
Thursday, December 25, 2008

What A Wonderful Day!

Here are a few pics from our day...more to come when I get the time, which might not be for a few days. I pray that your day was as wonderful as ours.



  1. Merry Christmas Lawrenson Family!! Happy first birthday celebration for Jesus sweet Gwyneth! Love the pics too... Faith Clare has the same little Christmas onesie... Target all the way baby!

    Blessings & love,

  2. What a precious miracle baby. I am so glad you had a wonderful first Christmas with your girls. You are blessed, but I know you already know that.

    LaNell in OK

  3. How differnt life is for you guys in just a year... 365 days ago who would have thought you would have come so far and been through so much! God is wonderful. Merry Christmas to you all!

  4. Merry Christmas to a truly wonderful family, so much to be grateful for this Christmas day isn't there! And precious Gwyneth... her first Christmas, thank you Lord!!
    love to all

  5. Happy first Christmas... and soon-to-be birthday girl too!

  6. Dear Lawrenson Family, So happy to send Merry 1st Christmas wishes. Adorable pictures. Looking forward to see more.

  7. I'm so happy for you guys. What a special Christmas this year with Tricia's new lungs, sweet little Gwyneth being with you and a house nearly ready to move into!

  8. So glad that your day was a Wonderful one. I kept remembering back to last year and am amazed at the changes that have taken place. Simply God's hand over the three of you all the way. Hopefully you are just about ready to move into your new "castle". Love you guys.


  9. Glad you guys had such a great day. I've still to give my godson his Christmas present!

    Did you get into your new place in time for Christmas?

    Laura Anne x

  10. Merry Christmas to my favorite miracle family!

  11. What sweet pictures! I'm so glad Gwyneth's 1st Christmas was wonderful!!
    Emily in Mississippi

  12. Merry Christmas to the Lawrensons!! We also had a wonderful day celebrating Christ's birth and spending time with family enjoying good food and many gifts. We are ALL so BLESSED! Hugs and kisses to Gwyneth on her first Christmas. We love her smiles and "talking" on the Toys for Tots video!! What a cutie!!!

    We are so excited about your new home. It looks GREAT! Can't wait to hear that you are settled in and enjoying all the fruits of your labors.

    We love and miss you!
    The Edwards family

  13. Merry Christmas!! I'm glad you are all together, especially for Gwyn's 1st Christmas. Definitely special, thank God for that! :-)

    And a wonderful Happy New Year and many more blessings in the new year to come! :-)


  14. Merry first family Christmas Lawrenson's! Especially you, sweet Gwyneth! I hope you all had a wonderful, blessed day!


  15. Cute pictures as always.

    We watched Christmas Story last night and Elf on Christmas Eve.

  16. I know you already know but I have to say it anyways =) =)
    Your daughter Gwyneth is SUCH A CUTIE PIE, ABSOULTY ADORABLE !!!!
    Happy Holidays To You & Yours,
    The Nelson Family

  17. I am glad you had a wonderful day yesterday. Family, friends, faith, food, fellowship...that's what it's all about. :-P

    Praise the Lord \o/

  18. Merry Christmas. This might sound bizarre but Gwyneth is losing her preemie look and starting to look like herself (like I said, bizarre) but I can't explain it any other way. HOpe 2009 brings you all health and happiness.

  19. What a blessing that you are all healthy and able to spend such a wonderful holiday together.
    I love the family pic of you guys.
    SOOOO super cute!


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