
Monday, August 18, 2008


Tricia started feeling the fatigue from the chemo yesterday. We remember, after the first treatment, that the first Sunday (both treatments have been on a Wednesday) was the first day she started to feel the side effects as well. If the pattern holds true, she'll continue to feel more and more fatigued throughout the rest of the week, with Friday (that dreaded Day 10) probably being the worst. She was also complaining about stomach problems this morning, which may or may not be related.

Gwyneth continues to show a greater awareness of her surroundings. She is beginning to grab more things with her hands, although I don't think she actually realizes that she is because she's not reaching for anything yet. She is smiling more and more, and is starting to show signs of laughter when we talk to her. She's drooling all over the place, which means more baths and changes of clothes.

I am still trying to find the balance between all of my responsibilities. We discovered, after the last treatment, that Tricia will become very disabled over these next few days, and somebody will need to be with her 24/7 until she's feeling better. It's a HUGE blessing to be so close to so much family, which allows me to fulfill other obligations (not that I consider my family an "obligation").

Thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers. I'll leave you today with my new favorite photo...



  1. God bless the three of you. That picture is the best!

  2. With God's help, we learn how to balance all of those things. I'm sure it is nice to have family around...ours is 3+ hours away. Your blog is a blessing to me during my troubling time.

  3. That picture has love written all over it! I love it! Good luck with everything this week.

  4. Praying for you this week, Tricia!

  5. That is a really sweet photo..Your family's story has been so beautiful to watch unfold but what is more beautiful is your family's response to all you have been through. I thank you for the opportunity to watch & I will continue watching & praying for all of you...
    Emily in Mississippi

  6. your wife and daughter grow more beautiful with each passing day. Prayers continue for growth and health. Thank you for allowing us to share this continued miracle of God in your lives.

  7. you are VERY blessed to have family close. Yes we chose to move south when neither of us were Christ followers. And now that we are following His will for our lives, He has not given (praise God!) us permission to return north. I sometime wonder how we will do it if one of us gets really sick or when we eventually have children in our home.

    always praying for your family!

  8. What a sweet sweet picture! Will be continuing to prayer for Tricia over the coming days - bless her heart - she's been through so much. May God hold you in the pal of His hand.

  9. Im glad you have family so close. I think your baby girl has her momma's smile.

  10. Holding you and your family in prayer this week.

  11. Many prayers coming your way. Its a blessing you have family who love you all so much to be there. I am glad they are.
    Special prayers for Tricia this week.
    Love the picture thanks for sharing it.
    Kerry in Michigan

  12. Praying for all of you today. Nate, I am praying for you especially. I know that it is hard to be the spouse, care giver, and parent all at the same time. I am sure that you are doing a great job, but I wanted you to know that I am praying for you too, not just your girls!

  13. Praying for Tricia this week to be protected and for the chemo to do its job. And also for you to be able to find the balance you need Nate. It is important for you. Gwyneths smile is just so precious and I love the newest picture of mother and daughter. May the Lord continue to carry you all and fill your hearts with hope and joy and healing.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  14. Continuing to pray for Tricia that God will give her strength in the coming weeks and days. And for Gwyneth to continue to grow. That is a beautiful photo!

  15. Nate: Beautiful picture of your girls. Being a former caregiver to my husband who had Hodgkins and then my mother - I know how hard it is. May God continue to Bless You and give you the strength. Somehow it all works out but at the time you wonder how. You are a wonderful guy. Thanks for keeping us informed.
    Susan from California

  16. That picture is beautiful. God bless you and your family.

  17. Your girls are so beautiful.
    It's about to get fun taking pictures of Gwyneth holding funny things! And we'll be praying for Tricia! And for you- you've got your hands so full!

  18. I love the picture! Like so many it is priceless! Keeping you all in my prayers!

  19. I don't think anyone would ever call you a complainer Nate. It is great that you have family around to help and you should allow them to help out as much as possible. Sometimes as Christians we take the "helping others" part to heart but we forget that by allowing others to help us, they are able to show their love. I pray tat Tricia's week goes better than expected. Blessings.

  20. Thanks for the updates. Love this picture and the ones of Gywneth below...cute smiles. Still Praying for ya'll.


  21. Indeed, a lovely photo of your girls! Will be praying for strength for all of you in the challenges of this particular week. I'm sure your family members consider it their joy and privilege to be able to be with Tricia and Gywneth when you need to be away from home. It would be so, no matter what, but especially in light of all that has transpired in the last year of your lives together. May God continue to bless you and bring miracles of healing and health in your immediate family, as well as in those in your extended family who are also facing their own medical issues!

  22. Beautiful pictures, as always. Gwyneth is going to have such a wonderful chronicle of her life to enjoy when she's older. Thank you for being an open book and sharing your lives with all of us who have grown to care about you and your girls so much.

    Many prayers for you all this week as Tricia continues her courageous journey towards good health. :)

  23. The picture is precious!!! Praying that Tricia feels better and is able to get well rested. You are right in saying that you are so blessed to be around so much family that is willing to step up and help....A lot of people are not as fortunate. Also, praying for you, Nate, that you are able to get your responsibilites done and focus. Hope ya'll have a great week and as always, thanks for the update!

  24. I'm praying for you Tricia!

  25. Oh so sweet!!
    God Bless you guys

  26. We are praying this week goes by quickly for Tricia.

  27. Beautiful picture, Nate. I will continue to pray for all 3 of you. Erika :)

  28. I'll be praying for you, your fam and your sweet wife this week. Thanks for continuing to let us share in your journey. The song Shadowfeet by Brook Fraser reminds me of your family and the trust you have placed in your faith in Christ. Thanks for being a light in a very dark place!

  29. Cute Picture! I have been thinking about you everday and hoping that the chemo won't be too painful. Stay strong and keep looking at that wonderful husband, and beautiful baby and you'll be fine! Hang in there!

  30. What a very sweet picture of Mommy and Baby! I have to say, Tricia looks beautiful, even bald! Her eyes and facial features just really shine and she just looks lovely. The expression she gets on her face when she looks at Gwenyth is just priceless.

    Praying for her strength and complete healing, and for you too,Nate as you balance all you have to do.

  31. such a sweet photo! And the photos below of Gwyneth smiling! cute! I'll be praying for you guys.

  32. Praying for Tricia this week. I am glad you are close to family to help out while you are at work ect.

    Gwyneth is absolutely precious. I love this age where they are discovering everything for the 1st time.

    Nate, we will be praying for you too, that you find that balance between all your responsibilities.

    Thank you for sharing with us.

  33. Hope Tricia feels better soon. That is such a blessing to be near family. Oh-the last couple of posts- the pictures are so great-is it me, or does Gwyneth have her mother's smile?!

  34. Thanks for the update. Praying for you all this week.
    That is a beautiful picture you took. Thanks for sharing.

  35. After all she has been through, Tricia always looks so radiant! The love of Jesus really shines through.

  36. I will be praying for Tricia to have minimal side effects and, of course, for you and Gwyneth as well. Many blessings!

  37. THat is a beautiful picture, both girls are such sweethearts! Im praying and thinking about Tricia this week. When my Mom went through Chemo it was the same for her. Lots of love and prayers coming out of Wisconsin!

  38. I remember those days of "first smiles and giggles." They are so special. Sending love to all of you. xoxo The Froggy Fam.

  39. God bless the three of you, you all continue to be in my prayers daily. I'm sorry that the treatments are so rough on Tricia :( She deserves a medal for "Woman of the year"...I don't think any other woman in the world has gone through as much as she has this past year.

    Thanks for keeping us updated!

  40. The perfect picture of love. As I was looking at it I thought of how God must look at us, His children. Praying for you all.

  41. Beautiful picture! Sorry to hear Tricia is not feeling well again, hope it doesnt last long. You seem to be able to balance very well, but it is a blessing to have such a close family like yours, happy they are there for you guys. Will be praying for Tricia and the rest of you extra hard this week. Hopefully next week will be a better one!

    God Bless!

  42. I can see why that is your favorite photo! The chemo sounds very challenging and I suspect it is different for each patient. Unfortunately Tricia was coming off a very long period of very ill health plus the massive transplant surgery so you and she are the ones who will know what she needs. Prayers are continuing.

  43. I have to agree with you Nate, families are indeed a Blessing, so glad you have some wonderful support surrounding the three of you.

    Praying as always for you all, especially for Tricia this week.

    Much love.

  44. continuing to pray for Tricia and all of you. I pray the next several days will be good to Tricia.

  45. What a gorgeous little girl you have! Her smiles are priceless!

    Praying that Tricia gets through this week and starts to feel better very soon!

    So glad you have family near by to lessen the load a bit. You will find the just takes some practice ;) It'll come.

    Thanks for all of the gorgeous pictures of your girls! You captured just about every squeezable, kissable, pinchable and huggable part of your little muggin ;) My faves are the toes and ears!! Such a precious little girl!

    Praying for health, healing, progress, patience and BALANCE for you all... you are such a precious family!!!!

    The VandeCastles :)

  46. Love, love, love the pic!

    Praying for you guys......

  47. Our prayers are with you all. Love love love the pics. Gwyneth is really growing and she is so so pretty!! How about a new pic of Gwyneth with her stuffed pug puppy??
    Take care

  48. Can I just say that Tricia looks beautiful? What a pretty head :)

  49. I think that is my new favorite photo as well. You really can tell how alert Gwyneth is now.

    Praying for Tricia this week.

  50. Lovely picture Nathan! You capture so much love in your pictures!!

  51. wonderful picture... beautiful girls! praying, jen in al

  52. Praying that Tricia's feeling better soon. Love the picture - no wonder it's your new favorite.

  53. That is definitely a picture to treasure. Just beautiful. Prayers going out to the three of you from upstate NY.

  54. I can`t wait to hear about her first real laugh. There is nothing like it. Babies have an ability to make you feel like you are the funniest person on earth.

  55. His mercies are new each morning... I will pray for all three of you, for strength to get through the worst of the chemo, for your local support team, for any needs you may have.

    I must say, that is my favorite photo you've posted yet. Beauty, strength, love, all wrapped up in that one photo. LOVE it!

  56. Awwww those two sweet ladies melt my heart. I love pictures of them together. Grateful for your loving family as well! Praying for you!

  57. how can you not have faith when you see photos like that?? Makes my heart skip a beat. Keep em coming!


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