
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

For the Mommy

From the Baby and the Daddy



  2. Nate, that is the sweetest thing!!! You are such a sweet husband!!!

  3. That was the cutest, most precious video I have ever seen of her. I love the pants part! Get well soon Tricia, and I hope you all get a good night's sleep tonight!

  4. Oh, that was just too cute...Nate, you have 2 beautiful girls. Praying you'll all be together again soon

  5. That is the cutest video ever! The music is perfect and my favorite part is watching her look at her fingers flared open on her left hand.

  6. With tears in my eyes and prayers in my heart......I must tell you that I have never seen anything sweeter in my life. Nate, may you and both of your girls have a great night!!

  7. Mommy will love that one. I think it's awesome. Boy, you sure do need mommy. Tell Tricia to please get better soon so Gwyneth's look doesn't have to suffer so. Lot's of prayers for all of you. Hope Agnes got there safely. You all have terrific family.
    Prayers and hugs!!!

  8. That is the sweetest thing ever! Praying for all of you...

  9. What a truly precious miracle - thx for sharing :)

  10. I just loved your video! It brighten my day! (or night should I say:O)

  11. Yes, I'm crying. That was precious!
    Fervent prayers for a major upswing in Tricia's health in the next 24 hours!!!!

  12. absolutely... adorable. isn't it amazing how the simplest things of a baby's daily life are so priceless? i gave my 2 kids a bath tonight together and it was about the wettest experience of my life, but what a blast! wouldn't trade it for anything.

    tricia's in our prayers. hope she gets some good rest and gets to come dress her poor daughter soon. :)

  13. I am now smitten... found you through Mckmamma's blog and now I have one more family to follow. What a blessing your precious daughter is.. From one mother... to another (daddy) breathe in life's moments and know God is good.. even when we can't hold ourselves up anymore, HE holds us as sweetly and gently as you hold that precious baby of yours.. Hoping and praying for restful sleep, healing, and a most perfect day.. everyday.. Thanks so much for sharing

  14. God bless you all! Nate, you are taking such good care of your girls...Please know that we are praying for Tricia! We check in on y'all EVERYDAY...still praying! Oh...and I can't get over at how Gwyneth is growing!!!!
    God bless!!
    San Diego

  15. So precious! Nothing like a fresh, clean baby to put a smile on your face!

    Tricia is in our thoughts and prayers--

  16. The three of you are such a testament to the love of the Lord for I know it is by His Grace that you are able to face each day with a smile because of your faith in His plan. We are teaching our kindergarten Sunday school class about determination and following God's plan even when it is hard. When I reflect on the word determination you three always come to mind. Know that your lives are a testimony of His love and that He is reaching many through you. We are praying for you!

  17. Okay, so you made me cry and smile at the same time. You are so good at that.

    Just darling.

  18. Very, very, cute, and sweet. I almost could smell that wonderful smell of freshly washed baby!

  19. Oh my godness, She looks just like you, I am praying for Tricia, hope you and the baby have a good night.

  20. Tricia is so blessed to have you. I hope she is having a good night and gets to come home very soon.

  21. Are you going to tell us how much that cute baby weighed this afternoon? And what wonderful things her doctors had to say about her? Actually, I hope you are both sound asleep right now, and you will tell us in the morning! Praying for a good night of rest for all three of you!

  22. Ok. That was quite possibly the sweetest, most adorable thing I've ever seen in my life.

    Nope, I'm positive it was.

  23. That video was so precious and sweet! Your family has so much love, it's beautiful. I hope Tricia is well and home with you all very soon.

  24. Seriously. I have read every post since way back when...

    And THAT was the most sweet, precious post EVER!

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you here in Lynchburg.

  25. I think it's cute how Gwyneth is busy checking out her hands! So adorable!

    Hugs to all of you as you wait for Tricia to get better. We'll add an extra prayer at bedtime tonight.

    Hugs from El Paso,
    Karla and Family

  26. Ok, I think that was one of the sweetest things I've ever seen.

    Nathan, your love for your girls is so transparent. Tricia, I hope you get back in your loving husband's arms soon. Baby girl Gywneth, you are so big, strong and beautiful. Happy 9mths!

    May tomorrow be a wonderful day for all of you.

  27. Awwww, soooo sweet and precious! Gwyn is such an adorable lil babe! :-)

    I'm sure that made Tricia's night! Hoping she sleeps well and is comfortable tonight.

    Nate, do get a good night's rest as well.

    Take care and thinking of you all,

  28. Thanks Nate!!! That was just wonderful! I hope you both sleep well.

    Tricia - I know that ICU is taking great care of you and I hope that you sleep well and wake up on the mend.

    Prayers and love going out to all 3 of you.

    Thank you for continuing to share your lives with us.

    Loves and Hugs
    Jen G. WA State

  29. Dude she looks just like her daddy! That was the best video, I about cried!

  30. I have always been fascinated by hands-and to watch Gwyneth stare at her own hands was so engrossing. I go to the park and watch the squirrels use their hands too. Or the zoo---odd to some but hands made us human. And mine need lotion so go nite nite kiddies.

  31. Thats was so sweet , you are an amzing Husband and Father Nate ! Hope you all have a god night

  32. That was absolutely precious!

    I am praying for Tricia to get well so she can get back to her sweet baby and goofy husband:)

  33. What a sweet husband you are! Gwyneth is really starting to look like her mommy. Sorry, Nate!

    Hope you all rest well tonight.

  34. You are such a great daddy! I pray for your family often.

    Kelly C'de Baca

  35. I bet this made Mommy smile.

  36. You are such a good daddy and husband. I am truly amazed at your strength and positive attitude. The love the 3 of you have is so beautiful. Though we are from different religions, i will be praying for all of you on this eve on Yom Kippor. Prayer is Prayer.

  37. Sniff, sniff! What a beautiful little girl and her awesome daddy!

  38. Oh my goodness, she is just too precious. This was so much fun to watch and ooh and ahh over. :) I love how she is studying her hands.

    Also, I can totally see the resemblance between you two, and not just in the hair (or lack thereof). :)

  39. Too cute. Hope the 3 of you are getting some quality sleep right now.

  40. You are loved. We are praying. Keep that beautiful 9 month old close ... She's gorgeous.

  41. Oh my gosh......that was the cutest thing ever!

  42. Aww, that was SO sweet! I hope Mommy is out of the ICU tomorrow and home soon too!

    Good night!

  43. This would make me smile in the ICU. Precious, precious video... Favorite line "Come home because daddy doesn't make formula like you do." :-)

  44. She is sweet as pie!

    Praying for Tricia tonight.

  45. Nate, Precious Husband and Daddy. Thank you for sharing such a sweet moment. My prayers are with you and your girls.

    Lord, Bless this family today and always. Heal Tricia so that she may come home and raise the sweet Gwynth the way you would have her too. Be with Nate as he cares for their daughter in her absence.
    Be with all of them as they praise you and look to you for strength and guidance and healing. In your precious, sweet name. Amen.

  46. How stinkin cute.

    Her expression while looking at her hand was so precious.


  47. Tricia, I hope you are feeling better and home soon.

    Nate, you are the best, most involved, most capable and funnest dad I have ever seen.

    You are all always in my thoughts.

    Apryl in NC

  48. oh your Tricia will truly love this video you made for her daddy...what love!

  49. Praying that you all have a good nights sleep. Your video was just adorable!! Get well soon, Tricia.
    -Becky (Michigan)

  50. We are praying for Trisha and all of you. We are glad she is being treated and responding. Hope today brings more progress and good reports.

  51. TOO PRECIOUS!!!! Praying Tricia will be fit as a fiddle ASAP, jen in al

  52. How precious is this video! I hope you feel better real quick Tricia.

  53. You are hilarious and that was so cute. I got tears in my eyes watchiing it.

  54. I LOVE how you edited that.

    Really, really sweet, Nate.

    I'll bet Tricia boo-hooed!

  55. Too sweet!!! I have the biggest smile on my face - I can't imagine how big Tricia's smile is!!! Still praying for Tricia to get well very soon! God bless you three.

  56. Too sweet!!! I have the biggest smile on my face - I can't imagine how big Tricia's smile is!!! Still praying for Tricia to get well very soon! God bless you three.

  57. Too sweet!!! I have the biggest smile on my face - I can't imagine how big Tricia's smile is!!! Still praying for Tricia to get well very soon! God bless you three.

  58. That is the best video I have seen in a very long time. I am sure it made The Mommy VERY happy :)

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Thank you for making my morning. That is the most precious video. I laughed when you had the "diaper" issue. My husband would always call me for that one.
    I hope that Tricia is better and out of the hospital soon.

    (((((( HUGS ))))))

  61. What priceless treasure for Tricia! I am sure it was some of the best medicine that she received yesterday!

  62. I always knew you were a good husband and daddy, this just solidifies it!

    What a gift you have...

    refreshing in ohio

  63. Tears and prayers coming your way...

  64. Uhh Nate I could only wish I was as talented as you with the videos you make. Randy has been in the hospital 4 times in the last couple months back at home in upstate NY. We sure wish we were closer to Duke as the docs and nurses are so amazing and no Randy best. He is recovering from bacterial Pneumonia and also developed a virus, we hope to get him home soon. Your daughter continues to put a smile on our face and we are praying for Tricia to get out of ICU and back out of the hospital.

  65. That will surely put a smile on Tricia's face....very sweet. Praying for a fast recovery!

  66. Wow, are you a sweet man! I have eyes filled with tears and am praying for all of you.


  67. So sweet! You're doing a great job dad! Hang in there. Hope Tricia is out of ICU today and just keeps getting better!


  68. Nate

    I swear it amazes me how well you do with Gwyneth! You are an all star daddy!!!! Tricia is so incredibly lucky to have you as I am sure you feel the same about her!

    Praying Tricia gets out of the ICU today and for quick healing

    Happy Birthday Gwyneth!!!!!!!!

  69. love your creativity! big is better than small...there's lots of material to keep her tootsies warm ;)

    still praying

  70. I love the polka dot pants part....funny and so sweet at the same time. Hoping and praying that Tricia is feeling better today. You are such a sweet guy!

  71. That was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen a husband do for his wife..What an amazing husband you are Nate..Tricia we aer praying for you and a speedy recovery.God Bless

  72. Simply adorable! Thank you for sharing and I hope Tricia gets out of ICU real soon!!
    Take care

  73. That is so tender.

    Hope Tricia feels better soon.

  74. Simply precious! You are a great daddy! Hope Tricia gets better soon! Always praying for you and your family! God Bless!

  75. We love the outfits! What a special dad you are! :) Praying for you all today ..

  76. Aww... that was ADORABLE. I'm sure it brought a BIG smile to Tricia's face.

    Hope Tricia is feel a little better and gets out of the ICU!! Will be waiting an update and praying it's a good one!


  77. That is so sweet. My 3 year old came in the room as I watching and she said "Oh Mommy, she is beautiful" and she's right Gwenyth is beautiful!! I'll be praying for a good day with good news for Tricia.

  78. That video was precious!! I have been following your blog for quite a while now but this is my first comment. I am a fellow North Carolinian and I am just in awe of your sweet family. I hope Tricia is feeling better very very soon.

    Hugs and Prayers!

  79. I smiled through this whole video. So adorable and precious. I hope this helped brighten mommy's day :). Wishing her a speedy recovery and you all are back together at home soon.

  80. oh Nate, you always seem to bring tears to my eyes with your video's of your girls. the love you show your sweet wife is fantastic and just like the fairy tales you only read of. God bless you and your beautiful girls with MANY years together full of JOY!


  81. I have no sound on this computer, and it still brought tears to my eyes. You are a wonderful Daddy and husband. Love the pants part! Lots of prayers from Tricia's good health!!!

  82. I can only imagine how tough it is for you all to be apart again. Praying it's only for a very short time!

    I noticed Gwyneth didn't have her oxygen - is she totally off of it now? That would be great news!

  83. That was way too precious :) Even made my bad morning better seeing sweet baby Gwyneth. (My babies are not babies anymore)

  84. So very sweet! Continuing to hold you all in my thoughts and prayers. Get well soon, Tricia!

  85. Hey Nate ...I've been keeping up with your blog for months now, but never posted a comment. After seeing this wonderful video you made, I just had to say that that is one of the most loving and caring things you could have done for your wife! She is lucky to have such a great man in her life and you are both blessed with such a cute little girl!! =D

    Much love for you all,

  86. There is so much love in your family and you see it here. One of the cutest things I have ever seen. Hope you all had sweet dreams.

  87. How sweet! You are an amazing dad and Tricia is an amazing mom. Prayers for you all!

  88. My three year old was just watching that with me. He asked me who that baby was and I told him it's a baby named Gwyneth and she used to be sick and Jesus made her better. And my three year old said, "Jesus is a nice friend! He loves to make people better when they're sick."
    So we're praying that our "nice friend" Jesus will make Gwyneth's mommy better too!

  89. This is the cutest sweetest thing I've ever seen. It made me cry. I'm praying for the Lord to watch over your family, and it's so good to know that He is.

    (from Missouri)

  90. That is the cutest, sweetest thing I have ever seen!

  91. GACK that was so freaking cute!

    Is she sleeping in the papasan??? My son slept there until he was 5 months old, and he wasn't even a preemie... he just loved it!

  92. without a doubt my favorite of your recent videos. Precious little Gwyneth Rose looks more and more like Daddy every day! You marked that child! Hope Tricia is feeling better today and home again soon!

  93. So Sweet!! Gweneth is a splitting image of you, Nate.

    Happy Birthday Tricia (I'm assuming it's your birthday that Nate mentioned.)

    Praying and sending get well wishes, too.


  94. Sorry I spelled Gwyneth's name wrong the first time around!

  95. That's the sweetest video!! Don't worry my hubby can't ever dress my kids either. The clothes are either too big, to small or they don't really go together. Ha!

  96. Such sweet, gentle love. Amazing.

    Prayers for your wife...and hugs to you.

  97. That was beautiful! You did make me a little nervous with that big 'ol burp that she might just spew all over your keyboard though.

  98. I am just amazed whenever I see this little miracle named Gwyneth in action. What a testimony of Gods Grace and Goodness. Praying for Tricia to completely be healed and for all of you to be headed back home soon. Love you all.

    Laurie in Ca.

  99. That was the sweetest video ever! Thanks for sharing the video with the world. She is getting so big.

  100. Nate, I think you have way to much fun with Gwyneth! Poor kid. No, just kidding. My husband is the same way with the kiddos. Very cute!! Love the pants and pj's part. Trisha, I pray that God heals your body from this latest illness soon!! That was very sweet of Nate to make this video for you. Hope you enjoyed seeing your precious little one. Take care and love from MN!

  101. hey nate that was the cutest thing ever.Is your little princess off the o2 now permanently. Hope Tricia gets out of ICU really soon and hope Gwyneth is having fun hanging with cousin leah all our love here in ireland

  102. Oh my goodness! I have never cried so much watching one of your videos. That is absolutely darling! Please tell us where you found that music...

  103. so adorable! :o) praying that tricia heals quickly and can be back with you two soon!

    -em & josh from NC

  104. That was the SWEEEEETEST video ever! It made me smile all the way through! What a precious guy you are Nate! I cried when she was asleep at the end because I am so grateful ya'll have her.
    Blessings to your precious family.
    Go home with your family tricia, I am praying that happens soon!

  105. What a beautiful post. I am praying for Tricia.

  106. If that isn't the cutest video I've ever seen, then I don't know what is! Too precious!! Praying for Trish, each and every day.

  107. PRECIOUS!!!

    You're doing a great job, Daddy!

    We're praying for Mommy to get well and come home soon.

    The Edwards

  108. Nate, you are the best Daddy in the world! I'm glad Tricia can focus on getting better knowing you are taking such good care of Gwyneth. I think she may be the next Subway spokesperson by the looks of those pants! Praying Tricia is on the mend and will soon be back with the two of you so you can finish all your shopping for the new house. Thanks for keeping us posted.

  109. Oh that was just beautiful. Tricia I'm praying that you get to feeling better soon so you can get back to your beautiful family. God has blessed all three of you. Take care.

  110. That was sweet. My 4 year old youngest twin watched it and said "Mommy can we get one of them" and I said "a Gwyenth?" and she said "oh please Mommy I would feed her every day!" Like she is a puppy or something. :-)

    My little girl loves her. She wants to look at her pics all the time. I don't blame her, she is a cutie pie!

  111. I haven't commented before, I don't think... but I have been following your blog for a long time.

    I just wanted to say, as a mother, that was just about the best gift ever! What a sweet tribute to your love for your daughter, and for your wife.

    We are praying for Tricia's healing, and homecoming again.

  112. Too precious for words! Goodjob swinging it on your own. We're praying that Tricia is feeling better soon and gets home to you both!

  113. That is Quiet possibly the sweetest little video i've ever seen. Gosh* that was cute. My 5yr. was watching it with me & she wanted to know (when she saw the big pants on Cute-T baby) if those were "Your" pants Dad! LOL! Yeah, I laughed too, I told her they couldn't be yours... they had pink polkas on them! ;)
    Hope your beautiful wife is better soon! I'm praying for you both!

  114. What a sweet video! I hope Tricia was able to watch it and it made her smile.

  115. Sink baths rule! And the burp was so hilarious...the music is so sweet and two looking all sweet..thanks for sharing.

  116. I have kept up with your blog for a long time. Don't remember how I originally found it. Praise God I did. This is an unbiased comment, but seriously I have never saw I child look more like her Dad than Gwyneth does you. It is hilarious.
    Mimi from Georgia

  117. That is the sweetest thing ever -- more prayers for Tricia!

  118. Too adorable! I loved it! I'm sure Tricia did too=)
    I hope you keep them coming:)

  119. That was great! I think you should do a video with you compying Gwyneth like you did for a few minutes. That was so hilarious, so funny when her eys are looking everywhere and you were doing th e same thing. Priceless.

  120. That was the SWEETEST thing I have ever seen!!
    You get the GOOD HUSBAND award for the year!!

  121. The sweetest most loving gift you can give her mommy! Thanks for sharing with all of us.

  122. you are too much like your uncle Andy, scarry!!!! love you.

  123. Another beauty! Nate, you are an awesome Daddy and Husband. This alone should make Tricia feel better. Thanks for making my day too!
    Prayers, Marge

  124. well that is just so cute! she is adorable

  125. Aww! That was so adorable. She is just so darn cute!

  126. Nate, that was so adorable. I am sure Tricia will feel much better after that adorable little vid. I know I do.

  127. You are such a good Daddy! This gave me a good laugh...she's your twin!

  128. So very sweet.

    But hey, those baby sleep sacks? They're supposed to be long. And some of them have "mittens" that fold over the hands, to keep baby from scratching him/herself at night. So you did just fine, I'm sure.

  129. I am cracking up right now! I love the part about "not knowing what size" she is. When my husband dresses our daughter, things are always too big or too small. So, I think its just a daddy thing. We appreciate your efforts though. :o)

    I'm glad Tricia is our of ICU. We are continuing to pray for her improved health and AWESOME test results!

  130. Nate you are such a sweet and thoughtful man.

  131. Long time lurker here...I just had to comment on that video...SUCH a great idea! SO cute! You're a great dad.

  132. Those polka dotted pants made my day! Thanks for sharing the sweetness! Many hugs to all of you.

  133. Okay, this made me cry, and I'm not even "the mommy." Sooo sweet.

  134. Oh my!! Tears at the end of this one!!!

  135. Cute, sweet and hilarious all in one!! Hee hee.

    Good burp Miss Lawrenson!!

  136. Awww thanks so much for posting that Nate. I was feeling pretty down before I watched it and now am feeling so much happier! I bet Tricia loved it, its so warming to watch you guys, you three such a special bond. Oh and I LOVE the huge spotty pants haha! xxx

  137. that's just too stinkin' sweet and adorable for words.

  138. I had this saved in my Google Reader so I could watch it with sound... too too cute.

    And is that sweet baby girl off the O2? Did I miss a memo??

    Many continued prayers from San Diego...

  139. Don't feel too bad about the clothes, Nate. You're a newbie.
    I did home daycare years ago, and one morning a daddy brought his 3 yr old to my house around 6:30. His wife worked in the lab @ Norfolk General. When I took Ginny to the bathroom later, I realized she had on a pair of her mom's white nurse's hose. All I could think of all day was... what did the mommy have on??

  140. I like this video, and I know Tricia does and she was so cute looking and playing with her little hands!

  141. That is the cutest thing ever. I love it. And the music adds so much to the video!! You guys are adorable.

  142. Praying for all of you! What a beautiful little girl!

  143. I'm one of those quiet readers. I've been following your blog for some time and very rarely I comment. But, this video was absolutely precious! I can tell you are a fantastic husband and father. You are all beautiful and I continue to pray for all of you. I love to read your blog too as an inspirational reminder. God Bless you all.


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