Sunday, February 8, 2009

First Neighborhood Walk

We took our first walk around our neighborhood a few days ago. We LOVE the neighborhood we're's almost perfect in every way. We're really looking forward to spring and being able to spend more time outside!



Brent Riggs said...

Great pics... so happy you enjoyed the walk and love your neighborhood.

Brent (Abby's Dad)

Unknown said...

What a beautiful neighborhood. And Gwyneth's hat is so cute!

Elena said...

You look so happy. I'm so happy for you.

Penny said...

That sunset picture is gorgeous! Congrats on the new home. It looks great on y'all. :)

Melissa said...

That sunset is beautiful!!

MagzD said...

You guys look so happy ... that makes me happy :)

Mrs. Realife said...


Rebecca said...

That last shot is simply amazing!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful sunset picture! :) Very nice...and Trish looks great!

InDeeds said...

Evening walks are so fun!

Laurie in Ca. said...

Gorgeous sunset and Gwyneth looks like she is ready to go walking. I am anxiously waiting for some pictures of the outside of your house from the street, to see how you are tucked into the neighborhood. Please:) Love you guys.


Bonnie said...

that last picture (sunset) is un-flippin-believable!

The rest of them....a poignant reminder of God's grace and mercy! said...

What a blessing to have a home in a neighborhood you love. So good to hear!

momeeof3 said...

Love the picture of Gwyneth!
It is always fun to go on evening walks in the summer...little to cold in the winter.

Amy E. said...

Beautiful!! Congratulations on the new home, new neighborhood and a new chapter in life. Ain't God good?!

April said...

I just stumbled across your blog and read your backstory - what a miracle!!! Your daughter and wife are beautiful.
Thank you so much for sharing all you've gone through. I was blessed to read it.

North Carolina Mom said...

I love taking a walk. I bet your daughter and your dog had a blast!

Jamie said...

Great pictures!!! So glad the new digs are working out for you all. Enjoy!

Tammy C said...

Enjoy your walks.

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos, as usual. Outside, not quite spring, friends who are newly well, give a real good feeling. Thanks!


Nicole said...

I agree that the sunset picture is quite lovely! You all look SO happy! Congrats on your new home!

Brianna said...

Gasp! I love that picture of you and Tricia!! It's beautiful!