
Friday, November 14, 2008

House Tour

Here's a video tour of our new house. It was wet and dark, so we couldn't get any video or pics outside, and the lighting in the house isn't good, and the audio isn't great, but we thought we'd share it with you anyway.

This was filmed around 4:45 this afternoon. By 9pm, all of the flooring in the entire house had been torn out (thanks Dad, Michelle, Ramon and Mike!). There's still a lot of work to do, and we're taking lots of video and pics along the way, some of which we'll be sharing with you.

Thanks for your prayers and encouragement...this has been a nearly four year journey for us, hunting for a house, and we're happy and thankful for where God has brought us.




  1. Yea for you!!! A place of your own! :-) May it be a place of blessing.

  2. What a great tour!! Your house looks great & I'm sure it will look even better with the help of so many! Many happy years and memories together!

  3. Awesome!!! Can feel the excitement for you all! Congrats on becoming new homeowners!

  4. Congrats! It sounds like you have great plans for your new home!

  5. LOL, Meka's hilarious at the end of the video!

    I'm so glad you guys have your own place now and the house looks great! Thanks for sharing a virtual tour of your new house! Wishing you all a lifetime of wonderful memories in your new place!

    Per your previous posts and photos, you all look great! Gwyn's really growing so much! Still so adorable! :-)

    Again, congrats with the house!

  6. Okay, so the house is gonna be just GREAT!!! But, my favorite moment of the entire tour was at the very end when Tricia and Meka were "spazzing" out together! That, by far, was the BEST part of the tour! :)

  7. I bet you can't wait to add some touches to make it your own. I love how Tricia touched the kitchen counter top with the 'can't believe it's ours' touch! And the banter back and forth between you 2 is so cute!! Have fun with those floors :-)

  8. I'm so happy for y'all! I can't believe you've already gotten the floors torn out. Can't wait to see what you are doing. Meka obviously likes her new digs.

  9. Love Meka's enthusiasm. Wish I could run like that! Lol.

    Great house, great OBX investment! Congrats on your wonderful home and may God Bless your home.

  10. Tricia is too funny! And I love the part with Meka tearing around. My dog does that, too. I thought he'd grow out of it, but nine years later, it doesn't look like it. Must be a small dog thing!

  11. Nice to see where you are going to live! I think the best thing by far was actually hearing Trisha's voice on the video clip! I don't recall ever hearing her voice!
    Thanks for sharing your exciting news.
    Karen Vancouver, BC

  12. Great tip to remove popcorn celing courtesy of my BIL who did his home:

    Wet it with a spray bottle and it scrapes off in clump doesnt pop all over the place! Good Luck and Congrats!

  13. Wooooohoooo!!!!!! So excited for you!!! :)

  14. Awesome house! Congratulations - homeownership is a journey in and of itself! I hope your remodeling is met with very few hang-ups!

  15. This is sooo exciting!!! There is no place like your own place! I hope all of the renovations go smoothly and quickly and you are in before you know it. Congratulations!

  16. Oh I just loved the grand finale,lol!! Congratulations!!

  17. Congrats on the new house! What a year it's been for you guys. Meka sure is excited!

  18. Congrats... beautiful house. I'm with Trish on that wall, it's a keeper! :)

  19. Congratulations!!! It was so wonderful to hear Tricia's voice thru the tour! Love Meka's happy dance at the end!
    Thanks for sharing!

  20. I'm so excited for your family. Thank you for sharing this experience with us.

  21. Im so excited for you guys!! BTW, I love hearing Trisha's voice. It brings a smile to my face to see and hear what a beautiful and strong woman she is.

  22. Congratulations on the new house! About that popcorn ceiling - you probably already know this, but if the ceiling was done before 1980 it could contain asbestos. The use of asbestos was banned from use in popcorn ceilings in 1978 but contractors were allowed to use up their stock on hand so it has shown up in some ceilings applied as late as the 1980's. I also highly recommend zero VOC paint - it's the best choice for people who have respiratory problems (and for babies living in the home as well.) Good luck!

  23. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I was scared to death buying our first home but it is so worth it!! I LOVE the dog's reaction at the end, priceless :-)
    And hearing Tricia's voice made my heart warm after all she has been through.
    I am so happy for your family :-)

  24. Congrats!!!! Doing all the renovations will be fun. You have a great house!!

  25. BIG congratulations, you two!! You will have a wonderful time making it "yours". It was great to hear Tricia's voice, and to see her so happy! And it looks like Meka approves of the place, too!!
    Sending good thoughts and hugs your way ~

  26. Congratulations, I am so excited for you three!!!! Oh the adventures that await you in your new home, it is so much fun remodeling and making it your own. ENJOY. Good luck with everything!

  27. Make sure you do another video tour when the changes are all done. We all know you have nothing better to do than keep blogland in-the-know, so hurry it up! :) Tricia was a fabulous guide. THANKS! Oh, and CONGRATULATIONS! Are you sick of signing your name now?!

  28. Awesome!
    God Bless you and your new home!

  29. Soooo great! Many many happy days in your new home. You guys have some plans already for that house! Looking forward to seeing what you do!

  30. You have been blessed with a wonderful house to make a home.
    Congratulations to both of you.

    Meka seems to give it the seal of approval also. :)

  31. Congratulations!!! Praise the Lord for his provisions :)

  32. I just want to add my congratulations!! Thanks for the tour. We've remodeled several homes over the past 38 years and it's so exciting to put your own touch to a home. I'm anxious to see YOUR touch added to this fabulous house. You can definitely see how excited Tricia is to finally have a place of her own. Way to go girl!! ENJOY!!!

    P.S. Count your blessings that you have so many to help you....that is HUGE!!

  33. I'm so happy for you guys. This is like a major thing for someone who has CF right? (I think for anyone but more so for someone who has CF )

    It was so great to hear Tricia's voice. She has a sweet voice.

    Seth (my first son) just loves watching Meka over and over again at the end!!


  34. How exiting! I enjoyed the tour and look forward to seeing more! I loved the last little clip with Meka going crazy! Enjoy yourselves making it your own!

  35. Thanks for sharing that with us, really cool video. Loved the ending, Meka sure looks happy in his new home.

    Love to you


  36. It was so much fun getting to go on a tour of your new home and hear Tricia's voice throughout it.

    I can't wait to see before and after shots as you make it more safe for Tricia and give it your personal touches.

    I'm very happy that you have friends and family nearby to help you.

  37. awesome house its gonna look soooo good!

  38. Thanks for the tour... it looks like you have so much closet space...NICE!

  39. Congratulations on your new home. There is nothing like remaking a house into what you want it to be as your home. Make lots and lots of memories in your happy home.

    Do me a one of the closets, stand you cutie patootie up agains the wall and trace around her with a sharpie marker and fill in with black paint. To make a silhouette... And stamp one of her footprints too. Trust me, as time goes on, you will a appreciate remembering her little bitty size. Little girls only get bigger.

  40. How exciting for you guys! Happy homeownership! Now the real fun begins!!!!

  41. Congratulations! I'm very jealous of your storage space. I think you have more storage in your kitchen than I have in my entire house. Enjoy making it your own!

  42. So happy for you all!
    : )

  43. Hooray!! I am so thrilled for you! I know you have a good deal of work ahead of you but the joy of working on a place of your own is so wonderful!What a blessing that family and friends are there to lend a hand. We just bought our first house last year and we are in our late 50's!! That is why I named my blog... NC A Place to Call Home! :) I pray you will have much joy in your new home! I cannot think of anyone more deserving!

  44. Congratulations! I totally understand what you are going through with all of the home renovations. We recently purchased a home and have been very busy for months redoing parts of it. I'd love to see some pictures or video as you go through all the demolition and then renovations!

  45. Congratulations!!!! thanks for showing it to us!

  46. Awesome! I remember so well my first steps in my first new home last year- still gives me tingles, and now you have them!!

  47. Congratulations on the house!

    Enjoy decorating it and making many memories there.

  48. How fun! Glad we saw all of the "before" video, so the "after" will be even more impressive! May God give you many happy years and memories in this home!

  49. Great Video of the new house. Love the dog going crazy at the end!

  50. Welcome home, you guys!!! We are thrilled for your sweet family & cannot wait for you all to be in your new place :)

    And Tricia, you're still looking fabulous! You always do :)

  51. YEA! Congrats on your first house. It's very exciting and I'm glad you are sharing with us. Meka cracked me up. My dog does the same thing when she is excited...runs laps!

  52. Congrats! on the new home. When we bought our first home, we ran over to it right after closing and opened a bottle of champagne which we spilled on the new carpet staining it immediently. But it was ours - stain and all!

  53. How exciting! It was great to hear Tricias voice. Praying for your family!

  54. I think my favorite part of the whole video is Meka's "happiness dance" at the end... Congrats! Love you guys!

  55. Hooray on the new house...I can't wait for us to get to that point, but we still have a little time til that happens. I love how excited Tricia is about the whole thing!!!

  56. I'm so happy for you guys!!!! Have fun getting things settled!

  57. What a great house!! I know you can't wait to move in!!! Congratulations & I hope you have a great weekend!!
    Emily in Mississippi

  58. Congratulations! Its going to be fun fixing up and decorating!

  59. You two are so cute!!! And of course Meka is adorable! What a blessing to have so many there to help. Have fun making your new home together!!!

  60. Congrats on your new home and God bless your family. I am not a sappy type, but your story is so powerful. God bless you for keeping your baby. God bless you for loving your wife and daughter the way you do. And God bless your wife for being a great example of everything a mother should strive to be. To put her life at risk to give her baby a small chance, that's a mother's love. God bless and keep you all.

  61. I can see you guys being very happy! =] Congratulations xxx.

  62. WOW, how exciting for you. the work begins!!
    Take care

  63. Your house seems perfect for your family. I'm sure you're already working very hard to make it the way you want it to be. I love it!

  64. This is so exciting! Congratulations!

  65. Congratulations,

    You guys have come a loooong way-and y.u've been such a great example to along the way. Thank you.

    May God pour his blessings on your new adventure and continue to renew you in spirit and body.

  66. Congratulations! Thanks for the tour! May God bless your life together in your new home!

  67. Congrats!
    The house looks great! May you have many happy, healthy years in it!

  68. What a fabulous new home!! Congratulations!

  69. Love the house and there is no place better to live than coastal NC. Much joy and hapiness to you in your new home.

    Just have to tell you I think your dog and mine must be related. Until I saw your video I thought my Bella was the only silly pug - now I am wondering if all pugs (and cats) get the "invisibles" and go running through the house like that. Bella even came running in the room when she heard the silly sounds.


  70. How exciting!! Tricia is so cute, showing us the sink and the closets and the fridge!! I love it, can't wait to see more of it when you are all ready to move in and Gwenyth's room!

  71. congrats! first houses are always so exciting! Can't wait to see "work pics along the way!"

  72. Congratulations!!!! LOVED LOVED LOVED the video!!! Thanks for sharing it with us....Tricia is precious!!! I think Meka is very happy with your choice! :)
    Praying the demo goes smoothly and quickly......

  73. I like it. We are in the middle of demo and redoing a house too. It is a lot of work and a lot of fun.

    Friends and family will help make your journey much easier.

  74. Nothing like your own home. Congratulations! Have fun making it your own. May God fill it with His blessings.

  75. Congratulations, again!!! You will turn this house into a home, and it sounds like you've already started. Much happiness to all of you and may God continue to bless you.

    Love to all.

  76. hahahaha LMBO! Congratulations!

    and Nathan FYI, I LOVED hearing all the little details from Trisha. hehe All the little things just make it more exciting, and you can hear how excited she is when she talks about everything.

    Trisha don't worry the weird new fridge smell goes away quickly. LOL

    God Bless and HUGGS!

  77. Soooo Excited for your family! Congratulations! A place for new family memories and traditions!

  78. Congrats! Welcome to the money pit world of homeowner ship. Some words to the wise that we've found along the bumpy way. Choosing wall color..hang the color "chips" for about a week in a spot were you see it constantly, you find out what color you truly like then!! Removing wall paper is a long tedious job...scorch it good and we've also used the good 'ol remedy of just warm water and white vinegar, soak the wall good let it sit and the wall paper comes off.

    Good luck!!

  79. Congratulations...praying that all the updating will go smoothly and quickly!

  80. Congratulations to you all! And good luck with your renovations!!! Thinking about you ;-)

  81. Many years of joy! Congratulations


    It's wonderful owning your own place. We bought a house a year and a half ago, but haven't been able to afford a remodel. I am happy for ya'll, and so much help!!!

    It was so nice to hear Tricia's voice on the tour. She has a sweet voice, very calming. I loved her and Meka at the end. Thanks for sharing it.

    God Bless~

  83. the duck tape in the master closet... looks like the job we did after my husband kicked a hole in the closet! way cool! :o) Congrats on the new house guys!!!

  84. Congratulations! Your house is so cute! I also love Tricia's hoodie! My hubby is a Navy F-18 pilot. :)

    Welcome home!

  85. Great tour! I loved the end with doggy going wild!!!!!
    May you be blessed with lots of love,HEALTH, and happiness in your new home!

  86. What a SUPER time in your life, congratulations.
    Praying in Missouri

  87. Awesome, congratulations!

    Can't wait to see all the improvements :)

  88. Praise the Lord for His provision. I hope your family and guests will be greatly blessed by this house for many years. Way to go remodeling from the get-go!

  89. Congratulations on your new home. How exciting! Wishing you the best.

  90. Congratulations! I'm so excited for your family.

  91. Thanks for the tour! Tricia, it was so great to hear your voice and have you as the tour guide! Just one more answer to prayer that the 3 of you (Meka will make 4) will be moving into YOUR OWN home soon!! :)

    May God continue to bless your beautiful family. We love you guys and continue to pray for you often. We love Meka's ending to the tour! :)

  92. Congratulations and thanks for the tour!!! I love houses thaty ou can fix up and put your own touches on them! Can't wait to see what you have planned for your new home!

  93. Nice house! Very quiet narration :) I loved you guys already, then Mika came on and now I love you more!

    Apryl in NC

  94. What a wonderful house! We bought our first home a couple of years ago and there is nothing like that feeling of walking in the door for the first time! Enjoy it!

  95. Thanks for the tour! Can't wait to see all of the updates!!

  96. Congrats!! The house looks awesome!! Enjoyed the tour and your pooches excitedness!! Can't wait to see it when it's done!!

  97. Working on your new home will be so much fun! Congratulations!

  98. lovin this video...I know you guys are SUPER excited! Have fun and enjoy...HOME SWEET HOME!

  99. I loved your tour! I can't wait to see the finished project! I know you guys are so happy to be official homeowners. Congratulations!

  100. Loved the house.

    We enjoyed watching the dog run around at the end.

  101. Woohoo!!! Congratulations! Loved the tour!

  102. HAVE FUN!!!

    BTW - I like my hangers to be the same color too.

  103. If you want more light in your home, I highly recommend those tuby sky-light things. They are not that hard to install, and it is nice having natural light in what used to be dark places.

    Have fun with the renovations!

    Bless you all and your new home.

  104. Wonderful...look forward to seeing the renovations as you go!

  105. So happy for all of you! We follow your story (among many others) who many not know you personally. We pray for you all often.

    So why am I posting today? Because I got to hear your voices and see you all interact, it was priceless to watch.

    You both are an inspiration of faith love and hope.

    Our families have a few things in common too... Our son was a preemie, is trached, g-tube, my husband is in the ministry, we are expanding our family through adoption right now! We resonate with a lot of what you have to say and go through.

    Well, congrats and many blessings in your new home! Have have with the fixing up!

    Kevin, Kelly and Owen Carr

  106. I enjoyed the tour! So... Did the counter/bar area (whatever you call it) get ripped out? Tricia said no and Nate said yes.. who won? (smile)

  107. Congratulations!!!! Your house will be beautiful, can't wait to see pictures once you all personalize it.

    It looks like you have a lot of remodeling planned, that is great, it's always fun to work on your own home.

    Quick cheap tip for those wire mesh shelves, if you need a flat surface but don't want to go to the expense of redoing the shelving buy panel board and have it cut to size to fit on the wire mesh shelves. I spent $12 to do a nice sized kitchen pantry, and it looks nice. The nice people as Lowes cut it to the size for me and everything.

  108. What a great video. Trish's voice is so sweet and soft.

    Enjoy the ne house!


  109. Congratulations, what a praise!
    Isn't that such a great feeling walking around YOUR house!
    Praying for ease of remodeling!

  110. All Good and it's great to hear Tricias voice.

  111. Nate I cannot even begin to tell you how awesome it was to hear Tricia's voice! To see her walking around and to hear the excitement as you both showed off your new home! I'm so excited for the three of you!

    Btw, Meka cracked me up at the end!!!


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