
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fire Engine

Gwyneth had her first experience with a fire engine a few weeks ago. The overwhelming excitement, as always, was more than evident on her face...



  1. That is a way cute top Tricia. Gwenyth looks impressed for sure. Ü
    Maybe when she grows up she doesn't want to be a fireman.

  2. I love it! Isn't it so funny the faces they give you... like "Mom why are sticking me way up in this big truck? What's the big deal?"

    I am sorry to hear you have to go through another, more evasive biopsy and more days of waiting for news. I can't imagine how frustrating and discouraging that would be. I am glad that you have been spending your time with fun activities like visits to VA, "impressing" Gwenyth with fire trucks, and seeing how much rice cereal (aka paper mache) you can get on Gwenyth. I hope you can find many more of these activities to fill these days of waiting in the next few weeks.

  3. At school, my daughter won a morning with the firefighters, at the fire station. It was this morning. Funny...she had the same enthusiasm as Gwyneth has on this picture.

  4. SO cute!! Tricia you look precious as well...I miss you!!!

  5. I love Gwyneth's Kitty Cat shirt!

  6. Love the second pic of her looking down at Tricia....asking why in the world are you sticking me up here :)

  7. LOL! What an adorable expression!

  8. Your girls are beautiful as always. I love the look on Gwyneth's face in the 2nd picture.

  9. Tricia you LOOK awesome!

    Gwyneth is such a doll baby!

    Love the photos - thanks for sharing!

    Praying for you as you wait!

  10. Too cute. I love both of their shirts.

  11. I am lifting you all up in prayer! Just thinking about you all and how you balance this blog and manage to keep it all personal, at the same time.

    I am really working on setting some firm boundaries in my life. You seem to do a good job of it!

    Wow, that was random. Anyway, thank you so for keeping us updated! We know you don't have to!

  12. Nate,
    I just wanted to say that I have been following your site ever since I found it on the Asher and Jacob' Friends site. You guys are a true inspration and I have come to love you all to pieces. Gwenyth is adorable and I just love the expressions she show on her face. What a joy she must be. I will be praying for Tricia and I hope that the biopsy comes back with better results and the doctors find a chemo that will cure her from the cancer. Take care. Karen

  13. Now, that's puzzled expression if I've ever seen one--like, why in the world did you put me in the driver's seat of a firetruck???

  14. Love the tops both girls are wearing! Cute! Tricia and Gwyn are looking wonderful! :-)

    What will Gwyn's Halloween costume be? Perhaps she will wear that cat eyes top? :-)

  15. She and Mommy are so beautiful!

    Love to All.

  16. Oh, yeah, she was lovin' it all right! Too funny!

  17. Awwww great pictures, both gals look so pretty.


  18. Like Mommy, like always Tricia and Gwyneth both look beautiful!!

  19. What a great picture of Tricia. Gwyneth is such a cutie. Thanks for sharing.
    I am keeping Tricia in my prayers.

  20. Wow, it has been awhile since I've visited your site. I used to follow it closely and then life got incredibly hectic. Anyhow, I can't believe how big Gwenyth has gotten! Both her and Tricia are looking great!

  21. That's super cute. I love her outfit. I always enjoyed buying a special outfit and letting my girls wear it all month long.

  22. *Yay* for a beautiful pic of "the girls".

  23. what a sweet picture of mom and baby! tricia is looking fabulous!!

  24. I LOVE her little head tilt!! Way to cute!

  25. I like Tricia's outfit and the hair looks great! I see more & more of Tricia in Gwyneth!

  26. I was looking around on Megans blog, I've not been there for a L-O-N-G time. She has this post that she refered back to and Tricia was wearing the same top.

  27. Heehee... it's better that the look of complete terror on my daughter's face during her first visit to the fire hall!... my husband thought it was cool though...

  28. I think the first year of life (as far as activities go). Its way more for us parents then it is for the kids. She will learn to love doing fun stuff like this and im sure someday you all will be looking back at that photo saying awwww remember when she was just so content to do what ever we wanted:) It will all get here soon enough. Enjoy the moments now as you both famously always do.

    The Dovel House

  29. Nate, I remember when you were really little, we were at McDonalds. You and Becca were riding one of the little rides there that went round and round. You were very serious and just said "wheeeeeeeee". You showed such excitement. Becca was laughing. Love you guys.

  30. How sweet little Gwyneth is! She doesn't look too impressed with that fire engine! :-) I am so sorry there has to be another biopsy, and more invasive, with more waiting! I will continue to keep you all in my prayers!

  31. Awww...she is so funny! I think she looks a lot like you, Nate.

  32. Hey Nate, as soon as I get my fire truck I'll come give Gwyneth a real ride ok!
    ~sending Love from TN

  33. Oh my goodness! Gwenyth is absolutely adorable! I love her outfit too. :)


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