
Monday, September 15, 2008

I'm Not The Only One

Remember last week how I asked you to vote for me for a blog award, and how you've been voting like crazy people (635 times to date), and how, if I win, I'm going to donate the winnings to a local charity (if you suffer from short term memory loss, Click Here to be reminded)?

Well, MckMama (one of Tricia's favorite blogs) has been nominated for an award on that same site, and she has also promised to donate her winnings to a great charity. Check it Out, and consider voting to help MckMama with another worthy cause!




  1. What!? Are you kidding me!? You wrote about me on your, blog!? I feel famous:) Just kidding. Okay, not really kidding. I am actually kind of serious.

    I thought I saw the other day that Tricia was following me on Twitter, but I wasn't sure it was her. Give her a big squeeze for me and tell her that she is one of my favorite readers! You know, now that I know.

    Here's to both of us winning (since you're nominated in a different category than me) and giving to two great causes!!

    Thanks, Nate!

  2. MckMama RULES! I found her via a comment she left on this blog right after they learned MckMuffin was sick... I think she was 23 weeks and change at the time... and now she's almost 31 weeks pregnant. :)

    Hi, MckMana. :)


  3. Nate:

    I follow her blog also and had already voted for her too!! Here's hoping you both win!!
    Susan from California

  4. Nate,
    Thanks so much for sharing. I can't wait to check out her blog. Best of luck!

  5. 2 of my Favorite Bloggers Come Together!!!


    Love to you and yours!!!

  6. I love that you know each other.

    We follow her blog too and have become friends!

    Blogging has blessed me with some amazing friends/sisters/brothers in Christ! ONLY GOD!

    Hugs to you and Tricia!

  7. I love her blog too! Hopefully you both can win!

  8. How fun to see my dear friend mentioned on your blog Nate!
    Both of your causes are so worth - good thing you guys are in different categories.

    Still praying in Minnesota...

  9. I've voted for both of you, as you are in different categories, and hope you both win!

  10. How cool is blogland?!!! I came to Mckmama's blog through Angies link on her blog 'Bring the Rain' and have been following hers for the last few weeks praying for her and baby. Tricia, you would probably love Bring the Rain if you don't already follow it.

  11. I had already voted for you, but I just went and voted for MckMama as well. I hope you both win!!!

  12. I'm glad you posted this as I thought I couldn't vote for both of you and had already voted for you. I too, love her blog and will go ahead and vote for her too! It's awesome that you're both donating the winnings to charity! Way to go...

    Still praying for you all, :)
    Tricia and Clan


    Came across this amazing story.

  14. We voted for you!

    Did you see this story? Pretty cool!

  15. Wow, very cool to see my sister mentioned on your site!! Thanks so much for linking to her.
    I've been coming to your site for a long time and I've said it before, I'm very inspired by your faith.
    I think of and pray for you, Tricia and Gwyneth often. I pray the best for your sweet family!
    I hope you and my sister both win!
    Take care,


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