
Friday, January 23, 2009

Cooing Is For Sissies

One of the most fun things about being a parent is watching Gwyneth discover new noises and facial expressions. I'm sure other parents know what I'm talking about, but she'll literally get stuck on making a sound for weeks or even months at a time, only to discover a new sound.

Amazingly enough, in the video below, she actually demonstrates three of her favorite sounds. The first is a growl, which she got stuck on about 2 months ago, the third is the raspberry that she was stuck on between 5 and 8 months old, and the second/middle sound you'll hear just briefly is something that she only discovered last has become her new favorite, taking about 90% of every sound that comes out of her mouth. I actually witnessed her discover this new guttural sound, and I'd tell you how she came about it, but it's a bit disgusting (it's related to her cold).

She tends to only growl these days when she's conversing with her old friend Monkey, or when she's frustrated at something and pretends she's The Incredible Hulk. The raspberry (which was superbly displayed in this video, I might add) has become a rare treat.



  1. I mean it just doesn't get any cuter than your raspberries.

    Loved it.

  2. Adorable! I love the raspberry at the end with the tongue out. Very cute video of Gwyneth.

  3. way too precious! she is getting so big!! :) enjoy all those moments! :) soon it'll be mama & dada - those will be the MOST precious sounds! :)

  4. I am a new CFH junky and have fallen in love with your beautiful family! I do believe I am older than you Nate but maybe it would work..will you adopt me? When those tears came to your eyes in the interview about your girls, it was too precious. Thanks for sharing your story!

  5. That. was. AWESOME!
    Soooo cute. Has she started "talking" to you yet? When my kids started jabbering at me with meaning (at least to them), I was useless. I neglected my house and pretty much everything else because I just wanted to "converse" with them.
    Enjoy her, guys! (I know you do)...she's so sweet!

  6. Oh my.. the raspberry WAS way superb.. rated a 10 out of 10 by my 8 year old son (you cannot.. I repeat CANNOT) get any better than that! But the growl.. now that is a masterpiece! Not so sure about that little blip between the two... I need to hear more! Don't you just love technology!

  7. So cute! Our little one has growled for about a month now but it's slowly's so fun to watch them learn!!!

  8. too cute...My nephew did something like that after his cold too....he discovered it while trying to get the slime and nasty stuff out of his throat. Gross!

  9. Her grandmother makes similar noises.

  10. Adorable video! She'll soon be saying dadadadada and mamamama.

  11. sooo sweet! I love the rasberry! I got my kids to talk by repeating one word over and over and over and over until they couldn't stand it anymore and said it just to shut me up.

    I got to babysit my friends 2 yr old and twin almost 1 yr olds today and it was so much fun and I loved getting the wet kisses. Such a fun age! Enjoy every minute!

  12. So cute...I love the raspberries! It was almost like she was disgusted at her toys for not talking back to her so she told them how she felt about it. :)

  13. That is so cute!! I love funny baby noises!!! Your videographer skills are rivaled only by your blogger skills!!!! Keep up the good work!
    Emily in Mississippi

  14. Awww, she just gets cuter and more beautiful all the time!

  15. That made me laugh. She is adorable. What a treat to have that all in one video. I love watching her grow and learn new things thru your blog. Keep up the good work.

  16. Omg, that is too funny! I love it!! One of my girls does something similar - maybe they are learning to use their throats??

  17. that is too stinking cute. keep up the good work Gwyneth!

  18. That last sound was the icing on the cake!

  19. Oh.My.Goodness! That growl is awesome!

    I just posted a video of my little one (she is 7.5 months old) "talking" while she chews on her spoon. I swear she says I LOVE YOU at one point on the video.

    Kara is also a master razzberry maker. Gotta love those noises!

  20. I think she's practicing for something.

    I'm picturing a playdate some time in her future. Some other child, we'll call him Cody, goes to steal a toy. Your bundle of joy pulls out her "business voice." Cody slinks back in terror.

    Mission accomplished.

    Encourage those skills!

  21. That growl has me in tears! Such a hoot. Enjoy the baby noises they are gone b4 u know it.

  22. She's really telling that toy who's boss, huh? So cute!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Ok Ok I am sort of cheating....but I missed the deadline for the caption contest....I live in Japan so I thought you might have mercy.
    Remember.....God's mercy is new every morning!
    Anyway, if I could have posted on time I would have written.....
    SOCK it to CF!

  25. oh, just too cute! i love the growl.
    my oldest son had a little octopus he would 'chat' with all the time

  26. Way to go baby girl!!! You show that monkey who's boss!

  27. Thank God...someone else's kid growls. Mine has been doing it for months and embarrassing me in stores and such. I'm so relieved that other babies do this! :) Adorbale video!

  28. hahaha she sounds like Al Pacino... Whooooo wahhhhhh lol

  29. I love it when babies are first learning to "talk". So sweet!

    Just wait until she starts a two minute long string of syllables (complete with hand gestures and facial expressions). That's funny stuff!

  30. I love the sounds babies make...shes so cute. Thanks for sharing.

  31. don't know what that monkey said to her, but she sure is givin him the business.

    LOVE watching little ones discover, grow and develop.

  32. WONDERFUL! Jackson and Ellie watched it at least 50 times. They thought it was hilarious!! Nothing like a raspberry sound to make other kids laugh. :) Thanks!

  33. How funny! This cracked me up!

  34. you go tell him who is the BOSS...

  35. That is hilarious and adorable. I love that growl! Erika :)

  36. Did all those sounds really come out of that sweet little baby munchkin in all of 21 seconds?

    Oh yes it did and it has me cracking up laughing hard!!! Thanks for sharing it was a treat.

  37. I can't stop laughing. She is so adorable!! I love it!! Thank you so much for sharing! Please send more! hehe

  38. Oh my good gravy, that's is just about the cutest thing I've seen in a long time.

  39. Hey Nate just wanted to let you know I did a CF post and linked to you and Tricia's Blog. Thought I'd give you a heads up.

  40. Loved it. . she has certainly mastered the growl! Way to go, Gwyneth!!

  41. My kids all did the growling thing too, it's so funny.

  42. That is hilarious! Awesome video. I was laughing!

  43. Okay so I check on you guys on a daily basis but have been out of the loop for a few days. I just discovered the video of Gwyneth and her Incredible Hulk impersonation. I must say, this little cutie had me in stitches! And the raspberry at the end was just an added bonus.
    Hope everything is going okay and you are enjoying the new house. Hope Tricia is doing and feel well.
    Take care!

  44. it really looks like she doesn't like that monkey at all! How funny! Thanks for sharing! I know what you mean about falling in love with the sounds your child makes. At night, around 7pm our son suddenly gets a burst of energy and uses it all up by running around our apt, talking, singing, yelling and crashing into our legs. I never get tired of watching the whole show!


  45. THAT is stinkin' hilarious!!! That girl's got some lungs!!!! Watch out!

  46. That is hilarious. Very cute video. I miss those days....they grow up so fast. You blink and they're 7 going on 13.

  47. thanks for making me smile. give that gorgeous girl a hug from me!

  48. that was most excellent. worthy of our family entertainment

  49. That is the cutest video ever! I could listen to that growl forever, such a little ham that Gwyneth Rose.

  50. That is SO cute!!! Add some commentary and you'd have a great AFHV submission! That growl is just too adorable!!!

  51. Oh my goodness - that's adorable!!

  52. She is just insanely adorable!!

  53. It doesn't get any better than that as a parent to witness those moments! So cute

  54. I hope you are not offended by this, if so please delete it. I have noticed before in your videos of Gynneth that her eyes sometimes roll back. I have seen something similar in children with Epilepsy. My daughter also has Epilepsy so I thought it was worth mentioning. Maybe I am just seeing things. She is beautiful and I am so glad she is doing so well.

  55. Ok that definately needs to be sent to America's Funniest Home Videos! Absolutley Adorable!!

  56. That is just the cutest video ever! I love that she 'growls' at her monkey. I wonder what kind of conversation they're having? =D

  57. That is so precious. It has been amazing watching her journey. She is soooo adorable. Great Video!

  58. That is some of the funniest video I've seen in a while! The growling is hilarious!

  59. Made my day...this is so precious. Take as many videos as's so hard to conjure up a memory...and being able to relive it again and again is priceless!

  60. Oh geez! Could that bay be any cuter?!

  61. Oh MY. That is just too much!! So cute. I could watch it all day!!!

  62. How cute... she is getting so big...

  63. "I am Gwyneth, hear me roar" adorable!

  64. That was absolutely adorable. It's so wonderful to see how far she has come.

  65. Holy cute can you get??? I just laughed through that whole thing. I love the growl! Well, I loved them all...but that growl is just about the cutest thing ever.

    She has so much gusto when she does it! Future singer on Daddy's worship team perhaps?? :)

  66. Im going to go vote for the caption winner....but I also like

    "Put'em Up - Put'em Up" the cowardly lion on wizard of oz.

    Too cute.

  67. That has to be THE cutest video I have ever seen:) Priceless:)

  68. Make a Joyful noise to the Lord! How sweet is that video! I LOVE it! Just a reminder of how God is so good! You've come a long way baby!

  69. My daughter made sure we watched this more than once, as the noises Gwyneth makes in the video are quite funny! Thanks for sharing.

    ~Sara in MD


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