
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

First Snow!

Although we did get a short flurry a few months ago, this is Gwyneth's first big snow. She wasn't sure what to think, but we could tell that she was noticing the snow hit her face...she smiled a lot, so we'll assume that she enjoyed it. It was just above freezing and the snow was very wet, which meant it stuck to everything and made us very wet, so we stayed out just long enough to grab a few pics....

It literally snowed all day long, which is crazy for these parts. I'd guess we got a couple of inches, although it's already melting and will probably be all gone within the next 48 hours. We also went down to the ocean to check, but, as always, snow doesn't stick to sand because the ocean is so warm...oh well.

I've posted a few more great photos over on My Photo Blog!



  1. Those are great pictures...we just got flurries for about 45 minutes!! Maybe next time!!

  2. No snow here yet... a very mild winter so far...

    When you are ready, and interested, I would really like to put your story in Serious.Life Magazine... contact me if interested.

    Brent Riggs (Abby's Dad)

  3. What fun! The family snow photo is so nice. Glad you were able to enjoy the snowy weather!!

  4. i've given you a GREAT ATTITUDE award!
    see here:

  5. We got some snow here too, just about 1.5 hours south of Raleigh. But, by this afternoon all but the shadiest parts of the yard had melted.

    *Sigh* It's so sad to see it go.

  6. I found your blog through My Charming Kids. Great pictures of you and your family. I'm in Jersey and we have yet to get any substanital snow!

  7. Love the snowy photos!

    You guys sure seem to be enjoying the weather no matter how strange it is for your neck of the woods.


  8. Are those palm trees...with snow?

    Looks beautiful and fun!

  9. you guys are so cute! Love the family pic!

  10. I'm so jealous! I have been wanting it to snow up here (a real snow--no fluuries!) since December. Glad you were able to enjoy the beautiful winter weather. Thanks for sharing the adorable pictures. You guys are so cute!

    ~Sara in MD

  11. Wow, it looks like life is "normal" for you guys! We are excited for you all. Welcome to your home, enjoying the baby, and playing in snow. We pray for you all everyday and will continue! Thanks for sharing your life with us.

  12. So cute! The trees in the background are gorgeous with the snow clinging to the branches like that. Looks like you have some beautiful warm winter outdoor wear...glad you had a chance to use it! :) Next year, a snowman! :)

  13. As a NH-erite... its sooo funny to see snow clinging to somewhat tropical looking plants lol

    Glad you had fun in it :)

    this was our NH snow play day :)

  14. Ive always wanted to see the ocean is a snow storm.
    Great guys sure are a beautiful family, thank you for sharing your life with us.

  15. The pictures in your photo blog are great! It does look like y'all had a great first snow day. Right about now, I'm sick and tired of boots, we've had so much snow up north in the past few weeks. It is beautiful, though.

  16. Of course God gave you snow! Just seeing the three of you out there in it makes me think back to this time last year and where these girls were. I just love your miracle that keeps going and going. What a blessing. By the way, it has been in the 70's here in California, ugh. We need to get back to some winter weather here. Blessings to you all.


  17. We had snow this week too; just not as much as I want. Hopes for a snow storm are possibly coming my way early next week. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

  18. Looks like you all had a good time. We are sick and tired of the snow up here in WV, so it was nice to see someone enjoying it! I love that you take so many pictures of will be a great gift to give her later.

  19. Frank was waiting to see these all day. I think wee Gwyn is looking a bit like a " Jersey Girl".

  20. love the pictures! Glad to see that GR had a blast in her first real snow storm. snow on the tongue is always a good time (as long as it's not yellow that is!).

    you can check out snow on sand pictures

  21. The pictures are so sweet. I am glad you got to go outside and see the snow!

    I have to laugh a little because today in MN (1-21-09) it is sunny and 31 degrees and us Minnesotans are going without jackets and hats and mittens. It is a heat wave compared to our -30. And then I look at your pictures and it is about 30 degrees and you guys are all bundled up trying to stay warm! Too funny!!

  22. Absolutely precious photos! You all are so blessed and I love seeing how the Lord is working in your lives. :)

  23. would you believe me if I told you they closed all of the schools in our area in ANTICIPATION of snow? not a single flurry fell. oh how the west must be laughing at us!

  24. Don't you wonder what they are thinking? The first time we took our little one out a few months ago, my husband was pulling her in the sled and she lost her balance and went face first into the snow. Needless to say, fun in the snow was over for the afternoon!

  25. I don't know how much you got in your neck of the woods, but down here at Pope Air Force Base we got 6 inches! Nothing makes a Wisconsinite living in North Carolina happier than snow! Maybe your New Jersey girl knows that feeling too :)


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