
Monday, February 16, 2009


I grew up going to this aquarium at least once if not twice a year. It's probably the smallest aquarium in the world, but it's very cool to take Gwyneth to places that I can remember visiting when I was a kid. Although her eyesight inhibits her from seeing everything, the contrast, bright colors and the reflections in the water definitely kept her attention most of the time.

Tricia loves turtles and otters...

The highlight of my day...

Definitely NOT from the waters off of NC...

Not a great pic, but seahorses are so cool...

We couldn't believe they let this one roam free...

Gwyneth was diggin' the frogs.

We grow 'em big here...

A Ginormous shark you think it's real?



  1. Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing.

  2. She is so cute! I didn't know that her eyesight was inhibited. Will that b repaired?

  3. It's a Baby Bjorn! I love that thing. Comfortable and so easy to throw in the washer along with all the other baby stuff. Unfortunately, it's a little out of my prince range, so I make do with the slightly cheaper Snugli.

  4. to cute! was gwyneth feeding the alligator cheese doodles? I hear that's their fave snack;)

  5. Cute pics! Thanks for posting! Tricia, the pixie is adorable on you! You have such a beautiful face!

  6. Hey! We've been to that aquarium! Great pictures.

  7. That looks like a lot of fun!

    Sometimes the "big" attractions (theme parks, aquariums, etc.) are just TOO big to really enjoy. You have to rush from exhibit to exhibit to see everything...That place looks like a great place to spend a day taking one's time and exploring.

  8. Something to take Gwyneth's mind off her fingers! lol Looks like she really was fascinated by it.

  9. Ahhh, a girl after my own heart! I love turtles and otters, too. Baby turtles might possibly be *the cutest* member of the reptile and amphibians worlds.

  10. What a fun thing to do! Love Tricia's haircut now - it is perfect on her! Your family is in my prayers daily.

  11. Looks like a nice aquarium, your pictures make me want to go. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Lovely pictures! Do I see her sitting up alone in one of them?

    Love the sleepy "Had enough now, Dad!" pictures at the end....

  13. we joined last year and it paid for itself because we went at least three times.
    the membership also got us in aquariums in Fl. for free.
    and it gets you in the NC Zoo for free.
    Membership is well worth it especially if you are going to the aquarium a couple times and the zoo once.

  14. I love aquariums! We went lots when I was growing up!
    Great pictures too!

  15. I have been trying to go to that aquarium for years but everytime we're down there, we spend too much time working on our sunburns. this year we will make it happen!

    tricia looks great!

  16. looks like everyone had a great time.

    LOVE all the hair Tricia!

  17. I LOVE otters! They are so cool!

    The girls both look the picture of health, you look not too bad too.


  18. wow that looks like fun! How cool to be able to pass on traditions like that...beautiful pictures!

  19. Thank you for the pictures! They are wonderful.

    I have amazing memories of visiting the aquarium on Belle Isle when I was little. The gardens, too. I believe all of that is gone now. Still, great memories.

    Praying every day for Gwyneth's little eyes.

  20. Hmmm...I don't think that's a real shark tooth...but then again there have been some gigantic sharks in history, but for the most part, it looks too...unreal. :)

    I am a big fan of sharks too, that would have been my most fav. spot at the aquarium as well. :-)

    Glad you all had a fun and blessed day!!
    Maybe next time will be the zoo?

    GOD bless and keep you all,

    Dawn in TX

  21. Looks like fun! Taking pictures in an aquarium can be tricky, but you pulled it off. I love otters and sea turtles too!! They're my favorites next to the dolphins

  22. I agree taking your little ones to places you have enjoyed as a child is the best. It is like looking at it through a child's eyes all over again.

  23. Aww, it looks like you guys had a fab afternoon! Gwyn looks like she is having a blast. Tricia's hair is perfectly adorable on her! Do the doctors know how damaged her vision is? Is it anything that can be repaired?

    Both my brother and I have congenital glaucoma. I was the lucky one, and haven't had a ton of vision loss from it. Well, at least from MY perspective, I haven't. I'm almost legally blind out of one eye, and have some vision loss out of the other. But, I can see to drive (during the day) and most importantly, see my baby! My brother on the other hand....hes had 19 cornea transplants, and the day that I gave birth in Oct., he was having his right eye removed. He now has a prosthetic. He is preparing to have another transplant (an artificial cornea tx) in his remaining eye to see if it will restore any vision.

    Ok, that was long...but my whole point was that even with vision loss, life is still awesome. I'm married and happy and have my first baby. My brother is in a happy relationship and in IT management at Creighton University. So, wether he vision loss is significant or small, or can or can't be repaired, in the end, everything still works out!

  24. is that the aquarium at fort fisher? I recognize the fish fountain out front but don't remember the giant crab and claw

  25. Is that a tooth from a megalodon?


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