
Monday, October 20, 2008

No News is Good Day

Despite not hearing a word from Duke, we had a great day today:

> Drove safely to VA this morning, with Gwyneth sleeping most of the way.
> Gwyneth had a good checkup with her eye doctor.
> We had fun looking for some new furniture for the new house.
> Bought some baby gifts for new friends arriving soon.
> Found Gwyneth's TRUNKorTREAT costume that we've been searching for (for half-price).
> Hung out with two of our best friends.
> Drove safely home tonight, with Gwyneth sleeping most of the way.

Hoping to hear from Duke tomorrow.



  1. I am so glad to see a post from you. I have had your family on my mind quite a bit lately. It's great to hear that you all had a nice day!

  2. I have kept your little family in my heart and prayers every day.

  3. I bet there were never so many people waiting to hear from Duke as there are right now.

    Soo, on a fun note, is this baby's first Halloween costume a surprise? Or do we get pictures?

    I saw a sign for Trunk or Treat at a church in my town, I guess I shall now figure out what it is :)

  4. I've thought of you all , all day. It sounds like you had a wonderful family day!

    Always praying.

  5. I pray for you all whenever you come to mind. That's been happening a lot lately.

    Glad y'all had a good day, thank you God for good days!!

  6. Oh, thank you for taking time to update (as you probably knew so many are praying and waiting) :) I'm so glad you had a good day! Sounds like fun!
    In our thoughts and prayers always,

  7. I say this with the same breath that I've finally just released after reading the update..."I'm SO happy your family had such a lovely day!" My prayers continue to be with you all.

  8. wonderful to know that you had a great day today, it will be nice to go to sleep with that thought.
    love to you all,

  9. Time with friends is always great and even the anticipation of spending time with them.

    I wish I could be there for ToT!

  10. waiting and praying with you for good news!! God already knows it all and has it in His hands - His heart towards your family is good!!

  11. Sounds like a fun day. I miss those drives for us down to the OBX. Loved to stop at Grandy's Market. Glad you had a nice day together. We are praying for all of you.

  12. Can't wait to see pics of Gwyneth in her costume! :) Good news from her eye doc! Praying that you hear about the next steps from Duke today....

  13. Glad to hear you guys had a good day! Praying for good news from the doctors today that will uplift you both! Praying in Charlotte!

  14. Eye doctor? Your baby takes A LOT better care of herself than I do. I know, it's cuz she's that much smarter.

    Got any house pics? Nosy eyes want to know.

  15. Glad to hear you had a good day. Prayers continue for healing. Know that prayers are streaming your way from all parts of the earth.


  16. sounds like a lovely day. Praying for you all.

  17. I have been praying for you guys! Hope you get good news!

  18. Hi Nate, Tricia & Gwyneth,
    I am so glad you had a wonderful day together! Getting stuff for the new house must be fun! Also, glad to hear baby girl's eye appointment went well. Can't wait to see pics of her trunk or treat costume!! My baby is going to be a dalmation for trunk or treating, awe! I'm still praying for you & watching for news!!
    Emily in Mississippi

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. So happy to hear you all had a good day, I'm sure you guys needed it. Will be praying hard today in hopes that you hear from Duke with GOOD news!! Will be waiting to hear.


  21. Thank you for telling us about your day - simple joys are precious. Hope you all have another wonderful day and know that we're all praying for each of you and know that you will be able to handle the next "event" as it unfolds.

    Love to all.

  22. Nate~
    Imagine my surprise when I logged on this morning and found your comment. I can't imagine, with all you have to do, that you would comment on my lowly little blog. I meant it, tho, and although I have never met the three of you, I keep you in my thoughts every day and follow the blog faithfully. I am interested in watching Gwyneth grow up, since I lost my own preemie. Thanks for doing what you do every day!

  23. So glad you had a good day, despite all the anxiety you must be experiencing.

    Continuing to pray in Ohio

  24. Praying for the three of you Nate, especially Tricia as you wait for some news. I know God has you all in His hands and loves you so much. I do too. So glad to see that God and life continue to bless you as you wait.

    Laurie in Ca.

  25. I'm praying for GREAT news from Duke!

  26. Will be praying for good news from Duke. So glad to hear you all had a great weekend, you deserve it. Can't wait to see what Gwyneth is going to be for Halloween. Take care of yourself and those precious girls of yours.

  27. Praying Nate!

    Glad you had a fun day with Gwyneth!

    Blessings and love,

  28. Glad to hear you had a nice day! Sounds busy!!
    Can't wait to see what Gwyneth will be for Halloween!!
    Oh yeah, also very happy to hear Gwyneth's eye appt. went well!!
    Take care

  29. I been checking for updates frequently. You're in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you get good news soon.

  30. Praying for good news tomorrow.

  31. We are holding you tight, too. Praying.
    Ok. SO. What is Ms White Rose gonna be. I cannot WAIT to see what the pair of you came up with!!!!
    Nurse Candice & Co. in Nebraska

  32. I have checked on your blog often.. Post when you can. Good all fun your family had to keep busy while can.

    It will be fun to see G's first Halloween!

    Thinking of your family.

  33. sounds like a good day was had by all!

  34. Oh, I'm so glad you got to have some fun shopping. I can't wait to see pictures of Gwyneth in her costume--knowing you guys, I know it will be awesome!

  35. Praying for good news. Sometimes it's hard to keep the faith but we know God has His special plan in play. Prayers from South Dakota.

  36. So glad for you all to have a good day. Hugs,Heather

  37. Been thinking about you guys a lot. Hope you get some news soon, and that it is the good type of news.

  38. Glad to hear and update! Been thinking of all of you lately. Praying for good news from Duke!!

  39. I am so happy that things are going well for your little family. The every-day pleasures are the best, after all. Continued prayers.

  40. I am new to the blog world. I found your site from "My charming kids." I just wanted to say I really enjoy reading about your family. I think you are doing a wonderful job with your wife and baby girl. If you want to check out my page please do so. Last year my little girl and I did a CF walk. She was about six months old and did not want to ride in her stroller. So I carried her for six miles and pushed the stroller with one hand. We did make it and it felt great to walk for a great cause. A friend of mine did the same walk in her town and I found out they had one in my town and I went for it. She has a family member with CF. Have a great day and keep up the great work you do with your family.

  41. I am glad to here Gwyneth's eye check up was good!Also glad you guys are out looking for things for the new house.
    Continuing to Pray in Michigan

  42. I am glad to here Gwyneth's eye check up was good!Also glad you guys are out looking for things for the new house.
    Continuing to Pray in Michigan

  43. I've been praying for you guys! So glad for an update, and glad that you had a wonderful day!

    I'll continue to lift you in prayer.
    Hugs from Maryland

  44. I keep checking for the good news I hope you're going to post tonight about Tricia's lymphoma...sending prayers!

  45. My experience is, the longer you wait for an answer, the better it is. I thought of you this afternoon when my daughter had an appt at Duke.

    Love and prayers,
    Shari NC

  46. I am so glad to hear that you had a good day!


  47. Just checking in and wanting to let you know you guys are soooo special to us. We are praying for the very best for you.


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