
Monday, February 9, 2009

Eye Appointment Today

We're driving to VA this morning for Gwyneth's eye appointment. Hopefully things will, at least, continue to be the same with her lazy right eye, although we'd love to see an improvement.




  1. The absolute cutest pirate ever!

  2. Your girls are so cute! My 4 year old just walked up to the computer and said "Aww that baby looks like a pirate, did she get that at the treasure place?" AKA: I want a cool eye patch too. :)

    Hope her appt. goes well!

  3. I just had to say - Tricia looks SO healthy and gorgeous! Look at those rosey cheeks!

  4. Tricia--you look beautiful! I love your hair growning back, and you smile and eyes are breath taking.

  5. In prayers today. Hope all goes well.


  6. Tricia's hair is super cute!

    best of luck today.

  7. My Claire has a lazy left eye...she gets the glasses...they are of course broken, her eye is crossing again, and I wanna patch her to make her cute like G!

  8. Awww! I have congenital glaucoma, and had a terribly lazy right eye as a child. I had to wear the patches, and I also had surgery to tighten the muscles in my eye. It worked pretty well! I am keeping my fingers crossed for you guys!

  9. Don't they make smaller patches? Tee hee! How funny!

  10. Someone said ... Tricia looks Audrey Hepburn-ish. Sure does: beautiful!

  11. What a cutie! My almost 3 yr old saw Gwyneth's picture and said, "Mommy, that baby is a pirate!" I hope you're pleasantly surprised by an improvement when you visit the doctor. Good luck.

  12. Just wondering how you keep that patch on. We had to put a patch on our 15 month old when he had a corneal scratch, and he kept taking it off!

  13. I think we should be captioning this one! Eye eye, Captain Hook!

  14. hope things went well and you have a safe trip!

  15. I have a lazy eye that had to be patched as a child and have had 2 surgeries on as well. I have found very few disadvantages to being essentially blind in one eye...I can't see 3-D movies, but that is about it! Gywneth will do great! ;-) I love your blog. Your family is a wealth of inspiration.

  16. Just wanted to let you know that my family and several friends did Climb For a Cure...climbing up the IDS tower in the Twin Cities for Cystic Fibrosis and my family raised almost $500. There will be a cure someday!! Still praying!!

    -Hannah (twin cities, mn)

  17. AAARRGGGHH!! Aye Matey,
    What a cute pirate and she IS the treasure!!

    Shari NC

  18. that has got to be the cutest picture of someone wearing an eyepatch EVER! Are you teaching her pirate noises i think she'd be great at "yaaaaar!"

  19. just wanted to say i think tricia's hair is super cute!

  20. I know she's still a baby but she's still a girl, so with that said you should check out Heather Baileys blog. She has a 5 yr old who has to wear an eye patch for a lazy eye, and she made it all cute and girly-fied!

  21. My little abigayl is 3 is also having an eye surgery here in about two weeks...I will be praying for little gwen....but it is a quick and easy surgery Hugs

  22. I LOVE TRICIA'S HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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