
Saturday, November 1, 2008

I Got Shot Today... a nurse with a needle full of stuff that's supposed to keep the flu away.

You might remember that I have a phobia of needles, so this was a big deal for me. The sacrifices we make for the ones we love... I didn't even take anyone with me to hold my hand. As proof (because my family might not believe me), I'm posting the pic here and keeping the band aid on until I get home tonight...

Yes, it hurts!

BTW, I'll try to post some TRUNKorTREAT pics this evening!



  1. Well done Nate. I hope that your arm is not too sore. Sending you a cyber sticker which says "Nate was brave at the docs today."

    Love to you all as always,
    Rachaelx (England, UK)

  2. I hate making gross generalizations, but this just proves my theory that men are "babies". (Just joking but my hubby is the same way about needles too!!!)

  3. My husband used to get flu shots regularly but had to stop because when he did, I came down with a bad case of the flu every single time. Had something to do with the type of shot I think but it caused such problems he hasn't wanted to get them anymore.

    As a fellow 'needle-phobic', I feel ya. :)

  4. Oh my gosh. You're bleeding profusely. Look at all that blood soaking through your bandaid. Have you taken to bed? This looks as bad as having a 'man cold'...poor little bunny.

    Seriously, though, haven't commented in a while, but want you to know I'm still praying for all of you.

  5. Did you get a lollipop for being 'brave'?

  6. Good for you, i hate needles too much to do it. your a good husband and father!

  7. Your face in picture is priceless..hope it keeps the flu away from you and your girls this season!

  8. Next year try the Flu Mist...our doctor said it was more effective and there is no needle involved therefore making it painless! :)

  9. What to compare ban aids?? I got mine as well from my daughter. Of course I had to rib her just how bad it hurt. Actually it wasn't to bad. Beats getting the flu for me and ending up in hospital. Which I to have seen enough of.
    I think you should get a sticker to:)
    Looking forward to the pictures.

  10. way to suck it up and be a brave soldier! hope you are getting all the sympathy you are hoping for ;))

  11. Where did you get the shot (and I don't mean in the arm)? do I call my doc or what to get that?

    Never have had the vaccination and have not had the flu in a long, long time. I have a super good immune system...except towards pollen. :)

  12. Nice pic. :)
    I just posted a piece on my blog about how people should get flu shots to keep ups immuno compromised people healthy. :)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. You silly does not hurt! I too am AFRAID of needles and got mine at work last week! It did help that they gave us candy and free ink pens though!!!
    Proud of you!

  15. What's this no beard?? Do we get to see pics Trunk or Treat??

  16. When they gave you the shot, did it scare your facial hair away?!?!

    Where'd it go?!

    Praying for you all...including the poorly guy with the band-aid!

  17. You are a good man Charlie ya go a happy face for being such a grown up guy!! ;-) LOL

    Had mine yesterday too---Hope all is well

    Shari NC

  18. Does Gwyneth make such a face when she gets her shots???? I bet not!!! :) Praying your poor little arm is feeling better soon and more importantly praying for Tricia....not that you aren't important too Nate, but you know what I mean!!! Hope ya'll have a nice weekend.....

  19. Yep - I don't like shots either. I tried to tell the nurse I was allergic to needles. Somehow they didn't buy that one!

  20. I got my flu shot way back in Sept. Just think of how many needles Tricia and Gwyneth have got? Was one the side effects of YOUR shot hair loss (facial hair)? lol

    I know your arm will feel better soon.. Just start holding Gwyneth with that arm and it'll get better. :o)

    Gina Marie

  21. I know this isn't a Q&A time, but I was just wondering....What did you think about the out come of the World Series?

  22. Where is your facial hair???? lol

  23. I just had to say that reading these comments made my day - everyone is so funny! I especially liked your dad's comment!

    Still praying for you all!

  24. Nate, I am a fellow needle-phobe and my 7 year old daughter is really horrible with them. This year she and I got the Flu-Mist instead of the shot and it was a piece of cake. I'd highly recommend it for next year. No shot, and it is slightly more effective than the traditional shot according to my Dr.

  25. My four year old daughter just came in and saw your flu shot picture on the screen and asked me "is that a grown up or a little boy?" I just about bust a gut laughing!

  26. I bet that with everything Tricia has been through she doesn't even flinch at needles, ya' big baby!

    Can't wait to see Trunk or Treat photos! Was Tricia feeling well enough to be there?

  27. Awwwwwwwww. Poor daddy's arm!

    Ok, now, where are the pictures of that little baby in her first Halloween costume??


  28. I have CF and I am still scared of needles.

  29. I kept my bandaid on for two whole days.

  30. Ha ha... you sound just like my husband. After a heart/lung transplant and now being on dialysis (having 2 giant needles put in my arm 3x a week) I have no sympathy for him. But the picture is priceless, and at kudos for going through your "ordeal" to keep your family healthy! I'm still praying for you guys and have shared your story with my Bible study and they are praying too! -allison

  31. are a great father and husband. My 6 year old asked me who you are and why you have a plaster...I explained and he said "That's cool" Have to agree with him :)

  32. lol, love it. that is SO my husband!! except he wouldn't make the sacrafice of a needle for us. good for you!

  33. Well done. Its one of the best things you can do to prevent yourself getting pneumonia!
    Probably particularly important to reduce the spread given the 4 vulnerable lungs that your girls have.
    I get mine every year cause I work in a hospital (even pay for it myself if they aren't giving it out free).

  34. Congrats for being a big boy did your get your Lollipop after? We all got flu shots, and this was the first year all my kids did excellent and not one cry baby in the bunch. So umm yea a set of 4 year olds and 7 year olds have put you to shame, they didn't complain a bit! LOL

    Good for you though making the sacrifice for your wife and baby. Oh and yourself of course too, the most important thing is you will stay healthy too.

  35. What a baby!!! :) Great picture :)

  36. Now, that is a truly PATHETIC photo. I say you need to (in the KJV) Quit ye like men!!! =)

  37. very awesome blog some how i found you looking for things on our sons birth defect esophageal atresia. I wish you nothing but the best.

  38. I'm going in today to get mine! I actually woke up with a sympathy sore arm, just thinking about it. Froggy who is only three, after her shot said, "That wasn't so bad." How humbling is that?

  39. YOU POOR THING! that's the official sympathy :o) Hope you haven't had any repercussions from the shot - it usually leaves me feeling poorly for a day or 2 - not quite flu'ish, but not quite right -- it does work though - after having massive pneumonia 6 winters in a row, I was told that I can never again be without coverage both the Pneumovax and the flu shot - you may want to ask about a pneumovax as well given the impact that those germs would have on your girls - now that 1 I had no problems with - and it's once every 5 years so the needle thing isn't a recurring dream/nightmare! I can't believe you didn't get a sponge-bob band-aid -- I insisted :o)~

  40. You're a brave little soldier! (That's what my mom used to tell us when we were going up against needle-wielding nurses) Glad you got your flu shot.

  41. i got 3 shots yesterday 2 uncle nate they stink



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