
Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thursday Afternoon Update

Tricia continues to feel good. We just took a walk down to the bookstore, which is the first time she's walked more than a few feet since Monday...she said that her legs felt dead by the time we got back.

It was discovered today that Tricia has a staph infection...we haven't been told yet if this is something related/causing the lung infection, or something separate. They've taken blood from her port because there is a good chance the staph has started there. If that's the case, they'll have to remove her port, which wouldn't be convenient as that is the best way for her to receive meds and her remaining chemo treatments.

But, as I said, Tricia continues to feel very good. She has her bronch tomorrow...they'll clean her lungs out a bit and remove another small sample to test for rejection. We're hoping that she'll be discharged sometime during the weekend.




  1. So glad she's feeling better!! We will continue to pray for complete annihilation of the infection :>)

  2. Praying for quick recovery.


  3. WOW Nate! That is great to hear she is up and about!

    Praying for all that you have mentioned!

    Blessings and His love,

  4. I could not leave my comment on the other post.

    Are my lips too pink??

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Continued prayers and general good thoughts directed at you and yours. Although I'm sure you both have your low or crabby moments, I know your acceptance and hope wins out every time.

  7. Great news!

    Best wishes to all of you.

  8. First time commenter, and fairly new reader. Since I discovered your little family, I come here daily for Tricia/Nate updates and pix/vids of your beautiful daughter.

    I have Stage 4 breast cancer and have had 3 ports now. One back in 2000 with my original diagnosis, one in 2006 with my recurrence, and a new one that was placed a just a week ago.

    I have had 37 chemo treatments (so far...more to come) in the past two years and that port (combined with having cancer) caused a blood clot with which I am still contending.

    Once the clot was discovered, they took that port out and placed a new one on the opposite side of my chest.

    I was just wondering if once Tricia's infection is cleared up if they can insert another port for her.

    Either way, I am so glad she is feeling better. I too walked outside today and can appreciate how much energy it takes, and how great it is to be able to do something 'normal' again.

    Thinking of you all!!!

  9. Excellent. and btw: blogger is saying that comments aren't being posted. But that's not true.

  10. I am so glad to hear that she is feeling better! Our small group is praying for her this week and prayed together last night for her. Love you guys! :)

  11. PS I meant excellent she's feeling better. Not excellent about the bad stuff.

  12. I'm so glad you're feeling better, Tricia!! I'll be praying about the staph infection. Lots of love coming your way from the Leinos. :)

  13. Well, I'm sorry to hear they think it's staph, but I'm glad they know what it is... or at least part of what's causing Tricia to be so ill.

    I'll keep praying.

  14. still praying.
    Lord please hear our prayers.

  15. I am so glad she is feeling better, BH had a staff infection adn his was from the first port they put in, We pray that it will get better and it will be a quick recovery. thinking of yall...

  16. Most staph, even MRSA, can be taken care of with antibiotics. I am so glad she is up and about.
    I have found that post-transplant infections are so much easier to take care of than pre-transplant infections. I know Tricia's chemo further lowers her immune system, but I'm praying that the IV's she's on will help eradicate this bacteria.
    Many, many prayers for her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. I am praying for you guys! My husband is battling testicular cancer and had a port, and a PICC line removed within a month of each other. They both became infected. Praying for a full recovery!

  18. So glad to hear Tricia continues to feel better. Praying her port will be ok and that the bronch goes well tomorrow. With that I hope she is discharged, so you guys can get home.

    Have a great night!!

  19. So happy Tricia is feeling better and praying that she will continue to get better and be out of there soon.

  20. Good luck on the port!!! Shortly after I got mine in this spring the access site started aching and oozing and we were really afraid that it was going to have to come out. Luckily in that case a few weeks of Bactrim cleared up the problem. Hoping that Tricia's infection is an easy fix or at least that the port does not have to come out!

  21. Hey Nate,
    Just wanted to say I'll be thinking about Tricia during her bronch tomorrow. I get mine on tuesday. Can you believe I am at my 1 year post transplant bronch? So blessed! I also wanted to share another bit of my story with you. My family is now a cystic fibrosis/double-lung transplant/cancer family like yours (and I was a preemie 24 years ago to boot!) My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer a month ago. She had a lumpectomy two weeks ago and we are very blessed to find out it has not yet reached the lymph nodes. It is however, a grade 3 tumour, the most aggressive type. She will be starting aggressive chemo and radiation soon.
    I feel very lucky that I have recovered in time to help her go through this. I know that the usual progression is parent cares for child then 50 years later child cares for parents. We just figured we might as well shorten the switch over. 8 months switch over for us!
    God gives us what we can handle..

    "It helps to remember that hidden within every obstacle is a treasure to behold" is a quote that I read every morning.

    Hope all goes well with Tricia tomorrow. Your family will continue to be in my prayers.

    Your Canadian friend,
    Eva Markvoort

    p.s.- Also a huge thanks to your readers for helping my dad to raise 32,000$ for his GearUp4CF bike ride across the Rockies! It was a huge success!!

  22. Good to hear Tricia is feeling better. My best to all of you!


  23. My prayers continue for healing .
    God Bless


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