
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Head Up!

Gwyneth and I got to test out the playability of our new floor the other night while Tricia was out ...



  1. Kid videos are so fun! I just put one up of SpideyLandis finally "going potty like Peter Parker!"

    Brent (Abby's Dad)

  2. Wow!! I have never been this early commenting on here before!

    Cute!! She is growing so much all the time.

  3. That was such a cute video. Thanks for sharing with us!

  4. Oh, that was hilarious! That first part where you both just looked up, and you looked EXACTLY alike! Too funny!

  5. I just love seeing Gwyneth on video! And its amazing to see how small she still is compared to you, yet knowing how much she has grown!! She is just a doll! So cute!

  6. Thanks for sharing your adorable video! Gwyneth is such a cutie!!! Good to see you having fun in the new house.

  7. Just precious!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

    God Bless~

  8. Hi! I've stopped by your site a few times before but I've never left a comment. You and your family are so incredibly inspiring!! Gwenyth is beautiful and Tricia sounds like such a strong woman.

    My little cousin, Alison, has CF. They found it a few days after she was born, and she just turned 11 or 12 on New Years Eve. She's doing really well, but I'm a big supporter of the CF foundation, which is why I find your blog so interesting :)

    I don't write anything on my blog--it's just a "101 things in 1001 days" list. But, anyway, I'll probably keep reading yours if that's alright! And, by the way, that video is adorable, as is the one of her growling below :)


  9. She is so precious and didn't seem very impressed by you Nate! LOL!

    Also, I knew she was tiny but I didn't realize how much of a peanut she was until she was playing with your hands. She's absolutely adorable!

  10. Sooo cute!

    She reminds me of my own little peanut.

    Thanks for sharing!

  11. Gee whiz. I thought those googly eyes were killer, and then I noticed that hair! Love it!

  12. That was so cute!! And BTW Gwyneth looks so much like you! It is very obvious in this video. She has grown and changed so much, it is amazing to watch.

  13. babies make some of the most adorable faces and don't even know they are making them... what a priceless gift.

  14. So cute to see her still so tiny, yet so grown up. I love the part where she's playing with your hands. And Meka's feet in the background... back and forth, back and forth...

  15. I like how Meka comes and gets her toy, like "I don't think so!" Haha

  16. I enjoyed that. I think that the part where you were holding her with her holding your hands would make some beautifull Gwyneth photo's

  17. You're a good Dad, Nate :) And love Gwyneth's facial expressions :)

  18. LOVE the hair...Gwyneth's that is :)

  19. Almost unbearably cute. She's doing a lot of the same things as my son (5 mos. old), and our family is having a lot of fun watching yours. :)

  20. My almost two son, Sam really enjoyed that! As did I. I laughed out loud when she rolled cute!

  21. Maybe the hand gazing reminds her of all those NICU months when God had her in the palms of his hands. :)

  22. You are such a great Daddy! Great job holding your head up Gwyneth!!!

  23. Now that was just cute.....The music from my blog was playing (Natalie Merchent's song Wonder), it was so fitting!

  24. OMG......You guys make me laugh. I love her curly red hair on top, her laugh, she is so adorable!!!!

    Here are some (((((((( HUGS)))))))


  25. She is going to have the most beautiful hair! It is so lovely already. And, she sure has a fascination with hands. Her hands, your hands(fingers). Amazing.

  26. Oh my gosh, that was so fun! You remind me of my brother-in-law. When my sister would be gone at work he would take pictures all of the time with their son! He would end up with like 100 pictures from just an hour of time.

    Gwyneth is so sweet and it is fun to see her growing!! Are you guys just loving the house? How does Gwyneth like her new room?

  27. So did the floor pass the test?

  28. She rolled over! Was that her first time? What a good little girl!

  29. "I hate being on my stomach, I hate being on my stomach...why do they make me do this?" lol.

    I love though, how she quieted right down when she was in your arms. Sweet.

    She's getting so strong!!

  30. I'm so glad to be able to comment a hallelujah on a post of you playing on the floor with your daughter in your arms remembering a year ago. How great is our God! :)

  31. You have to be one of the funnest dads ever! I love the video. You look like you and your girl have so much fun together.


  32. I love this video...My favorite part is the very end, when she starts to rub your hand. I wish you had a still of her laying in your hands.. that would make an awesome picture :)

  33. Isn't it amazing how small her hands are compared to yours!! But, in equal amazement, how much her hands have grown! What a fun video of the two of you (+ Meka) playing around. p.s. My floors smell like feet too! :(

  34. She is so cute. I love how you can hear your dog running around all over the place. I also love the little sounds she was making.

  35. You really get a perspective on how tiny she is in this video. She a such a good looking baby. I wish i could reach in and hold her. <3

  36. Absolutely adorable! You two were having far too much fun! :)

  37. So cute!! Love it when you put your hands under her arms and she's like, 'hey...what are these cool new things to play with?!' Her head control is getting so much better!!

  38. She is so adorable! Thanks for sharing this with us!

  39. good depiction of how tiny she still is wow. She is so sweeeeeeet.

  40. I was struck with how you held her, your big hands cradling her sweet little body. And it made me think of God, holding YOU... and I got this very, very cool mental image of YOU in His hands while Gwyneth was in yours...

  41. How cute! Floor time is the best time. I love how she surprised herself by rolling over. Thanks for sharing.

  42. Oh my gosh you had me laughing out loud! I cracked up when she rolled over & bumped her head (I know, only a parent would giggle at that) & then when you grabbed the dog's toy & she came & took it back. LOL :)

    That baby is so cute but she still looks so small to me - compared to your hands! I'll have to go back & find where you tell her weight.

    Just precious. :)

  43. I LOVE it! Her little voice is absolutely adorable! What a wonderful blessing to wake up to every morning:-)
    Lee in TN

  44. So cute! I think she is looking at your wedding band thinking, "Man, that thing used to fit on my arm? Gosh I have grown!"

  45. Watching her play with your hands was great! :)

  46. Little emotional this morning...All I could think of when I saw her playing with your hands was #1 A picture of that would be awesome on your wall. #2 Just as you were cradling Gwyneth in your hands, God has cradled you, Tricia and Gwyneth as you've taken this journey. It was the perfect picture of God loving His children...

    Thank you for sharing that!

  47. WAY TOO CUTE! Love the roll. Ellie immediately yells "BABY GWYNETH!!!" everytime we see a new video.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. well, i would say that she did not roll over, but that you kissed her too!
    and like many said before: you look VERY alike!


  50. This video is so cute! Your hands in the video really help show perspective of how small she is still. Sometimes it's hard to tell in your pictures.

  51. She is so cute! Looks like getting into the crawling position won't be too far off. It ought to be fun this summer when she is mobile and into everything!

  52. Thanks for the precious video!!! Gwyneth is so adorable - I smiled all through the video! Praying God's blessings on your family for 2009!

  53. Wow that was adorable! Especially when her eyes go all googly!!
    I was wondering how do preemies develop? Like how do they hit their developmental milestones if they are still working on growing?

  54. I love Gwyneth's hair! So cute!
    So I know that Gwyneth's adjusted age is much younger than 1 yr., but I was just wondering if she is getting any PT or OT at this time to help her catch up from "lost time" in the NICU plus her small size?

  55. She is sooooo precious and cute. So tiny too. She looked at your hands with such amazement. I have to say it make me think of our Heavenly Father holding us in His hands. How large He is and how small we are.

    Keep up the great growing there Gwyneth. Your gonna be a knock-out. You can already steal the heart of anyone. :)


  56. Precious! I love the part where she rolls over. and her hand resting on yours at the end is sweet.

  57. It still looks like she is just too small for your hands. But it looks sooo cute!! She really is adorable! (Don't know what she is like when the camera is off, naturally;)



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