
Friday, September 5, 2008

We're Going To Be Friends

It's wet and windy outside today (thanks to the outer bands of Hanna), so we're hanging out inside, finding ways to entertain ourselves. Mommy got in on the the fun as well, so stay tuned for more!

("We're Going To Be Friends" by Jack Johnson)



  1. She's getting to be so big! Just beautiful! Hey, I'm the first to comment - THAT'S never happened before!! Please post some video of her talking...I bet she's a LOT more vocal now! Take care!

  2. She's clearly absolutely fascinated by you and all you do :o)~

  3. Wow, she is getting so big. Any you can tell she is fascinated by her Dadddy!

  4. When I think of her very first pictures and I see her now, the miracle of her life overwhelms me. She is just beautiful. Then and now. You are both truly blessed parents.

  5. The love between ya'll is awesome! Sweet Gywneth is bleesed to have such wonderful parents. She is getting so big..can't wait for the weight update...Glad she is thriving...Praying for Tricia always, but especially over the next several days. Hope ya'll have a great weekend! Stay safe!

  6. Seems to me that you are pretty good friends already! :) She gets more beautiful by the day...didn't think that was possible :)

  7. Daddy and Gwyneth definitely buddies!
    Such a big girl Nate and Tricia, she is simply beautiful! What a great friday blog!
    love to all,

  8. I love this song. I use it for my school slide shows too!

    Can't wait to hear about Gywneth's weight!

  9. That was sweet. Neat how you, Tricia, and Gwynneth are all sporting the same hair do - You should get a picture of that!

  10. Isn't it awesome what technology will allow us to capture for our children! I'm sure Gwenneth will cherish this beautiful video! Way to go Dad!

  11. I also use this song for classroom slide shows! Great one! And yes, I can tell that you are going to be friends! Cute stuff. :)

  12. Great shots, and I love Jack Johnson!

  13. what an adorable video... while watching it... i was wishing my dad would of done something like this when i was little. she will love this someday:) presh

  14. what an adorable video... while watching it... i was wishing my dad would of done something like this when i was little. she will love this someday:) presh

  15. Love the bellybutton shot! That was sweet. I almost gave her raspberries through my computer screen, but I had a little self-restraint.


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