
Friday, January 30, 2009

CFHusband Lost Video (01)

This video is one of our Lost Videos. It was shot in the NICU just an hour or two before we brought Gwyneth "home" from the hospital on May 15, 2008.




  1. Cute video! We love it! Show more!

  2. wow. you're not kidding. those videos are really emotional--I'm getting choked up and I've never even met you. It is just amazing to see a video like this and visually see where God has brought you through and where he has brought you to. I count it a privilege to have followed your story. thank you, again, for sharing your stories with us. it reminds me to give thanks, in everything, give thanks.

  3. What an emotional, love filled day that was. My oldest son spent the 1st 3 weeks of his little life in the NICU when he was born as well.He was also a preemie.Watching your video just made me run and give him huge hugs.Thanks for sharing your special times with us.

  4. LOVE IT!!! made me cry, brings back the memories of when my husband & I brought home our little one. Love the "preemie grunts", faces (yours too Nate), everything. Truly amazing.


  5. Beautiful video. As you mentioned in your previous post, some of the video's may mean nothing or be "boring" (like that would happen) to anyone else, but I really don't think that will be the case. I just love seeing how far your family has come considering the obstacles that you all have overcome. You 3 are an inspiration to us all... Never give up.
    Elaine from MT

  6. It's amazing to look back,isn't it? Great video!

  7. it is absolutely amazing to see how much she has grown. i know that is a trite thing to say, but it's really true! when i think of all you have been thorough. what a testimony!

  8. that was great. I'm approaching my 24th week of pregnancy and ever now and then I go back to the original posts of when Gwyneth was born and think that's how big this little one will bee in just a few days.

  9. Wow, that reminds me so much of our NICU days. Gwyneth had the exact same bed our Abby had at the very end of her 6 month stay... with a mobile too.

    She looks so perfect and little. It's so exciting looking forward to taking such a special baby home!!

    I love seeing other people's NICU videos. We rarely watch ours b/c it's emotionally too draining re-living all the drama again. Too many painful days.

    I'm so glad Gwyneth did so well.

    Nate, your crazy faces reminds me so much of my hubby in our videos. Some times you can't help but be silly in stressful times.

    Thanks for sharing!

  10. #1. Nate you're a dork. Nice "words of wisdom" there at the end.

    #2. What is Tricia saying when she says, "It's May 15th 2008, _________ after Mommy was discharged"?

    It sounds like she's saying 26 years?

    Just curious.

    Oh, and HOLY MOLY has Gwyneth grown! Wow.

  11. Thank you for continually opening up and sharing your life with the rest of the world. Keep telling your story!!!!

  12. Wow, she has come a long way! Thanks for sharing. I look forward to seeing the others.

  13. i am so emo right now.. having been honored enough to follow your story this hit my heart harder than i expected. what a joy to watch you all grow. a true reminder of the power of God.

  14. Sweet, sweet family! I can imagine how happy you must have been!!

  15. Please say a prayer for this family:

  16. Aww. I can't believe how small Gwyneth looks compared to now. Just shows how far she has come - how far all 3 of you have come - since that video was taken!!

  17. Such a beautiful and special day for the three of you in this video. Few words, an abundance of blessings in the stillness of that room. The feeling of God whispering that He would be with you wherever you go. And He has been so faithful to you this past year with all that you have come up against. I am still praising Him for Tricia being healed and Gwyneth growing so beautiful. You are a wonderful husband and father Nate and I know He is pleased with you. Have a wonderful weekend with your girls.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  18. Too precious...

    It's amazing to think back to how small she was. Even though she's ginormous there compared to your first photos.

  19. Just amazing. Thanks for sharing!!

    (Shame on me for thinking "Lost Videos" meant spoofs that the three of you made about the tv show LOST, though. I was really looking forward to that... All the sun I've been getting must have gotten to my head. Sorry, one last jab to make you sick. I'll stop now.)

  20. I love this video! Such a scary and exciting day, I'm sure!

    I especially like the stealth co-op surveillance of the nurse! I wonder if she follows your blog???hehe!

    refreshing in ohio

  21. What a precious video! I'm looking forward to more :)


  22. Oh, I remember the day she went home 'cuz it's my birthday. She's so cute in this video.

  23. Awwww. It must have been exciting and nerve-racking taking her home, so tiny! Your journey always amazes me.


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