
Monday, January 5, 2009


This week is going to be all about a very special birthday girl, and, obviously, you're invited to help us celebrate!

We'll be in Durham on the 7th and 8th for some appointments for both Tricia and Gwyneth, and we'll be celebrating with some old friends at Duke.

We're planning a party with our family sometime later.

We have a few surprises that I think you'll enjoy.

And, of course, I'm putting together a video or two.

Check back in often to help us celebrate!!!



  1. Hope your two girls are feeling much better. I can't think of anyone who has more to celebrate right now.

    Happy Birthday Gwyneth! Can't wait to read how you celebrate.

    Myra in Fl

  2. Hoping the girls are feeling much better! Cannot wait to hear/see all the 1st birthday excitement! xxx.

  3. Ohhhhhh I cannot wait!!! Looking so forward to it!!

  4. I'll be here with bells on. I can't believe a year already.

  5. I will be right here celebrating with you guys. It is amazing to know that our Gwyneth is turning ONE year old. Hope your girls are feeling better too.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  6. Thank you Nate for sharing your family with us! I am one who has been praying for your family for over a year now and make it a daily (sometimes more often) check to see how everyone is doing. Am praying that both your girls are feeling better soon! Looking forward to that birthday on 1/8/09! What a miracle Gweneth is! I think I'll go out and buy a party hat and noice maker to help celebrate!

  7. You have a lot to celebrate! Know you are very thankful!

  8. wondered if you got a song for Gwenyth's birthday video. A great one is "Amazing" by Janelle (I think?) Happy Birthday to Gwenyth! :)

  9. I was reading your story and looking at the pictures, wow it is amazing what is possible. I lost a baby at almost the same gestation, she actually looked exactly the same, but of course she didn't make it. I worked in the NICU and I know what a miracle it is too see a micro-preemie make it and be so healthy. You truly are blessed and have a little miracle to show for it!! Happy B-day to Gwyneth.

  10. Can't wait to see what the week of celebration holds!
    We will be waiting and looking forward to celebrating, blog style, with all!
    Kind regards
    Karen et al
    Vancouver, BC

  11. how exciting. is that crazy that i'm excited about a stranger's kid's birthday? probably. but who cares! i'm excited.

  12. oh what fun...this is a good week for celebrating!

  13. I cannot tell you how glad I am that we will all be celebrating the birth of your very special little girl! My eyes will be glued to the monitor!

  14. Wow...I can not believe she is turning one already!

    Are you still taking song suggestions for her birthday video? Mine would be the song below. I ordered this song for you guys many months ago, but I'm not sure if you ever received it? If you did not, and would like me to send it to you again, please email me at

    Song for Gwyneth

    Little hands, may they reach
    to help the hurting
    Little eyes, may they see
    only the good in all
    Little heart, may it beat
    for Your will and no other
    Little ears, may they hear
    the still small voice of the Lord

    Lord keep Your hands upon our little Gwyneth
    love and guide her, Jesus walk beside her
    Lord keep Your hands upon our little baby
    Our precious gift from above.

    Little feet, may they walk
    on the straight and narrow path
    Little mouth, may it proclaim,
    the goodness of the Lord

    Lord keep Your hands upon our little Gwyneth
    love and guide her, Jesus walk beside her
    Lord keep Your hands upon our little baby
    Our precious gift from above.

    And when she's grown, and we are gone,
    we pray Your name she carries on
    And by Your will, Oh Lord let it be
    that she'll live with us for eternity.

  15. I'm so excited for ya'll and can't wait!!! I always love your videos, Nate and it will be so amazing to see how far sweet Gwyneth has come... Such a Miracle!!!
    Praying your trip to Duke goes smoothly....

  16. January 8th- 1 year. Amazing!!!!!

  17. 2008 was such a crazy year for you guys! wow i can't believe how the time has flown by and how far you all have come. Truthfully, I really didn't think yours would be a happy ending when I started reading this blog. Your faith and trust in your religion and each other and just life in general is absolutely beautiful. Happy Birthday Gwyneth!!!

  18. I can't believe it's been a whole year!!! So much has happened in your lives since this day last year but WOW!! Hasn't so much of it been wonderful! Happy Early Birthday, Gwyneth Rose!!!
    Emily in Mississippi

  19. Yes, indeed, a very special birthday for a very special girl. And a HAPPY BIRTHDAY it will be. May God bless your preparations and may the par-tay go wonderfully.

  20. You deserve to celebrate for the whole month!

    Have fun with the Duke friends.

  21. I hope both your girls feel better for the big event!!

  22. Nate, Sweet Gwyn needs bows!!!! Even if that baby girl is sick, a bow makes a girl look perfect.

    Happy Birthday, Gwyneth!!!

    Marty in Fort Worth

  23. Happy Birthday, Gwyneth!. . .Love the pic of you and her making the same face. The family resemblance is clear. E :)

  24. Little G, last year when you were born, I was so excited because I had been praying for your daddy and mommy and your safe arrival...and guess what?! You came on my birthday, which is really now your birthday, but I have to remind you that it is also Elvis' birthday, so that's cool:) Ask your dad about Elvis...maybe he's got a good impersonation?! Continuing to pray for you guys on this journey we call life! Adrienne in CO

  25. Happy Birthday sweetie pie! Hope you and mommy are feeling better, I look forward to all the fun stuff your Daddy has in store for you.

  26. Wow, a whole year already. What a blessing to have both your girls by your side and I can't wait to see how you all celebrate. God's blessings to you all.


  27. Celebrate indeed! God is faithful and has blessed you all! What a beautiful little girl Gwyneth is, and will continue to be. :)

  28. What a HUGE BLESSING!! I can not believe she is turning a year!!!! What a year for all of you, and us in blogland HAHA. Congratulations!!!!!

  29. How exciting Gwyneth will be 1 year old! What a precious gift.

  30. Hi Nate! I wanted to post a birthday wish for Gwyneth on my blog. I would like to include a picture, as well as add your link. I want to make sure it is all right with you to do that. Here is the link:

    Just let me know if you prefer I didn't.

    Kindly, Lorraine

  31. Happy Birthday Gwyneth! I can't believe a year has already flown by watching you grow up strong and healthy.

    Nate & Tricia:

    A dear friend of mine had her first baby in October. They nearly lost their baby due to an unknown/foreseen heart problem. They eventually got to go home but again have landed back into Children's Hospital again after they nearly lost her for the second time. The doctor's are struggling to find answers as to what is going on but they believe she has a "spongy heart" which is a fairly new diagnosis (since 2006) and the future looks like she will likely need a heart transplant. This brings me to you...I have followed your blog through all of Tricia's transplants and enjoyed reading all your words and thoughts about organ donating. Devon, the mother, is scared and worried about the whole process (I would be too) and I thought maybe it would be cool/thoughtful if you could send a word of encouragement to her having been through a transplant process.

    Her email is or you can leave a message on her website which I have a link to on my blog labeled Baby Karlee.



  32. Happy Birthday Gwyneth! I can't believe a year has already flown by watching you grow up strong and healthy.

    Nate & Tricia:

    A dear friend of mine had her first baby in October. They nearly lost their baby due to an unknown/foreseen heart problem. They eventually got to go home but again have landed back into Children's Hospital again after they nearly lost her for the second time. The doctor's are struggling to find answers as to what is going on but they believe she has a "spongy heart" which is a fairly new diagnosis (since 2006) and the future looks like she will likely need a heart transplant. This brings me to you...I have followed your blog through all of Tricia's transplants and enjoyed reading all your words and thoughts about organ donating. Devon, the mother, is scared and worried about the whole process (I would be too) and I thought maybe it would be cool/thoughtful if you could send a word of encouragement to her having been through a transplant process.

    Her email is or you can leave a message on her website which I have a link to on my blog labeled Baby Karlee.



  33. I've been following your story of love and hope since the begining. I can't believe an entire year has passed. Thank you for continueing to share with us. The pictures are always precious. (BTW-the "SICK" one proves whos daughter G is. Talk about mirror imaging)

    I'm getting Lasik on Thursday but I'll be thinking about you and your family. Maybe I can wear Pink Sun glasses.


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