
Friday, September 12, 2008

Great Strides Walk Tomorrow!!!

Here's a rundown of all that you'll find at the walk tomorrow!

Free Food:
Dunkin’ Donuts
Captain Frank’s
Jimmy’s Buffet
Slice Pizza
Little Caesar’s
Butcher Block
Boar’s Head
Kill Devil’s Custard
SOS Enterprises Snow Cones

Raffle and Silent Auction with more than 75 items donated by local businesses and restaurants
Games and Crafts from Kitty Hawk Kites
Artist, Glenn Eure
Kill Devil Hills Fire Truck
Dare County K-9
Jody from Beach 104
DJ, Matt Cooper from Outer Banks Music Masters

That's only the tip of the iceberg! If you're coming, make sure to bring some spending money to participate in the raffle and silent auction. There will also be several vendors on site who are donating all of their proceeds to the walk!

CFF has already received over $30,000 in the bank, which is half of our goal of $60,000. Considering that nearly half of our 2007 total came in on the day of the walk, we're very hopeful that we'll make our goal this year!

The weather is looking good! Warm and mostly dry!

The Wedding Day Photography Auction is over...the winning bid was $2160! Thanks again to Kirsten of Innate Photographics!

Oh yeah...I officially reached my personal goal of $15,000 today!!! Of course, there's still time to Donate Online if you can't make it to the walk!

And, although Tricia never made it to the doc yesterday (because she was feeling so bad), they did prescribe a muscle relaxant...she slept from 2pm yesterday to 10:30 this morning, and she's feeling much better!




  1. Glad to hear Tricia is feeling better today.
    Good luck with the walk tomorrow.
    Take care

  2. Sorry to hear that Tricia was not able to maake it to the doctor! But, I am so glad that she is feeling better! Rest is a great thing! Good luck tomorrow!

  3. Congrats on reaching your personal goal! I am glad that Trish is feeling better.

    I wish you sunny skies, plenty of people and plenty of donations tomorrow!


  4. Hi Nate, you don't know me, and you have more important things to do than keep up with a Meme (pronounced Meem) which is just basically sharing quirks about ones self. well as the rules of these things go, you tell what blogs you like to keep up with, and then let those blogs know that you like to keep up with them, So I like to read yours! You have made me see that I need to count my blessings everyday and pray for those whose blessings are more difficult than my own! God Bless you and Your BEAUTIFIL Wife and Amazing Daughter!

  5. Wishing you beautiful weather and a wonderful day. Did you ever unveil the winning T-Shirt design?


  6. So glad to hear Tricia is feeling better today. I have much work to do for our next GS Walk, coming next May. But you guys help inspire me every day!

  7. Very glad Tricia is feeling better!! Great job on meeting your goal!!

  8. Praying that Tricia is feeling well enough to make it to the walk tomorrow! I hope the day is absolutely perfect for you!

  9. We really wish we could be there to walk with you! But Micaela and Brian (my little ones) were happy to donate their $30.00 from their lemonade sale in August. All the best - let's hope this takes us a step closer to a cure for CF!
    Hope Tricia is much better.
    Have fun tomorrow!
    Tricia, Micaela and Brian
    N.VA :)

  10. Way to go on the fundraising! God bless you for everything you are doing! Im so glad to hear the Tricia is feeling better.

  11. wow Tricia was tired! Good for her that she was able to get some good rest! oh and good luck with your walk tomorrow! I hope you raise more than you expect!

  12. Glad to hear that Tricia is feeling better today. Hope that she'll be able to make it out tomorrow :-)

  13. Still praying for yall in Illinois!

  14. Good luck with the walk tomorrow! I hope it is a tremendous success!! If I was close I would be there....Also, glad to hear that Tricia is feeling better!!! Hope ya'll have a wonderful weekend!!

  15. So glad to hear Tricia is feeling better and hope she stays that way for the walk. Praying for nice weather tomorrow and a great day!!! Enjoy yourselves!!! You guys did and WONDERFUL job reaching your goal and should be proud of yourselves.

    I would like to personally thank you and everyone else who participated in Great Strides for their help to spread awarness and bring CF a step closer to a cure!

    Breath Easy!

  16. Have a safe & happy walk!!

  17. Hi Nate, I haven't had time to check out your blog lately. You guys have been busy. I'm glad to see that Gwyneth is growing and Tricia is feeling better. The boys are huge (around 15 lbs). Have fun tomorrow.

    Kendra and Joe

  18. I'm glad that Tricia is doing better today and got much needed sleep.
    Hope all goes well with the Walk tomorrow, and I wish I was there instead of in Ike's path.

  19. wishing fun and lots of donations for you all tomorrow!

  20. I'm glad to hear she is feeling better.
    You know your sick when you are to sick to go to the Dr.


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