
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Uncle Frank

Uncle Frank is probably the best uncle any of his many nieces and nephews have...ask anyone on the Kirschner side, and they all have a story about how Frank has the magic touch to calm and sooth any crying baby. As you can tell, Gwyneth thinks he's pretty much the bomb...



  1. What an adorable picture! I've seen him before in many of your family photos.

  2. Fraaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnk! Come to NJ!!!

  3. It is so true! Josh was so into Frank as a baby. Frank could ALWAYS get Josh to stop crying, even when I couldn't.

  4. Awww! We can all use a Uncle Frank i our lives. Very tender picture, love it.

  5. How precious. I keep praying that my kids will be able to have relationship with their uncle. What a sweet relationship. And what a guy!

  6. My kids often read over my shoulder when I'm checking on blogs. My oldest looked in today as I was checking out Gwenyth's latest pics.

    He said, "Who's that?"
    I said, "Do you remember the baby that was born very premature and her momma has CF?"
    He said, "Oh yeah, the pug baby."

    Hope you think that's cute!

  7. Oh if only everyone could have an Uncle Frank. What lucky kids.

  8. great pic. my dad was like that with my kids, was always able to calm them down.

  9. even from that angle you can tell he's got kind eyes.

    and she's got adoring eyes.

    so sweet!

  10. Do you realize that your counter is heading toward 9,000,000? I have no idea how many hits you get each day, but you are probably about a week away from it. WHOAAAAA!

    Oh, and everyone needs an Uncle Frank! How sweet!

  11. My brother is the same as Frank and he also has that effect on my children as well as animals.

  12. We sure could use an Uncle Frank at 02h00 in our house!

    Could we borrow him?

  13. Babies love a person who has a child-like sweetness to them. I can that in Frank in any of the pictures you've ever posted of him!

    What a blessing for Gwyneth to have a great uncle like him!

  14. Aww, Frank used to play street hockey with my dad and the rest of the Carter bunch. I'm sure if he's ever in NJ on a Saturday morning, they'd love to have him play for old times! =)

  15. That is a priceless shot - see so much love there in both of them.

  16. So weird, I had an Uncle Frank who just unfortunately passed away after a long battle with cancer, and he was MY FAVORITE uncle, by far. I miss him so much. Uncle Franks are the best. :)


  17. I love this pic. I've seen Uncle Frank in many of your family photos and I've always thought he looked like a fun person to be around and really caring too.

    You know...we have many crying babies here in Scotland, so Uncle Frank...if you could come visit I'm sure there are many frazzled mums would really appreciate it!!



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