
Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Best Things In Life Are Free

Goodnight from OUR home, courtesy of a friendly neighbor's free internet!!!



  1. Welcome Home!! Enjoy your first night's such a good feeling. :)

  2. Good night! God bless your new home! That's so exciting!

  3. I am so happy for your family! I love to see those smiles on your faces.

  4. Cool. I hope you have a wonderful night and many, many more in your new home. Good Night!

  5. The best things in life tonight-are those two grins.

    want some snow for your yard? I got lots of extra.

  6. Welcome Home! Your smiles say it all. :) Sweet Dreams!!

  7. Congrats, on your first night in your new home.

  8. Very cool! Have fun! :)

  9. Blessings in your new home and may it always be filled with love and happy memories and future dreams.

  10. I am thrilled for you guys! Congratulations!!

  11. Woohoo! Tricia looks gorgeous, btw. Congrats! :)

  12. I just love you guys :)

    (in the words of Ty Pennington)
    Welcome home, Lawrenson family. Welcome home.

  13. HAAA! That is awesome and hilarious. I am grateful when I hit a spot with a little free internet, and offer it freely to my own neighbors if they so wish to partake.

    Neighborly love! Enjoy your new digs!!!

  14. How cute are ya'll???? So happy for you both! Enjoy your first night in YOUR VERY OWN HOME!!!!

  15. YEAH!!! I am so excited for you guys!! YEAH!

  16. How wonderful! And yes, the best things here on earth ARE free. And those that aren't... are already paid for! :<) Praying for blessings this year that will overflow your cup and fill the saucer....

  17. Congrats! What a wonderful treat to be in your new home!

  18. Congrats! Beautiful smiles in your beautiful new home!

  19. that cracked me up! you guys are bad...they're gonna wonder why all of a sudden their internet speed slowed down as soon as the new neighbors moved in! j/k, i know it's just temporary (i'm sure we woulda done the same thing! :)
    p.s.~enjoy your 1st night HOME!

  20. You two are adorable!! Congrats on your first night in your new home.

  21. You forgot one thing... "on the first anniversary of Tricia waking up."

    WOOT! PTL!

  22. Hi –

    I ran across another CF family’s blog yesterday and it’s brought me to an entire world of CF blogs! I have an eleven year old daughter with CF (and an 8 year old daughter w/o). I hope you don’t mind if I start following yours!


  23. Welcome home, Lawrenson family, welcome home.

  24. Glad to hear that you are in your house.


  25. How exciting I know it is to be in your new home! Blessings!


  26. YAY... Congratulations. I am so happy for you all :)

  27. there's no place like.... HOME!

  28. That's so awesome Nate and Tricia. Neighbor's free internet is the bomb. :)

  29. Congratulations. Reading your blog is always such a breath of fresh air. May you make many, many, many years of memories in your new home!

  30. YAY!!! Congratulations and welcome home!

  31. How very awesome! Hope your first night in your new place is wonderful!

  32. YAY!! Blessings on your new home!!!

  33. awwwwwwwwww!!!!! congratulations you two!!!!!! that is something you both will always remember----so happy for you !! xoxo

  34. look at all that hair you have Tricia! and you too Nate.

    firsts are always awesome. I'll never forget our first night in our first purchased home. thanks for taking me down memory lane.

  35. Congratulations! I haven't seen both of you glow so much in a long time! I've been a blog reader for over a year, praying daily for your family. GOD IS GOOD!

  36. May you all three ~ have lots of love, luck and happiness in your new home.
    Love and big hugs Tabitha XXX

  37. Ther's nothing like your first night in your new house. I hope everyone slept well!!

  38. Home Sweet Home. What a blessing from this time last year to now. I am so happy for the three of you. I hope you all slept extra good last night and the rest of the house will come together with a womans touch, now that the Queen has moved in:)

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  39. Don't you love wireless internet! I have mine unsecured lots of the time so my neighbors can also surf for free. I'm paying for it with my phone and all that anyway...why not "share the wealth" so to speak. Congratulations on your new house!

  40. I am so happy for you. Your journey has been an amazing one. I know you know this but I am still amazed.

    I have a friend who just had a single lung transplant. I understand his journey so much better because of reading this blog every day for over a year. For that, thanks for sharing your life.

    Since I am a cat person, I am happy you get your cat back.

    Take care,
    Beth Johnson

  41. Woot woot! Congrats! Feels good to be home, don't it?

  42. Congrats on your new home! What a wonderful thing. Hope you had a great night. Tricia, you're looking great girl! Still praying for you.


  43. Blessings to you and yours as you begin this new phase of your lives in your new home. How flippling EXCITING.

  44. It makes we want to cry to think of where you are now. I'm SO happy for all of you. I hope your first night was peaceful and wonderful and that you have many blessed years together in your new home!

  45. TRICIA! I LOVE your hair, yes, YOUR HAIR! :)

  46. Congratulations! I LOVE Tricias hair.

  47. Congratulations! What an amazing feeling to be in your new home. We are thrilled for you!

  48. Does the friendly neighbor know you are piggy backing??

  49. I LOVE this picture of the two of you, giddy happiness :)

  50. Congratulations you homeowners. What a great feeling. I can't believe how much you have accomplished in such a short time since closing...the floor, painting, removing popcorn ceiling...and so on. A well-done job.

  51. That is the contented look of two happy homeowners. Congratulations once again!

  52. Thief! I'm calling the internet Police.

  53. Congratulations! And by the way I love the colors throughout the house. AWESOME!
    P.S. Trisha you look great!

  54. Hey Nate,
    I have a question, I wasn't sure the best place to post it...
    Did you see last week's episode of the TV series "Private Practice"? I was just wondering what your take was on the CF family in last week's episode, and the bacteria that the little girl supposedly has, and the dad (who also has CF) has to make a choice between his two CF kids, the sick little girl and the healthy little boy. Is that realistic?
    I love your site by the way! Praying for you! Blessings!
    (I'll also email this Q to you)

  55. So happy to hear you are finally in your new home. Now to settle in,relax, and give thanks to God for he is a wonderful God indeed!

  56. Tricia, you look great with YOUR hair. Does the other keep you warmer...because I like the short-sassy-natural look! I might be getting into personal things, but I wanted to compliment you on what the Lord has given you! Blessings from TX!


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