
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Back Pain

Tricia's experiencing a lot of back pain, including spasms. It could be caused by several things, and she's going to be check out today. She didn't sleep at all last night. We'd appreciate your thoughts and prayers today.



BTW, I fixed the bone marrow link, so, it should lead you to the FREE registration now.


  1. Praying for Tricia right now Nate and asking Gods healing touch over her today. Be blessed today. I love you guys.

    Laurie in Ca.

  2. That sucks! :( I'm praying for some relief for Tricia today...and some much needed rest! *HUGS*

  3. Praying as I type and will continue to pray for her to have a good report from the doctor today. Matthew 11:28-30 is the scripture I came to for her today. God bless!

  4. Praying for Tricia's pain and discomfort and that the doctors will be able to relieve this and help her to be able to rest.

  5. I had agonising shooting backpains when I was on a certain IV....think it was Tazocin....not sure that's any help but hope the pain eases up x

  6. Hope Tricia feels better soon. I know from experience that the Neupogen or Neulasta shots cause some bone/back pain if thats the shot she recently received for her wbc boost.

    Nate, have you or any family members already registered for the bone marrow registration and if did it go?

  7. Praying for Tricia right now.

    It could be the side effect to chemo. I also had back pain, and joint pain while I was doing chemo. Some days I was unable to get out of bed or walk to the bathroom without help.

  8. Praying for Tricia today. I stumbled across your blog today and wanted to tell you that your story is very inspiring.
    I also noticed that you're also in North Carolina.
    I live with Marfan Syndrome and visit Duke often for treatment - I know how that can be.


  9. i don't know what injection she had to boost her white blood cells...but, when my husband went through chemo, they gave him Neupogen for that and it gave him horrible back/bone pain. maybe it's from the shot? warm baths really helped him.
    i'll pray that the pain goes away and that she gets some sleep.

  10. I hope she feels better soon and it's nothing serious.

    By the way, I know you have a large prayer community so could you keep someone in your prayers. This couple had a little boy who was born too early and died. Now they have a 1 year old who was just diagnose with Hurler's disease and most children with this die early on. Please check out their site and keep them in your prayers.

  11. Sending prayers, love, and good thoughts your way today! May God bless you with a healing, happy day!

  12. Praying for your sweet wife right now...jen in al

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Praying for Tricia.. hoping the pain subsides and is nothing severe. Please keep us posted.


  15. I am so sorry to hear of the pain that Tricia is having. We will continue to keep her in our thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted on what you find out.

  16. oh Tricia, as someone who suffers from constant back problems I truly hope she feels better soon. Back pain is no fun at all. Praying for you!

  17. Praying Tricia feels better soon.

  18. Praying for relief and comfort for Tricia.

  19. Poor Tricia! Hope her checkup points the way to getting her out of pain. Prayers continuing.

  20. Praying for a good explanation and effective fix for the back pain!!!

  21. You got 'em--prayers that is! I often have back pain and intense spasms with my MS..not fun!!

    Love and prayers,
    Shari , NC

  22. Another vote for the Neulasta/Neupogen being the culprit. Hope she gets some relief soon!

  23. Prayers coming your way, for Tricia's back and for all your family's concerns. God is with you!

  24. I am praying her pain subsides or they can do something to help her through it.

    Neuprogen, Neulasta and drugs like Leukine to help the white blood counts all can really cause spine pain. Depending on which they gave her. They affect people differently . I took a lot of Neuprogen with my first form of chemo and it was just fine no problem Then Leukine I was just miserable. I had spasms and wicked pain in the spine and hips.
    I agree some chemo can do the same.
    Good its being checked out.

    Praying for all of you today.

  25. I am praying for Tricia right now. I am praying specifically that she gets a good report and that her pain is absent.


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