
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wednesday Update

Tricia receives her third round of chemo tomorrow. Fortunately, she's receiving the treatment locally, so we won't have to travel to Durham. It may take the better part of the day, so remember her tomorrow as she spends most of the time in hooked up to IV's and such. She's been feeling good this week. She and Gwyneth had a great time in NJ with family and several friends who had not yet met Gwyneth or seen Tricia for more a year.

Gwyneth is doing very well. The biggest news is that she is now sleeping through the night on a regular basis (YEAH!!!!)...she's usually in bed by 9pm and wakes up between 5 and 7am, and then takes a short nap before finally being up for the day between 8 and 9am. This means that the rest of us are finally able to sleep as well. I seriously haven't slept this well in nearly 9 months...

We've determined that Gwyneth is an "active baby" (while reading one of those baby books)...she talks in her sleep, is constantly wiggling when she's awake, and rarely takes more than a few 20 minute naps during the day. It's exciting to see more and more of her personality coming out every day!

The Prime Only Dinner was fantastic. The organization was great, food was incredible, and everyone who attended has a wonderful time. A very special thanks to Club Violin for donating nearly two hours of live music, The Embellishers for decorating, and the several local artists and galleries (see list below) for donating some very beautiful photographs, paintings, sculptures and jewelry for the silent auction. The final total is still being tallied (and I'll let you know what it is when we have it in), but it's safe to say that this was our most successful fundraising event (outside of the Walk itself) so far, over the past two years!

Greenleaf Gallery in Duck

Sue Burns of We're Art in Nags Head (MP 13 1/2, Surfside Plaza)

Ray Matthews

Dale & Nancy Hamilton

The Full Moon Gallery in Manteo

Glen Eure's Gallery of Fine Art in Nags Head

Cloud Nine in Nags Head

Chester and Arnette Smith of Seaside Art Gallery in Nags Head

Yellowhouse Gallery in Nags Head




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. With such and exciting home-life and amazing parents, I don't blame her for not wanting to sleep a lot during the day! I'm praying for Tricia (and you!)

  3. 20 minute naps? Yikes!

    Continuing to pray in Ohio

  4. Sounds alot like Emma, must be something with the micro-preemies!
    though Emma has been taking longer naps lately, so there maybe some hope for you. It is nice when you are trying to get things done around the house!

  5. Glad to hear that things are going well. We also have an active baby, he grunts and snorts all the time. We finally had to move his bassinet to the living room so we could sleep!!

    I know Q & A time is over, but I was wondering if you'd be willing to take a pic of Gwyneth with her pug. I was thinking about her this morning and wondering about the comparison.


  6. So fun to hear about your little girl! As a parent it's fun to get to know your little kids. I've found that my two boys have the same personality they had from the womb! Really. My first was laid back when I was pregnant. He hardly moved and even now as a three year old he's a laid back kid. Super easy!
    My second NEVER stopped moving when I was pregnant! And now as a 2 year old he's non stop! I love it!

    She's so cute and I love all the pictures!

    God bless,

  7. So happy to hear all is going good with the 3 of you. Gwyneth must have energy like her father.. lol Great to hear the fundrasier went well, thanks to you and all envolved. Will be praying for Tricia and that all goes well with her treatment tomorrow. Keep us posted!


  8. Hearty congrats on sleeping through the night.... our youngest is 4 years old and he STILL WAKES UP EVERY NIGHT! Yeah, I think the dark under-eye circles are now permanent fixtures on my sleepy, tired face.

  9. Wow.. good news all around. I'll be praying that Tricia's infusion goes well tomorrow.

  10. Just so you two kids are active sleepers....there is screaming, moaning, and lots of rolling around and they are 4.5 and 2.5...

    Congrats on Gwyneth sleeping through the night. We will be praying for Tricia's next round of chemo.

  11. My son took what I always called cat naps until he was old enough to take just one nap a day. And then he would sleep for like 3 hours - so there is hope yet! It is hard when they take short naps but she will probably work her way into longer ones soon!

  12. I have an "active" child too. she only cat napped for 20 mins as well.. although if she sleeps through the night she can pretty much do what she wants during the day eh!!

  13. My 1-year old is still up between 4 & 7 for a snack, so she's doing well. My son was an active baby and is still an active preschooler. It's an exciting life even though he can be quite a handful! I've been following you for a bit and am so glad to hear that she's doing so well! I'll keep Trisha in my thoughts as always, she's so strong!

  14. Aw, how great. Isn't it fun to watch your little one grow? These days will fly by and before you know it she'll be walking and talking and you'll be really tired at night then!!!!

    Good thoughts to Tricia....

  15. SO Lucky! My son is about Gwyneth's adjusted age and he is no where near sleeping through the night! He does take a nice long nap during the day so I guess I should count my blessings there. ;)

    So glad you are all doing so well!

  16. Congrats on everything....mostly the health and happiness of your family but also including the fundraiser. Just a thought, I am sure that many of your devoted readers have talents that they would be willing to share. Is it possible to form a fundraiser from that? Some people don't have the money to give but may have a talent that they are willing to share. Maybe an ebay store could be created? I would be willing to facilitate it if need be.

  17. Thanks for mentioning the wonderful local artists who contributed their work to help raise funds for CF. We were overwhelmed with their generosity as well as that of the dinner attendees who bid so generously. It is definitely an event that will be repeated as a part of the campaign for years to come. It is a special feeling when the local community supports these events. We were so glad Tricia and Gwyneth were able to attend so the supporters could see living proof of the good that can be done by giving from the heart to CF.

  18. I always love checking in to find out how you guys are hanging in there. We continue to lift you all up in prayers. (And lots of loving folks still give me a ring and ask how you are doing or just to reassure us of their prayers.) We will be especially thinking of/ praying for Tricia as she goes through tomorrow. As you both are already well aware of, Tricia is surrounded by many heartfelt prayers as she continues this journey. God's infinite love and peace...and hugs too!

  19. Good luck tomorrow Tricia, I'll be thinking of you. Hugs!

    Amy in Pa

  20. Let me tell you about an active baby! We actually named Froggy - Froggy in the womb, because she kicked me like a little soccer player. When she learned to crawl, she just took off. She was the fastest crawler I'd ever seen. People at the park marveled at her speed. Now...she runs. She's a Forrest Gump, running around the neighborhood and keeping us in shape. Active is a blessing wrapped in an exhausting package. We are always tired, but I know those little lungs are clear because of it! Good luck with your little energizer bunny!

  21. I'm jealous! I'm so happy for you that Gwyneth is sleeping through the night- it makes it so much easier for everyone. My preemie is 13 months now and is still up 3-6 times a night. Seriously! It has nothing to do with being a preemie- but other unresolved tummy issues.. I am so tired! But praise God for your little active baby- letting you be less active over night :)
    We'll be praying for Tricia today! Does it seem like as soon as she gets feeling pretty good, you just have start all over again?

  22. Way to go Gwyneth! We have an "active baby" too! Until recently, he was the exact same with naps, and at 10 months still gets up 2-3 times a night to nurse. :-) We're praying for Tricia!


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