Monday, February 9, 2009

Write A Caption

This is Gwyneth on our new rug (carpets are bad for Tricia's health, area rugs are OK as long as they can be cleaned).

Write a caption for the picture below and win a mention of your name and your winning caption in a post if I think it's worthy enough (like that's anything super special...). You have until tomorrow (Tuesday) at 6pm EST to get your caption in!



A said...

"I am a flower in the garden of awesome!!"

Missy Myers said...

Anne Geddes eat your heart out!

Rebecca Meyers said...
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Annette said...

Im a lot cuter than they are!

The Adairsville Triangle said...

And in other news, Nate was experimenting with his new ray gun invention and shrunk the kid. We are just hoping the cat does not find her before he can get her fixed!

Courtney said...

"Poppies... Poppies. Poppies will put them to sleep. Sleep. Now they'll sleep!"

Rebecca Meyers said...

A new beautiful flower called the Miracle Rose.

Courtney said...

They love me, they love me not, they LOVE me!

Anonymous said...

Wait, I thought I was the white Rose blooming...

Misty Rice said...
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YoungNaNa said...

God's Perfect Bloom!

Misty Rice said...

Uh, dad those aren't Venus Traps are they?

Jaimie Kylene said...

It's a beautiful ROSE garden!

Jaimie Kylene said...
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bkmanary said...

Flower power to the flower child!
Vancouver, BC

mykidsmomx4 said...

Those Cabbage Patch kids have nothing on me!

Norma Kennedy Plourde said...

I'm the prettiest flower of all!

EMG said...

A beautiful Rose in the garden of life!

Mandy said...

"White rose between two thorns"

Ginger said...

I know I am the prettiest flower in the bunch,what do you know?

Unknown said...

"I'm just saying white roses are so much prettier!"

Molly said...

hmmm... so this is where babies come from.

Jodi said...

Gwyneth Rose blooming

Becky said...

Um, Daddy, are these things real? Yeah, yeah, I think I just saw that one move! RIGHT THERE! I swear it moved!

Jaime said...

"Uh oh, is that a bumble bee?"

Beth said...

One of these things is not like the other. One of these things just isn't the same....

House of Collinsworth said...

What's in a name? that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet;

Unless it's called a dirty diaper!

Pam D said...

A rose is a rose is a rose.. unless it's Gwyneth Rose, and then it's perfection!

Em said...

"I win, Mr. Flower, Me taller then you"

twin power mommy ♥ said...

"One Bite from the left makes you smaller...a bite from the right makes you bigger"

"a bite from what?"

"of the Flowers, of course!"

Beth said...

Mirror Mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?

The Barnes Crew said...

Didn't those flowers get the memo that this is suppose to be a rose garden? And why does that one have stuff in the middle of it?

MagzD said...

No caption, but I freakin' LOVE her ponytail!!!!!!

The High Family said...

Rosebud Blooming

cute pic and beautiful family!

~ Bobbi

Sarah H. said...

They keep telling me to stop and smell the roses...but these don't have a smell!

Sarah H. said...
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Sarah H. said...

They keep telling me to stop and smell the roses...but these don't have a smell!

Allison said...

First the stuffed dog, now they're comparing me to a flower on the rug?

Momof2bz said...

I read thru and couldn't think of topping Gwyneth Rose Blooming :)

Away2me (Deanna) said...

A rose between two thorns!

Anabelle said...

Everything's coming up daisies!

Jamey said...

Garden of Gwyneth.

Joan (Nana) said...

Hey over here "Don't you see me?"

Christie said...

She just looks like she is saying: (in valley girl speak)(if you even remember that)

Eww, like, it almost touched me, like, gross~!

Jodi said...

Look I Sprouted!

turtlemama said...

Gwyneth in Wonderland.

Brooks Family said...

"If a bee lands there, I am outta here"

Nadia said...

pick me! pick me!

The Macrae Family said...

Did I forget to mention that my allergies are acting up?

lee and hannah said...

umm, dad...i think you used too much miracle grow! :)

Tonia said...

"Our budding rose"

janice said...

"God's white rose in bloom."

Katie said...

darn it... Beth at 10:12 took mine :(

Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

Did I land somewhere over the rainbow...are there munchkins coming to get me?

DJones said...

Gwyneth in bloom

TupeloLove said...

These white roses have nothing on me.

Heather Nicole said...

"Pee-ewe. I think that flower soiled itself..."

Meredith said...

I'm not so creative and love the ones that people have come up with so far. Just wanted to say how sweet that picture is! Beautiful!

C said...

No flower can compare with this Rose!

Anonymous said...

I don't have a caption...but I just love the hair! :)

Rocnmom said...

I'm ok with them pretending I'm a flower on the rug but if they come at me with a vase of water, I'm outta here!

KELLY said...

I'm the perfect Rose Bud!

Unknown said...

Claritin, take me away...

lwb said...

Wait, don't move. If I'm a White Rose blooming... then what are these things?

RoseGirl said...

Apparently I chose the red pill...

Dave and Amy Carroll said...

Wuz that I smell?!?!?

Charles said...

She is just too cute! It definitely makes think of an Anne Geddes baby shoot. :)

Bethany said...

"What the heck are those things? I swear they are going to eat me!"

Ashley said...

I am by far the fairest flower of them all!

Kacy Jean said...

"Here I am, stuck in the middle again."

jill said...

"Everything's coming up Gwyneth Rose-es"

Very cute pic :)


Holly said...

"Maybe if I stay really still like this, they won't see me...."


ConfidentUntilCompletion said...

I think you should keep it simple,

"White Rose Blooming" true to your story!


Nicole said...

"I'm afraid to put my feet down - do you see the size of those plants?! There must be some really big bunnies around here!"

Jean Marie said...

"You KNOW I'm the cutest flower in the field!" :D

The Hanes said...

"These sure don't look like thorns!"

Rose said...

In Bloom

"Hello... It's Me Again..." said...

uh.... I have a stem in my.......

Amanda said...

Mom? Dad? This giant flower doesn't come with a giant bee, does it?

Robyn said...

"White Rose in Full Bloom" - she is adorable! Good luck with the eye appointment.

Erica said...

Blooming rose.

Mary Knapp Yahoo said...

"Three white roses blooming!"

Nothing catchy but oh so true!

Love the hair "sprout"!

Anonymous said...

"you know, daddy said that those are flowers, but i'm not that stupid...i KNOW that they're not real....."


Sarah said...

"That flower has more sprouts than I do...maybe if I sit here an meditate enough I can grow more..."


Sarah said...
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Sarah said...

Oops spelled something wrong...

"That flower has more sprouts than I do...maybe if I sit here and meditate enough I can grow more..."

Joyful said...

Bloom where you're planted.


Be different. Life is too short to be ordinary.

DeeMarie said...

- Hey, if I have to choose, I like talking to you.... You're more open.

ejorangenbrown said...

"The cheese doodle said 'eat me.' I didn't know I'd end up like Alice in Wonderland if I did."

ikidsmom said...

White Rose TOTALLY blooming!

ikidsmom said...

White Rose TOTALLY Blooming!

Kingston's Mom said...

I immediately thought "Pick me! Pick me!"
Then I looked through the comments, and as suspected, someone already used that one. Oh, well. It's still my caption!

April said...

"Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore"

Amber said...

My immediate thought was "Bloom where you are planted".

April said...

The purr-fect princess perched precariously upon the poppy, peering at the proceeding pollinators and prefering that they pause presently.

April said...

oops, double r on preferring

The Reading Gals said...

Everything's coming up roses!

-Wendy B

Kristen said...
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C.Beth said...

Gwenyth, Gwenyth, how does your garden grow?
With prayers, and love, and miracles, all lined up in a row...

Suzanne said...

If babies were flowers, I'd pick you......

Elizabeth said...

"White Rose Blooming" of course!!!

Kristina said...

I hope they don't think I am going to be a wallflower all my life!

Carol said...

I am the littlest steel magnolia.

Amy said...

I can't think of a caption right now but I love this picture; I think Gwyneth is a little freaked out by those flowers!


kel[E] said...

WHAT are you looking at flower?

Tamara said...

love grows here.

Unknown said...

Bloom where you are planted!

LA said...

So that's what I'm named after?!?

cmziall said...

"Is that pollen? ? ? I think I'm allergic to pollen!"

Jen said...

Gwyneth immediately regretted taking the Blue Pill.

Wendie said...

This Bud's for you.

SmWonder00 said...

I'm definitely cuter than a Cabbage Patch Kid!

Cristi said...

Beautiful Rose blossom!

amanda said...

"everybody says I'm growing like a weed....but I think these flowers are better looking"

TheDorothyFamily said...

"One of these things is not like the other, One of these things just doesn't belong; which one of these things is not like the other; Before I finish my song"

Yeah, Sesame street will forever be in my song memory!

Allison and Jeffrey Tomasek said...

"A kiss from a Rose"
"Everything's coming up roses"

Anonymous said...

Hey! What's that one doing? Show off! You KNOW I'm cuter!

Kristi-Anna said...

A Rose between two thorns!

Allison said...

"A Rose by any other name..."

Brown Eyed Girl said...

One, two, three, the middle flower is the one for me.

Family Centric said...

"Are you my Mother?"

(Dr Seuss)

Just the 5 of us said...

I can't come up with anything, but it's an adorable picture! I love all the captions that have to do with Gwyneth blooming. :o)

Rachael and Travis said...

Don't think for a moment that my daddy will think you're prettier than me!

Carmen said...

Look at me I can Float.......

Julie said...

Yep, the white rose is the prettiest.
Julie D. (FL)

Cindy said...

A garden of white roses in bloom....

lemonie said...

baby b[l]oomer!

Cindy said...

Ooops! I just responded using my "wrong" profile. Now I'm in my "right" one. Sorry!

ravenzwife (at) gmail (dot) com

Adayinthelifeofcandice said...

"be one with the rug, make like a flower, they cant see me!"

Princess Talana said...

Just because I'm a white rose that doesn't mean I have to stay her right? The one on my left is giving me a funny look!

Oakenfoldgrl said...

Who knew Alice in Wonderland was a reality show?

Julie said...

Everything's coming up roses!

Missy said...

"Wait a minute...I thought I was the flower child here. Who are these punks?"

FriedrichFamily said...

A rose by any other name...

Jenny said...

A rose by any other name..blah, I am SO much cuter.

(FF, Great minds..)

Anonymous said...

White Rose blooming! (Ofcourse!)

That was my first...but, as I scroll down I see it was almost exactly already used. So I'll also say:

White Rose ready to be picked...up.

Heather said...

"Dad, are you trying to cast me in the newest, Honey I Shrunk the Kids movie?"

3boymom said...

What you mean I don't smell like the other flowers in the bunch?

Amy said...

"A jewel in your garden."

Andy Lawrenson said...

Look at the size of those flowers man, They are Huge!

Nina Diane said...

everything is coming up roses...Gwyneth Rose that is!!

esusan94 said...

I Love Nina Diane's and Rachael and Travis' captions. :)

I think you got all the caption choices but how about this one:

"Don't forget to water me". :)

Julie Nickerson said...


The Oldham Family said...

A "Rose" by any other name still smells as sweet!

Becky in VA said...

Everything is coming up Roses!

Love to all.

Jenn said...

"Why do I only have one thing sticking out of the top of my head???"

Em said...

So THAT'S where babies come from!

Hershbine Family said...

Hi! I am a first time "poster" long time "follower". I just could not resist this precious picture! I Love It! so here is my attmept at a caption:
"Honey, I shrunk the kid!"

Lisa said...
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Sydney B. said...

So that's why they like to put my hair in pony tails!

CFHusband said...

Gwyneth on poppies and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things


Katy said...

Growing Gwyneth

Jaime said...

I don't have any cute caption that hasn't already been taken-however, I sure would like about 5 packs of those flower seeds if that's the result!!
L_O_V_E the pic!

Unknown said...

I knew I shouldn't have eaten that little cake with the 'eat me' sign!

Buttercup2489 said...

A Trio of White Roses in full bloom

Buttercup2489 said...
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Oma & Opa said...

Anyone can plant a flower seed but only God can make it grow!
Betty Ann

life with us said...

White Rose Blooming

life with us said...
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My2Girls said...

Ripe for the pickin'

Christy said...

Pucker up Butter cup

ladybug8030 said...

"I'm cute and sweet, but mommy and daddy say I'm a pistil".

Stephanie W. (Chesapeake)

fuzzandfuzzlet said...

Just another munchkin in a field of poppies.

Gizela said...

Look Ma! No hands!

Take care Nate and family.

Catherine said...

Where'd they get these giant flowers?!

Kimberly said...

"Ahhhhh finally, spring!"

Christie said...

"Listen here, I'm the white rose blooming!!!"

Winda said...

"Plucked from the Garden of Love"

Grin and Barrett said...

You love me.... You love me not... You love me.... You love me not... Oh, what am I saying, you all love me!

Manda said...

white rose - blooming

Bethany said...

I didn't have time to read the others, so if I repeat, I'm sorry! :)

"Everything's Coming Up Gywneth Roses"

jlmishler said...

Cabbage patch kids are back man!

meggy said...

white rose between two thorns - or thorn betwen two roses?

GreerPowers said...

Gwyneth Rose, the prettiest flower of all :)

ditarae said...

Cutie Petunias.

JuJu - said...

"I was arrested for being so darn cute -- what are you in for?"

Rachel said...

See, I can fly just as well as any genie!!! Hey, is that a flower?

Me said...

"Ummm....this is way worse than that thermometer."

Longtime reader, first time poster. You have an amazing family!

The Warden Family said...

I can't wait to be picked....this stem is getting uncomfortable!

Unknown said...

"I hope that bee realises I'm not actually a pretty flower.... it's looking at me kind of funny though"