
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

NJ Trip

Our trip to NJ was great! It was especially fun since we missed last year's trip because of Tricia's health. Gwyneth is basically the best car baby ever...keep her fed and clean and engaged with a few good toys and she's good to go for at least 5-6 hours before she's had enough of her car seat. Although it was overcast the entire time, it did not rain much and was not as cold as it is up there (and down here, for that matter) now. We stayed with our friends Mike and Lisa (thanks so much!), and spent some great time with them and a few more of Tricia's lifelong NJ friends.

We were able to finish up our Christmas shopping and attend a niece's school Christmas concert (great job, Bry!). We also made a trip to IKEA in downtown Philly to pick up some stuff for the house.

Of course, two of the biggest highlights of our annual trip for me are eating as many cheesesteaks as possible (nowhere else in the world to eat a good cheesesteak outside of the south Jersey/Philly area) and enjoying the hot roast beef sandwiches at the Kirschner Christmas Spectacular.

Saturday was, as always, tons of fun. I believe there were at least 40 people present, including 9 under the age of 4. Gwyneth was the youngest and smallest, and the only one who was unable to venture out on her own and enjoy the fun...but, everyone enjoyed getting to hold and laugh with her. The adults exchanged pollyannas, as we do every year...I always ask for a DVD, and this year I came away with the new Indiana Jones movie, which will be playing at my parents beach house at some point later this week.

Because I don't have the time or energy to contact everyone who was there and ask there permission to post their pics, I'll just share a few...

The Kirschner bunch are mostly very serious Philadelphia eagles fan, and this Santa is probably the leader of the pack, so I made sure that Gwyneth was wearing her Skins jersey for a good photo op. :D Notice how she is ingeniously tugging on his beard to determine if he is the real Santa...

Although it appears that Gwyneth is playing with this eagles ornament, she's actually determining her plan of attack for decapitation...did I mention that the eagles lost to our Redskins on Sunday?



  1. Great post Nate!! Glad you and your family had a fun trip. Going to see family and friends is always fun!!
    Take care and we wish you & your family a very Merry Christmas and a wonderfully Happy New Year

  2. Great pics! So happy you all had a safe trip and wonderful time in NJ. Since you live in NC and may get down to the Wilmington area, there is a restaurant called 'J. Michael's Philly Deli' that have the BEST Philly Cheesesteaks!! They have spoiled me so that I can't order a cheesesteak anywhere else! There is no comparison - they are too good!! So, if you are ever in the Wilmington, NC area, stop by and try one - or two!

    May you, Tricia and Sweet Baby Gwyneth have a Blessed, Merry Christmas! God's blessings to you three as you begin the new year in your new home.



  4. It dawned on me this morning that's it's been about a year that I've been following your family and the tremendous journey you've had. All I can say is, WOW! You guys have had more than your fair share of struggles and you have come through them with such a positive attitude. You have come such a long way in a year, and I couldn't be happier for you. I pray that God's hands continue to be on your family and that He brings you through the next year with good deserve it! Merry Christmas! You guys are such a blessing to all of us who "know" you out here in cyber space!

  5. Great picture of you and Tricia! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  6. Wow, Nate your really rubbing it in! I happen to be from Philadelphia lol...Remember November in 1990? 28-14 EAGLES! They knocked 9 Redskins out of the game including 2 quarterbacks. Just had to refresh your memory. I dont actually remember it I was 3 lol.

    I am glad you guys had a good time in NJ and enjoyed your cheesesteaks. When I am living in Washington I wont even attempt to eat what they call a cheesesteak!

  7. Sounds like a great trip!! What are Pollyannas? Is that like White Elephant? I've never heard of it. Thanks!

  8. @Laura Q. Stone

    "Remember November in 1990? 28-14 EAGLES!" Is that how far back eagles fans have to look to remember happy times for their team?

  9. My gosh, she is just growing by leaps and bounds now, isn't she? What a pleasure to see her becoming such a "little person" instead of a baby!!!

    Thanks for sharing your lives with all of us. Happy holidays, Nate.

  10. Looks like you guys had a great time. And so glad you were able to make it this year with two very healthy girls!!!

  11. What is "exchanging Pollyannas?" TIA!

  12. A very Merry Christmas to all of you this year from a Florida fan.


  13. I'd like to know what exhanging pollyanna's is also??

  14. Fun post. Great pictures. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  15. I love that picture of you and Tricia. What a happy couple. As always the pictures of Gwyneth are priceless. I'm so glad to hear you had a great trip. Merry Christmas and God Bless!

  16. Again with the Eagles bashin'?! Sheesh. Can't a team have a bad season? Or two or three?! :( :(

    This post is yet more salt in an already gaping wound, my cyber friend.

    Merry Merry to you and yours, regardless.

  17. Very nice..great photos! Glad to hear you enjoyed NJ more than I ever have. :)

  18. Nice pictures!Love seeing gwyneth with Santa-how cute!

    Have a nice Christmas.

  19. (nowhere else in the world to eat a good cheesesteak outside of the south Jersey/Philly area)

    THANK YOU for posting that for the world to see! Nothing is more "wrong" than seeing "Philly" cheesesteaks anywhere but here! ew!

  20. You have such a wonderful family! Your daughter is absolutely gorgeous! I have never commented before, but I have always prayed for your family! It is so wonderful to serve God and know that he is there! Hope your family has a great Merry Christmas!!

  21. Good to see that you guys are all home and safe :-)

  22. Skip the movie...sooooooo bad. Or at least lower any expectations you may have and maybe you'll enjoy! :)

  23. Great Pictures!! I'm glad to see you had a nice visit with family. I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!!!
    God Bless

  24. Good post Nate. Glad your trip was good. Welcome back home. Don't forget to call if you need help with the house.

  25. @JonesFam4

    I loved the new Indiana Jones movie, which is why I asked for the DVD. To each his own I guess.

  26. Happy Christmas, Nate, Tricia and Gwynneth. May you have a truly blessed day together.

  27. What a beautiful picture of you and Tricia! I love the Redskin/Eagles rivalry you have going on. Although, I must say the Steelers are the best by far :)

    Merry Christmas!


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