
Thursday, October 2, 2008

Pumpkin Time!

Meka's always excited about taking a car ride...

Gwyneth's first scarecrow...she was fascinated...maybe he looks like Pop Pop?

Gwyneth picked out the pumpkin there on her right.

She's obviously excited beyond comprehension...



  1. LOL at Gwyneth's expression. How adorable!! Glad you guys had a great day!!

  2. Glory that is a HUGELY LONG tongue on such a little dog. Oh all the firsts---what fun!

  3. Looks like you guys had a fun time. Gwyneth is so adorable!

  4. love the 4th pic! beautiful G!

  5. I have not been to your blog for several months. I cannot believe how big Gwyneth has gotten or how great Trica looks. You look pretty good too, Nate.
    God is soooooooooo Good!!

  6. Oh my goodness...those pictures are priceless! I love her "this is my costume" onesie. So perfect!

  7. She looks like a little Pumpkin!!!! Gwyneth is just so adorable. Lucky you and Tricia!

  8. LOL, yes, she appears to be THRILLED. :) What a nice milestone, though. :D

  9. Gwyneth does look enthused!! I bet ya'll had a great time!! Hope Tricia is feeling great!!
    Emily in Mississippi

  10. I like the Scarecrow.
    I love that Gwyneth is wearing the same color of orange as the pumpkins...
    I am intrigued by Tricia's hair color changes... I guess back in the day lots of women had wigs just for fun... if my friends hadn't told me that they can be hot & itchy sometimes I would head out and buy one tomorrow... just because I love the different looks.
    Then I could match my hair to my moods.

  11. I love Tricia's wigs! Tricia, you look like a million bucks as a blonde or a brunette. My mom had cancer last year and I've seen how hard it is to lose one's hair. I think of you on your chemo days.

    Best of luck to you!

    Gwyneth is such a cutie! ;)

  12. I agree...the pups tongue is LONG! wow...
    And yay for pumpkins!
    Very adorable!

  13. Orange is definitely Gwyneth's color! :D

  14. It looks like it was great fun. You got some great pictures.

  15. My hunch is that a pug's tongue appears so long simply because their faces are so flat.

    And Gwyneth does look good in that orange!

  16. Hey Nate, I always got really sad in Sept when I lived in the northern climates too. I gotta tell you, FL is really nice. Still upper 80's daily! Ocean temp is 80*
    When cool weather comes you are ready for it and it only lasts a couple months then back to a long summer! We are praying for you guys and since you like baseball, go RAYS!

  17. That tongue on Meeka is crazy. We have a picture like that of one of our dogs. Gwyneth looks either completely overwhelmed or one blink away from a nap. Either way thanks for sharing.

  18. Very cute pics! BTW, I still pop in almost daily to read your blog, but don't usually comment much anymore. My family and I still pray for your girls each day. God is good! P.S. I love your blog!
    Stacy :-)

  19. Meka has an incredibly big tongue :) The better to lick with I assume!

    Love the pictures of Gwyneth next to the pumpkins! Glad you guys had a good day.

  20. I think Gwenyth picked the perfect pumpkin. She is just so adorable, look at those faces she makes, she has an expression for everything.

    I love the picture of all of you, it came out so nice! Looks like you guys had a great time. What a great way to spend the day!!!


  21. I love photos of kids and pumpkins! I really like the fall :) Tricia looks good and I think she seems to be having fun with different hair styles. I liked the blonde hair when you went to the Bodie Lighthouse.

    See Gwyneth on one of my blogs...

  22. So cute! I LOVE Fall because we get to go to pumpkin patches and fairs.

    Gwyneth is getting so big! I can't get over how far she has far everyone has come.

    Have fun with your pumpkins!

  23. Your captions are classic. Gwyneth looked adorable and Tricia looked beautiful. You're girls are gorgeous. You all deserved a day like this (and about a gazillion more!)

  24. First - I saw an OBX license plate holder this morning on my way to work (i'm in chicago) and I was like "Hey....thats where Nate & Tricia's from!!"
    Second - I LOVE the pictures - Gwyneth is unbelievably cute. And...Her shirt made me laugh only because I'm a crazy dog mom and got my dog a shirt that says "This IS my Halloween Costume" haha. You should get one for Meka and they can match!

  25. So weet, I just cant get over how well she is doing!! What a miracle!

  26. I love pumpkins. Gwyneth looks so cute and really looks like her Dad. :)

  27. So sweet. Those "first" everythings are so special. Your family continues to inspire me.

    PS--Tricia--loved you as a blonde. I think you should join the "light side." LOL. (I'm a little biased since I'm a blonde).

  28. Precious pumpkins! She appears to be mesmerized by the pumpkins. And, the other day, I didn't even know that the blonde was Tricia! Looked so natural that I thought it must be an aunt or someone. And, I really like this brunette one, today, too! Happy Halloween!

  29. That first picture of just Gwyneth is hilarious. She is SO cute!

  30. Adorable!!

    I remember when our daughter was a year old and still small enough to fit inside a pumpkin... we carved one out (no face), and put her in the pumpkin for an informal lil' photo shoot. Those are still some of my favorite, priceless pictures 7 years later!

    Wow, Meka has quite the tongue!

  31. She is too cute....I can't get over that 'surprised' expression she has in one the pics!! Too funny!!

  32. Do I see a mostly shaven face?? Looks like you had fun!!


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