
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

(Bump) The Stanfields

The Stanfields blog was hacked into and deleted. For updates, you can visit I'm flattered by the fact that people expect me to know so much, but many of the people I link on my blog are not people I know any more than you, which is why I haven't responded to any of the hundreds of emails I've received asking about info on the Stanfields...

You may remember me posting about the Stanfield family (Here, in late January) when their son, Maddox was born prematurely (and passed away that same day). As of last night, Kenzie Stanfield is in the hospital, experiencing preterm labor with baby Faith.

Please, take the time to visit The Blog and leave a message of encouragement for them. I can't imagine what they've gone through and what they might be going through right now.



  1. Thank you for mentioning the Stanfields. I found Kenzie's blog a while back and fell in love with the family.

  2. I've been praying for Kenzie and Faith and will continue to.

  3. I've been praying for them and following their story since you posted about them months ago. Thanks for mentioning them again. May Jesus bless sweet little Faith and hold her in her mommies womb for awhile longer!

  4. Just linked to the Stanfields, will be praying particularly today for them.

  5. Thank you so much for prayer requests for the Stanfields. I've known them for over a year now and they are one of the most precious families like you guys are. I just love how the Lord is using blogs to link us all together in prayer and support. Praying little Faith stays put until her time is right. Gwyneth gives me so much hope here too. Over 9 lbs.!!
    She is doing wonderful and getting prettier like her momma every day. Bless you guys and stay safe.

    Love and Prayers, Laurie in Ca.

  6. Thank you for posting this, Nathan. It was through the inspriation of your story that I then found the inspiration of the Stanfield family. My heart goes out to them. We're praying--

    Jennifer Bergey

  7. Thank you so much Nate. It means a ton. I know that this may be a surprise to us but it is no surprise to Him. Praying for your family as well as for theirs.

  8. Thank you for requesting these prayers for my sweet friend Kenzie. She and I have walked this road of grief together this past year and had the opportunity to spend the weekend together, along with six other mothers in our same shoes (6 affected by Trisomy 18 like Kenzie's Maddox and 1 by a rare neurological problem like my Miller Grace) at LifeWay's Deeper Still: The Event in Atlanta in June. When I think of the ways that Lord has knit so many of us together using such a thing as Blogger, it boggles my mind... and brings me to my knees in praise. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that it blesses my heart to see two sweet families I have been so moved by this year united in this way, by prayer. I am certain that sweet Gwyneth Rose is an inspiration to the Stanfields tonight. Thank you for letting God use your family in such a mighty way!

  9. I came across your blog from CF Husband...your family will be in our prayers!!

  10. thanks for the update. I usually keep us with their blog but haven't read it in a week or so. Lots of prayers for them

  11. Does anyone know why their blog seems to have been taken down? Any updates appreciated.

  12. Where did their blog go? I went to refresh this morning and *poof* it has been removed! I'm so sad.

  13. I was just wondering the same thing. I went to check their blog this morning and it was gone! Hope all is well.

  14. Went to read their blog this morning and it was gone. I follow up with them often but found today that their blog was removed...

  15. Nate,
    since you mentioned the Stanfield's I have followed their blog. THis morning I was thinking of them and went to their site and Blogger says it has been removed! How are they doing? Is something wrong there? Ill continue praying but I was so surprized to see that it is gone!

  16. I was wondering what happened to their blog. I wish people had better things to do than to hack!

  17. I was wondering what happened as well. We are praying.

  18. thanks for update on the blog. After I emailed, I went to a few of their friend sites and figured that must have been what happened. I hope Kenzie can save her blog since it was such a loving tribute to Maddox. Hoping baby Faith is safe inside for many weeks to come!

  19. UGH about the hacking! I know this had happened once before... and very recently to boot. :(

  20. Thank you for this info. I have been praying for the Stanfields for about a month before Maddox was born. I have been praying now for Faith and was so frustrated at not being able to access their account. I was so afraid that something had happened with Faith and so Kenzie shut the blog down. I will continue praying for them.

  21. Thanks for posting about the Stanfields. I am a regular reader & when I went to their site this morning, (or rather, tried to go to their site), it said the blog no longer existed & I couldn't figure out what had happened.
    What a crock that someone hacked it.

  22. Thank you for taking the time to mention the Stanfield family. I have had the honor to "know" Kenzie for the past ten months as we both carried babies who were expected to die. The blogs have provided so much support and hope as I had the opportunity to meet with Kenzie and six other moms who said goodbye to their childen this year face to face in Atlanta in June, all who I met through blogs and all of whom are now among my closest friends.

    I know the Stanfields covet each prayer and I know it is an honor to pray for them. Thank you for introducing them to so many others. They are a special family who have touched many including myself.

    Thank you for allowing God to use you and your family!

  23. Thanks for that, I thought that's what happened. Just a little while ago someone hacked into her account. I guess they did it again!

  24. Thanks for the update. I too had tried to access the blog this morning to check on their status. It so so sad that we have people in this world with nothing better to do than cause others pain. We need to pray for those people too so that hopefully they can get the devil off their back. Please keep us updated till they are back online somewhere--if they do that!!

    Prayers for the Stanfields and the Lawrencesons!! AND the people with the devil on their back!

    Shari NC

  25. Thanks! I was worried.
    That is just horrible though. Who would waste the time hacking into someone's account? Especially a blog like that. Thanks for updating!

  26. Nate, will you keep us updated on the Stanfields or let us know if they get a new blog? Thanks! They are in my prayers.

  27. I was wondering what had happened! thanks for the update. praying, praying, praying...jen inal

  28. I am so sorry to hear about their blog being hacked. I will pray for their family.

  29. Does anyone know how Kenzie's doing lately?

    Last I read yesterday on her blog she was hoping to go home on bedrest today.

    Really hoping and praying she was able to!


  30. I did take the time to vote-not just because I love your blog, but because I am touched at your generosity to donate this. No doubt, you could use it in some way. It has been an example to me for giving-thank you.
    I really was sad to read that Kenzie's blog was deleted. I know that she journaled everything about baby Maddox. That's great that you mentioned them, I know many prayers will go up for this special family.

  31. That really stinks that people would hack into someone's personal blog site and delete it.
    That makes me sad.
    I left a comment for them the other day. Knowing what it's like to have not one, but TWO preemies, it's always good to have some encouragement during those times.

  32. Didn't you get the memo that you're now the keeper of information for all of us - LOL :>)

    It's a tough job, but someone has to do it ;>)


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