
Saturday, September 6, 2008

Hurricane Hanna Report (02)



  1. crazy...probably pretty neat to see it up close. be careful, your family is in our prayers!

  2. Thanks for the "roller coaster ride" of a video. LOL Just teasing. I could see the white caps on the water behind you. Glad to know ya'll are doing okay.


  3. Well, it does sound worse than this morning... please be careful! (I have a maternal instinct that is very large and can reach all the way to the East coast from here in Southern California!)

  4. hey Mr. Storm Chaser :) looks like Ike won't be messing with our plans next week :)))) YEAH for Great Strides....:( for the gulf.

  5. Thanks for the update. I like your coverage better then the weather channel. :-)

    It looks like there was water all around you. A little scary.

    Keep safe.

  6. Now that is dedication to your blog readers! We're praying for your family, and all those who are coming into contact with the hurricane(s) right now.

  7. Wow! So neat you doing this for us. I can't believe how far the water is. I hope you all don't lose power. You can tell by the video the wind is still really strong. Stay safe!

  8. Nate, you're such a hoot to give us an up-close and personal view of the weather there. You definitely keep your readers (friends) up-to-date with whatever is going on in your life. I'm very thankful the storm wasn't so bad.

    So, did you read all the comments to Tricia on your First Annivesary Blog? Very cool comments - I read each and every one.

    The sun is trying to shine here in Richmond. :-)

    Love to all.

  9. Oh my goodness the wind sounds crazy! Be careful:)

  10. I just had to comment because you cracked me up... "I went to the beach but there was sand everywhere."

    Really? Sand!?! At the beach? *Wow*

    I'm only teasing, but it was funny. Stay safe out there!

  11. That just looks like too much fun! But you'd never find me doing that lol

  12. Just lots of rain up here in Cape May and Gloucestor County NJ.

  13. You are crazy!
    Way better than Anderson Cooper!

  14. Okay I am stupidly laughing at this video. You see, I once ran a footrace in winds like this. It was a fundraiser for a local charity and run out near the lake-in fact it finished on the beach. It was so frigging cold (and on Mothers day no less) but I signed up (I am such a sucker). When my hubby saw me coming into the area of the lake (maybe a half mile to the finish) he said I was going in slow motion with the wind smack in my face. I had snot running down my face, my feet were blue,and soaked. It was so so horrible (won't tell you about the one I did with the temp at 90+) and one in the tornado warning. I am just a sucker for local charities. It did start to snow at the moment I crossed the finish on the beach. Huge handsize flakes. I never ran that race again!

    Glad you only got a breeze-Ike looks bad.

  15. I think I was too busy watching the expressions on your face to notice the water...

    Praying that the storms all pass through with a minimal amount of damage!!

  16. Here is the road three houses down from us! Hope they get it fixed soon!!

  17. I'm laughing at you the same way I laugh at the reporters on TV who go to the sight of the storm & almost get blown away. Since you all are safe, I can laugh. If I lived closer, I would probably do the same thing. I love storms!

    ~Sara in MD


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