
Saturday, October 11, 2008

Saturday Afternoon Update

Gwyneth and I had a safe and uneventful trip home yesterday. She played and talked most of the way, and we only had to make one pit stop. It did rain most of the trip, but only lightly, which wasn't a problem. Tricia assured us that she would be OK over the weekend, so Agnes came home as well, not too far behind us.

Tricia's bronch went well...haven't heard anything about what they found. They were able to clean her lungs out a bit. She is finding things to do to stay busy until I drive back up on Monday, hopefully to bring her home early in the week.

Gwyneth is hanging out with the grandparents today while I get some things done at work.

Also, Tricia has chosen a winner for the latest "Write a Caption" contest, which I'll announce later!




  1. I'm so glad to hear you are all doing well! We just got power again as it's been on and off as we go through a hurricane today, so I had to check up on you all. :)
    You're in our prayers.

  2. It is so very good to hear things are going along well.
    Gwyneth Rose is soooooo adorable.
    You guys are ALWAYS in our thoughts and prayers.
    Patricia Nelson & family

  3. Glad to hear you and Gwyneth got home okay!

    As always you all are in my prayers!

  4. a great update! I hope she is feeling ok!!! hugs thoughts and prayers to all :)

  5. Glad to to hear that you and Gwyneth made it home safely. Sounds like Tricia will be home soon too! As always your family is my family's prayers.

  6. Great praise report Nate! thank you.
    Have a restful weekend and a great Sunday tomorrow.

  7. Hi, Nate... glad to hear your trip home went well and that Tricia is doing well, too.

    Much love...


  8. Glad to hear you and Gwyneth made it home safe and sound...hopefully Tricia won't be to far behind.

    Have a great weekend! :)

  9. Glad that the trip home went smoothly. Still praying.

  10. Hey Nate - I'm so glad to hear Tricia is feeling better - prayer works!! The 5K went extremely well today, I'll write about it soon. Take care.

  11. I am so glad things are going so well. The 3 of you are still in my prayers

  12. Still praying daily for you guys. Hope all is well and t
    Trish can come home next week early!


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