
Thursday, December 4, 2008

House Tour (Part 3)

Starting with the tile and laminate flooring this weekend!



  1. The house looks great! You are a good man, you remind me of my husband, he is great too. He would do anything to make me happy and I know you are the same for Patricia, I can see it in your eyes. It is very hard to find someone who loves us in spite of our disease. So hats off to you!!!

  2. Oh wow, it is looking so good. My hubby worked in our house for months before we moved in, I know how hard that was for him, so I know how hard you are working. Great job, it will all be worth it.

  3. Nate,
    It is looking so good! I love all the different colors. Thanks for sharing all the house updates with us.

  4. Looks great! The colors are beautiful and all work lovely together. We're color people, too. Not a wall in our house is without makes such a difference, right? Really transforms a space. I can't wait until you gus are all in and settled!!!!

  5. I really really really love the colour of your master bedroom. What a nice cool calming blue. You guys just amaze me. Look at how much you can accomplish in such a short time! How exciting!!!

  6. Love the colors. Looks great. Things seem to be moving quickly!

  7. I LOVE your house, especially the kitchen and Gwyneth's room. Thanks for sharing with us!

  8. YAY for y'all! It looks great! And the pink and brown is fabulous!

  9. I love the house!! The colors are beautiful!!! Congratulations again!!
    Emily in Mississippi

  10. Lookin real good! Cant wait to see the flooring!

  11. Looks great!!! Love the red wall and the color of the kitchen. The pink & brown will look great once you get the border up. Only color I don't like (as if my opinion matters!!) is the gray.

  12. Wow - you sure know how to knock out a project fast! We could take some lessons from you. The house looks great!

  13. The house and paint look really great!! You guys did a great job and I love all the colors you picked!! Congrats on you home!! Can't wait to see the tile!

  14. The house looks great! I am so happy for you guys!

  15. It looks great! I love all the colors!

  16. Wow! you have gotten so far so fast! way diggin the red.. I decorated with touches of red all through my house - love it - totally different than anyone else I know and I love the energy the color gives me. You still sound sick - take care of yourself!

  17. Your new home looks great! My livingroom is the same colors as yours. I love the red, it makes for a nice warm feeling in the room.
    Good luck getting the floors done. HOpe it goes as quick as the painting.


  18. It's nice how much paint can add to a house. Looks terrific and I bet you can't wait to be there permanently! GOod luck with the flooring.

  19. The house is really coming along you guys! Great work, i have to say putting tile up the walls in the bathroom is a super smart move, we did that in one of ours and it's so easy to keep clean. Can't wait to see what the tile looks like when it's done. Thanks so much for including us in your home renovations!

  20. The house looks great! We like color here too. Our family room is the same colors as your living room and our bedroom is close to your blue too. I am sure that you are excited to have it all finished. It will be refreshing to be able to sit and relax.

  21. I love the colors...everything looks awesome! You guys have been busy, busy.

  22. WOW...looks great :)Continued Prayers for your family!

  23. It looks great, Nate! Once the floors are done it will REALLY feel amazing! I remember that feeling so well.

  24. Nate, I was just looking at your blog count, then at last year's entry at this time:
    "This blog got 338 hits! The most I'd ever gotten before in a single day was 82." ...and now you have over 8 million!!! That would have totally blown your mind a year ago!

  25. Looks good. It won't be long you'll be moving in!

  26. thanks for sharing! looks great! =)

  27. Looking great. YOu and your crew are working remarkably quickly. YOu will be in soon! Its going to be so great!

  28. Thanks for sharing! It's coming along great!! Hope you can move in soon!

  29. Thanks for sharing-I've really enjoyed watching the transformation. I like the colors-you definitely made complementary and contrasting colors blend together with distinction, and I really like how you did that.

  30. New to your blog - catching up on everything. I love the colors in your house. I also love the fact that you called the green in the kitchen (which is beautiful, btw) moss (or did you say maude?). could have used any number of adjectives, but you kept it real. I like that.


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