canada

  70. That was so sweet--I watched it while holding my 10 month old son, Every time she made a noise so did he. It was quite adorable.

  71. How adorable! I love it! Thanks for sharing!

    ~Sara in MD

  72. Oh...those precious baby sounds!! Makes we want to have another :-)! Absolutely adorable--thanks for sharing!


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